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tiffanynguyentiffanynguyen MelbournePosts: 3Member
Seeking qualified, professional massage therapist with certification or someone in school currently working towards it.. Looking for serious and responsible people who have good work ethic. Please no time wasters.

Please have a warm, friendly disposition, good pay, flexible times
Strictly non sexual services
Location is 161 Burke rd, Glen iris, Vic 3146
Contact 0457 003928.


  • jayrcorneliojayrcornelio Melbourne
    Posts: 22Member
    Joined: Sep 04, 2014
    Hello. I have a sister working currently in Dubai as a massage therapist. She has long years of experience. I am planning to apply her for tourist visa. Would you be able to sponsor her to have working visa? she loves her job so much and it would be great opportunity for her to work with you :-) Thank you
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