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Need help! Electrical Engineering Draftsperson

elesedcelesedc MandaluyongPosts: 3Member
Hello guys! I have 1 year and 7 mos experience dito sa philippines. I'm a graduate of Computer Engineering. May brother ako sa Melbourne and i'm planning to apply for the skilled independent or relative sponsored visa problem is I dont know where to start for the skills assessment. Please help


  • snookysnooky Sydney
    Posts: 44Member
    Joined: May 25, 2014
    I am from Melbourne and you have a brother in Melbourne, Now thats an advantage. But set aside your plus points for the meantime. Lets concentrate on what you can offer. You are a computer engineer( big advantage) still, now here's the situation. What is the skill you acquired for 1 year and 7 mos. ( impress me). I may be able to see how skilled you are, Then I can give a good advice.
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