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looking for a room around broadmeadows or glenroy area

kiraykiray melbournePosts: 1Member
we're couple and looking for a room around broadmeadows, glenroy or nearby suburb..


  • z3designz3design Sydney
    Posts: 85Member
    Joined: Jul 05, 2015
    Join ka sa mga fb group may nakita akong nagpost Glenroy room for rent

    263111-Computer Networks and Systems Engineer

    AUG-30-2015 to NOV-30-2015 : Gather documents for ACS 263111
    OCT-29-2015 : IELTS (FAILED), got 6.0 in writing
    DEC-04-2015 : IELTS (FAILED). got 6.0 in reading
    DEC-14-2015 : Submitted Documents to ACS
    JAN-12-2016 : Received Positive Assessment for 263111
    FEB-12-2016 : PTE Exam (Passed) Finally!!!!!
    FEB-15-2016 : Lodge EOI
    MAR-09-2016 : Received ITA
    MAR-11-2016 : Submitted the application
    APR-09-2016: Medical at Point Medical Paragon SG
    APR-11-2016: Uploaded CoC
    APR-21-2016: Uploaded NBI Clearance
    MAY-09-2016: Visa Grant
    JAN-16-2016: Big Move

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