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Major update has been completed. Please help to report any abnormality that you are facing (in case there is any) to [email protected] . Thank you for your continued support guys!

Room for rent - North suburb [VIC]

OZwaldCobblepotOZwaldCobblepot MelbournePosts: 583Member
edited May 2017 in Accommodations
We're looking for a female housemate. We're currently leasing a 2 bedroom apartment in Lalor and planning to lease the other room.

5 minutes walk to bus stations
7-10 minutes walk to train station
10 minutes walk to Lalor market, Coles and Woolies
5-7 minutes drive to shopping center, gyms,
5 minutes drive to church (Catholic)
40-45 minutes train ride to city (30-35 minutes if driving)
20-25 minutes drive from airport

Rate: 180pw (bills included). PM me for those interested.

Mechanical Engineer || ANZSCO 233512 ||Age: 30pts || Educ: 15pts || Work Exp: 5pts || English: 20pts || TOTAL: 70pts
08.29.2015 - IELTS Schedule
09.11.2015 - Received IELTS Result - FAILED [L8|R7.5|S6|W6.5]
09.14.2015 - submitted requirements to EA for assessment
10.19.2015 - PTE-A Schedule // Received PTE Result - PASSED! [L79|R83|S79|W89]
11.03.2015 - NBI schedule
11.18.2015 - Received EA Positive Result // Submitted EOI - Visa 189
11.22.2015 - Received ITA
11.26.2015 - Lodged Visa 189 application
11.27.2015 - Uploaded Documents, frontloaded NBI [Me and Wife]
12.04.2015 - Medical Exam @ SLEC
12.07.2015 - CO Allocated (GSM Adelaide) -- Requesting Medical Exam Result
12.14.2015 - Medical (Primary) uploaded
07.28.2016 - Medical (Spouse) uploaded
08.01.2016 - Medical (Spouse) cleared
08.09.2016 - Visa Grant finally

IED: October 28, 2016

A river cuts through a rock not because of its POWER but its PERSISTENCE.

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