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one room for rent in killara nsw

accomaccom SydneyPosts: 23Member
near sydney cbd around 18mis by train, 10 mins to chatswood 4 mins to gordon very accessable to public transport, near uts ku-ring-gai and macquire uni.

fully furnished room, walking distance to train killara station electricity, water and internet included and we could provide also a spare computer. we need a neat n tidy person prefarably of our same nationality (Filipina)

we are 3 people in the house my 14 yrs old son and my 23 yrs old daughter working as a nurse.

if you prefer a bigger room with a toilet and bath its 220 a week

it is a nice, quite and friendly atmosphere. any other infomation you are welcome to ask and call me 0426626314


  • accomaccom Sydney
    Posts: 23Member
    Joined: Jun 15, 2015
    sorry mate its for single accomodation only i wish i can help you
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