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Major update has been completed. Please help to report any abnormality that you are facing (in case there is any) to [email protected] . Thank you for your continued support guys!

Job Openings in Fyshwick, ACT

aie_monkeyaie_monkey SingaporePosts: 29Member
ABOUT KITCHENS in Fyshwick, ACT is looking for the following:

- Labourer
- Experienced Kitchen Assembler / Joiner.

Immediate start for the right person.
Please contact 02 6280 0965.

Architectural Draftsman: 312111

2014/09/29 - husband submitted requirements for VetAssess
2014/11/28 - received VetAssess positive outcome
2015/05/09 - took IELTS with husband (overall band score 7.5)
2015/06/24 - submitted requirements for VetAssess (312111)
2015/09/22 - received VetAssess negative outcome :(
---- waited for a state to open for 312111 ----

Husband Main Applicant
2016/02/24 - changed EOI to ACT
2016/03/06 - submitted requirements for ACT SS
2016/06/14 - received invitation to apply for Visa
2016/06/25- lodged Visa 190
2016/07/11 - obtained NBI clearances
2016/07/15 - CO first contact; requested for health and character requirements
2016/07/21 - obtained SG PCC
2016/07/23 - Medical at SATA Bedok
2016/07/27 - Health Clearance - No action required for husband and two kids
2016/08/17 - Medical - Referred
2016/08/19 - Health Clearance - No action required
2016/08/22 - Visa Grant!!!!

"good things come to those who believe"

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