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Looking for a job/migration to Oz/assessment


My name is Lukas Grochowski, 31 years old, living in Sweden. I don´t know if I have posted this in the right category in the forum, but if not, please can you move it to it´s rightful place. Thank you!

I have a few question I would like to ask, about migration and jobs.

Some information about me

  • Bachelor in Computer graphics (CGI) // 2006-2009
  • Higher Vocational Education in Accounting // 2014-2016
  • Permaculture design certificate (online with Geoff Lawton) // 2016
  • Design and sculpture course // 2008
  • Computer animation ( 6 months )
  • Traditional Carpentry ( 4 months , ongoing) *see link below*
  • Gardening ( 1 year )
  • 5 years in metro/underground service as ticket clerk
  • 13 years as a player and trainer in table tennis
  • less than 1 year as, youth recreation leader, home tutor, cleaner, kitchen hand, restaurant work.
  • Volunteer (wwoof ) in Australia at different permaculture farms ( 7 months ) // 2016-2017
  • Drivers license
4 languages
Fluent Swedish
Excellent english
Moderate czech
beginner Polish

From family members
Strengths – Stubborn - strong willed – calm – kind – cheerful/positive – optimistic - try to do good things - peaceful values - brave- philosopher - designer
Weaknesses – stubborn - strong willed - narrow minded/refuse to listen when you have decided something – naive - head up in clouds – hypocritical - talker/preacher
- too judgemental on yourself - irrational - philosopher
Close friends
Strengths – Happy, Emotionally stable,Calm, Someone to depend on, Trusting, Life's in order
Weaknesses - Judge work before trying.

From me
Strengths - Cheerful, happy, easy going, observant, structured, easy to work with, socialable,
Weaknesses – think about consequences to much? Inconsistent sometimes (wants to learn new things or try new things)

Brief summery of history
Always wanted a place in the country side --- always liked computer and console games for it´s creative outlet --- Wanted to combine those as a freelancer in CGI --- Studied for bachelor --- finished the degree --- burned out --- still wanted to live in the country --- started gardening and looking for other jobs --- Found a job that I liked --- Still wanted to live in the country side --- looked for a way to move to the country with the ability to work from home --- studied accounting --- found permaculture --- got tremendously inspired after completing online PDC course --- had to go to Australia and see all of these systems --- went for 7 months --- came back, saved some money, quit my job, moved to the country side --- working on building a natural house --- get a feeling that I should come back to Australia --- Present day, looking for ways to work in Australia.
Reason for moving
I want to live a simple life, close to nature. My current lifestyle fits me better in a warmer climate, I´m very health oriented and every winter I go abroad anyway to get some sun, so why not live in a country where winters are short and sunny? I like fruits, nuts and veggies and love to garden.
Future projects
Wherever I settle, It would be very fun for me to start a school garden at the local school for the young children to get involved and start their own garden. I would love to also plant an orchard along that school or close by in the community or along a dirt road.

I´m wondering about my current situation and how to go about getting a work visa for Australia?
Or what would be the good ways in getting a job visa?

Some of my own ideas
Can I travel to Australia as a tourist ( with a tourist visa ) and visit different companies that are eligible for sponsorship in for example gardening or carpentry and offer them my resume and information and tell them my situation and show them my eagerness and willingness as well as skills and work in order to get a sponsored job? Can I then from a tourist visa apply for a work visa while still in Australia?
  • Can I ( or is it wiser ) make a Australian resume and CV and look up all the different companies in respective fields that I have particular skills in and send them my resume, and work as well as call them and be willing to meet them for an interview ( fly over , meaning I have to go as a tourist ? )

  • Can I get a second year work and holiday visa even though my first year has ended?
  • I heard they will increase the age limit for a work and holiday visa to 35, can I apply for it one more time since I am 31 ?

  • Can I get a sponsorship from any company that are willing to sponsor? Meaning that, is it the government that decide which companies are eligible to sponsor or can anyone with a company sponsor someone?

  • Can I send an Expression of interest on skill select, and if selected pay my visa application to be granted a 189 visa, and find any kind of work? Or does it have to be in the field of the profession that was sent in the application? Or how does it work exactly?

  • How about construction work? I have read that construction is a growing profession, ( white card needed )?

Thank you very much for all your help!
God bless!
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