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Newbie here... anyone in Craigieburn or nearby suburbs?

nmundonmundo MelbournePosts: 11Member
edited October 2012 in Victoria - Melbourne
Hi everyone, just wondering if you know any pinoy groups here in Craigieburn or nearby suburbs? I am a stay at home mum with two toddlers. Nakakabore na kaya I want to know if there are pinoys here in the northern suburbs of melbourne. Bago lang din kc kami dito eh, used to be in the south-east suburb but due to husband's work we needed to transfer here. :)


  • aldousnowaldousnow Sydney
    Posts: 494Member
    Joined: Nov 16, 2011
    craigieburn sinasakyan ko train pauwi. sa Flemington ko malapit sa racecourse. :)

    Skilled – Family Sponsored (Migrant) Visa (Subclass 176)
    Nominated Occupation : Developer Programmer (261312)
    02/28/2011 - ACS Finalized the Case (261312, PIM3, Group A)
    03/07/2011 - IELTS Result Received L- 6.5, R-7.0, W-6.0, S-7.0, Overall Band Score-6.5 (BC)
    03/13/2011 - Lodged Visa Application (Online)
    11/09/2011 - CO Allocation
    12/02/2011 - Medicals Finalised
    12/02/2011 - FINISH LINE!! (Visa Grant)
    03/23/2012 - My first day @Melbourne
    04/14/2012 - Started looking for a .Net Developer job
    06/04/2012 - And finally got one! :)

  • bonzibonzi Melbourne
    Posts: 67Member
    Joined: Mar 15, 2011
    train buddies! craigieburn din sinasakyan ko, sa essendon naman :)
  • aldousnowaldousnow Sydney
    Posts: 494Member
    Joined: Nov 16, 2011
    train buddies! craigieburn din sinasakyan ko, sa essendon naman :)
    ahh ikaw pala yun! yung lage ko nakikita sa tren pag sumasakay ko. :P

    Skilled – Family Sponsored (Migrant) Visa (Subclass 176)
    Nominated Occupation : Developer Programmer (261312)
    02/28/2011 - ACS Finalized the Case (261312, PIM3, Group A)
    03/07/2011 - IELTS Result Received L- 6.5, R-7.0, W-6.0, S-7.0, Overall Band Score-6.5 (BC)
    03/13/2011 - Lodged Visa Application (Online)
    11/09/2011 - CO Allocation
    12/02/2011 - Medicals Finalised
    12/02/2011 - FINISH LINE!! (Visa Grant)
    03/23/2012 - My first day @Melbourne
    04/14/2012 - Started looking for a .Net Developer job
    06/04/2012 - And finally got one! :)

  • nmundonmundo Melbourne
    Posts: 11Member
    Joined: Oct 09, 2012
    Sorry, ngayon lang ulit nakapagcheck... Naku, ang layo nya naman aldousnow and bonzi eh..
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