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Scholarship application

mcg143mcg143 PhilippinesPosts: 143Member
Hello guys, Some scholarships require a letter of offer from the school, eg. MQU. How much time does the Uni give you to settle your payment just so you can apply and get approval for your scholarship. Or does it mean I'll have to pay first then they will refund if ever I get approval? Your thoughts are highly appreciated.


  • atheleneathelene Brisbane
    Posts: 766Member
    Joined: Mar 13, 2018
    Perhaps the Letter of Offer means your admission letter to the program. Receiving an admission letter doesn't mean you already have to accept your admission offer or pay for your tuition fees right away. You'll have to contact the scholarships department of the university about their awarding timeline (application deadline, application process, announcement of scholarship recipients, etc) so you can compare it with the deadline for accepting your place at the university.

    Is the scholarship you're applying for related or sponsored by the university? If so, it's best to contact the university directly about this matte and look for the contact person in charge of the scholarships (maybe Scholarships Section/Division). If not, you'll have to contact both the university and the organization who grants the scholarship and try to coordinate with them.

    232111 (Architect) | Current points: 65

    30-01-2018 Applied for student visa (MArchSci), offshore application.
    11-08-2020 Applied for student visa (PhD), onshore application.
    28-02-2022 Submitted application to AACA for skills assessment (OQA Stage 1)
    27-05-2022 Received skills assessment outcome (Suitable/Positive)
    Next steps: PTE exam

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