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Looking for for car washer/ car detailer in Melbourne

tzrogailtzrogail Melbourne Posts: 1Member
edited March 2017 in Jobs-Seeking & Openings
Our company is looking for a guy who can work Monday to Friday and can drive to become car detailer/ car washer.
Training is provided as long as he knows how to drive.


  • Aiah1027Aiah1027 Philippines
    Posts: 3Member
    Joined: Mar 30, 2017
    edited March 2017
    Good day sir/ma'am,
    My husbands is eager to apply for this job. However, may we confirm if this post is also open for applicants outside of Australia? He worked as motorcycle technician before and has vast knowledge on automotives. His driving experience is more that 10 years. We are looking everywhere to find an opportunity to work there. I hope you can give us this chance . Thanks.
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