Telecommunications Engineering Professional (263311)
9/28/16 - started self review IELTS GT
11/18/16 - IELTS S
11/19/16 - IELTS LRW
12/1/16 - IELTS L=8.5 R=9 W=7 S=7
4/27/17 - Submitted EA assessment, fast track
5/26/17 - EA assessment in-progress
5/30/17 - EA outcome received (a bit unfavorable since 4 out of 7yrs of experience were credited), decided not to appeal
5/31/17 - EOI Lodge (60pts, visa 189)
most recent by lyrre
most recent by PeanutButter
most recent by redartt
NAATI - CCL exam - additional 5 points for 189/190 visa
most recent by missyeur
most recent by pengalreadyexists
General Skilled Immigration Visa - Step By Step Process
most recent by fmp_921
SG-based Members; drop by here! (",)
most recent by mathilde9
most recent by AUSSIE1779
most recent by eiramax
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