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Medical examination problem

teabagteabag CebuPosts: 3Member
edited August 2017 in Working and skilled visas
Hi everyone, I am about to lodge my EOI with 75 points, now I have got a problem. My son has autism, he is 3 years old and just speaks a few words and doesnt form sentences. Now wondering how are medicals conducted here in the philippines for toddlers, im from cebu btw. Will they ask for the child to converse with them or ask to obey commands? If i hide it from the medical officer would they find out anyway? Anybody with experience of having medical examination for the visa on their kids please advice me.

Thank you


  • Melis0315Melis0315 San Juan
    Posts: 6Member
    Joined: Nov 27, 2018
    edited November 2018
    hi kamusta po same po tayo ng case tanong ko lang po declared/disclose nyo po ba sa medical or health declaration may autism anak nyo?
  • snmgilsnmgil Philippines
    Posts: 80Member
    Joined: Nov 03, 2017
    edited November 2018
    Hi @Melis0315 i have a 3 yr old during medicals but no autism and we had ours at St Lukes. Per experience, since there are diff doctors for boys and girls, my son was asked to go in with my husband. The child was asked a few questions by the doctor (name, age, asked to identify a few colors, and how he was feeling, etc) while medical history was asked from my husband (history of asthma, if hospitalized before, etc). I cannot really say if they are able to tell what a child has but i'm not sure also if it's ok to lie if they ever asked the parent/s about any medical condition. I would say don't present info if not asked? especially if hindi naman formally diagnosed as autistic. but if tinanong, safer to answer honestly cguru. just my POV

    ANZSCO Code: 221111 Accountant (General)
    August 2016 - IELTS-GT (Proficient)
    May 2017 - Failed VETASSESS assessment
    August 2017 - IELTS-Acad (Proficient)
    November 2017 - Positive CPAA Skills Assessment
    November 18, 2017 - 189/190 NSW EOI (70 pts)
    March 2018 - PTE Acad (Superior), updated EOI w/ increased points without SS to 80
    April 12, 2018 - Invitation for NSW SS (pre-invite)
    May 2018 - Points decreased to 75 due to bday
    July 11, 2018 - Approval of SS/ Received ITA for 190/Lodged Visa
    November 23, 2018 - CO Contact (Form 80, Proof re Education and Employment)
    November 27, 2018 - Submitted Requested docs
    January 17, 2019 - VISA GRANT!

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  • Melis0315Melis0315 San Juan
    Posts: 6Member
    Joined: Nov 27, 2018
    @snmgil thank you so much for the info and sharing your experiences at st lukes. Our son is already diagnosed with autism. We requested an assessment report from his developmental pedia in case the panel dr will ask for his medical history about his developmental delay,since our son is already 8 years old maybe the panel dr can recognized our son has speech delay.baka tanungin din sya ng mga question bakit di sya sumasagot, nakakasagot naman sya pero minsan phrases lang hirap pa sya sa conversation.
  • silver_icesilver_ice Mandaue City
    Posts: 23Member
    Joined: May 23, 2011
    edited May 2019
    hi @Melis0315 @teabag
    How did your medicals go? this will also help my case. thank you

    Luke 1:37 "with God nothing shall be impossible"

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