I'm an ECE at eto yung work experience ko:
1yr 8mos Tech Support Rep (Telecom client - ADSL at dial up support)
3yrs 7mos Transmission Engineer (Service Provisioning)
5 yrs 11mos (current) Telecom Project Coordinator
1. I need advice on what occupation to nominate:
a. Telecommunications Engineer (263311) including specialization
b. Telecommunication Field Engineer (313212)
c. Telecommunications Network Planner (313213)
2. I am planning to apply for CDR+RSEA, if I want to claim max points for overseas work experience, do I include my experience as tech support just so I can reach 8+ yrs? I will not include it in my CDR though. I will base my 3 career episodes on my last 2 jobs.
Salamat in advance!