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Room for rent near Adelaide CBD

pjcruzpjcruz MelbournePosts: 7Member
We have a spare, good-sized outside room for rent that is just a 3 minute walk to the bus stop, walking distance to Roma Mitchell High School, just opposite a gorgeous park and kids' playground, and we are just about 20 minute drive to the city. The room is perfect for single or couples who are just starting out.


  • mrscoraldemrscoralde Sydney
    Posts: 2Member
    Joined: May 31, 2015
    Hello po available pa po? Interested po ako. Pwede po pakitext ako? 0415827809 po.
  • majarmajar Sydney
    Posts: 49Member
    Joined: Jan 22, 2015
    edited June 2015
    How much po per wk? All bills included?

  • janice10janice10 Adelaide
    Posts: 31Member
    Joined: Dec 07, 2014
    edited July 2015
    Hi, im looking for someone who will take over my room here in Torrensville. Couples are welcome. It is close to everything and just few bus stops away from Adelaide CBD. Im planning to move out by September before my mum comes over, as we wanted to have our own apartment for us. Its 125 per week. Monthly internet is 30 and 15 for tfc. Electricity and Gas is shared per adult. U will be sharing with a very friendly couple and their 5 yr old daughter who occupies the other room. Its a 2 bedroom apartment pero malaki siya. Message me in viber if you are interested +61405919726
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