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Cooper Lodge for UC students offer

jao.jundamjao.jundam BRUCE ACTPosts: 12Member
edited February 2017 in Accommodations
Hi guys! I'm Jao and I'm currently studying in UC and staying in Cooper Lodge.
I would just like to offer my room for those students who will be commencing their Uni on July as I might transfer to a location closer to my placement during that time. It is a good place to stay for those students who are quite new in Canberra as it is really close to UC, just about 1 minute walk or less (which includes the 24/7 library) and also to Westfield mall(15 minutes walk) and other fast food chains. My room is already furnished with bed, study table, bedside compartment, cabinet, electric fan, heater, two lamps and a cork board. I have three dorm mates which are really nice, we share the kitchen, two shower rooms and two toilets, and the living room, but we have our own separate rooms which can only be opened by our own card keys. If you're interested, you can email me at [email protected] so we can talk about the rate and I can show you some photos. It's quite more costly than some accommodations, just around 20-30 AUD difference but it's worth it. :)


  • jao.jundamjao.jundam BRUCE ACT
    Posts: 12Member
    Joined: Feb 18, 2017
    edited February 2017
    or Message me on FB, Jao Jundam. :D
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