Me: ANZSCO 261313 | Software Engineer | Age :25, Education: 10, Employment: 10, PTE: 20| Partner Skill : 5 Total points = 70
Partner: ANZSCO 263111 | Computer Network and Systems Engineer | Age :25, Education: 10, Employment: 15, PTE: 10| Partner Skill : 5 Total points = 65
October 13, 2018 : Me Submit ACS Assessment
October 16, 2018 : Partner submit ACS assessment
October 18, 2018 : Partner received feedback from ACS
October 31, 2018 : Partner submitted additional doc for ACS
November 9, 2018 : PTE academic first take
November 16, 2018: Me ACS result (associate degree and diploma; 5 years)
Novemver 22, 2018: partner ACS result (associate degree; 9 yrs)
December 22, 2018 : PTE academic 2nd take
December 26, 2018 : EOI submitted for ANZSCO 263111 | Computer Network and Systems Engineer
February 2, 2018: me and partner PTE Retake 3rd take
March 2, 2018 : PTE retake 4th
March 16, 2018: PTE retake 5th; update EOI
PTE test - anntotsky
Nov 9: L85 R70 S71 W86
Dec 22: L70 R68 S54 W73
Feb 2: L78 R76 S75 W81
Mar 2: L86 R71 S90 W80
Mar 16: L81 R80 S82 W87
Nov 9: L59 R65 S56 W85
Dec 22: L74 R74 S83 W69
Feb 2: L67 R66 S81 W55
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