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Collections Of Authentic Ielts Reading Tests In Past Years

rexxarexxa ColumbusPosts: 1Member
To those who are longing to receive and practise on AUTHENTIC IELTS BANK TESTS

Despite the high security of IELTS test system, I am currently seizing more than 800 pages of the past years’ IELTS real tests. There are two-fold benefits when you practice on these genuine tests

+ First, due to the fact that these tests are originally come from IELTS bank source, you are in all probability to see them again in your real examinations ( if you are sufficiently lucky). This statement can be proven by the attached index indicating the dates these tests were taken. I reckon you will easily recognize the frequency of these tests’ repetitiveness.

+ Second, in case these tests unfortunately don’t appear on your real exam, as I previously mentioned, these ones come from authentic source, you can ,therefore, estimate at the nearest possible the level of difficulty as well as the top most common traps usually found from the real tests. Accordingly, you will be definitely well-prepared beforehand and more confident in your real tests. This, I suppose ,will significantly improve your score. Another point I would like to emphasize is that these real tests are much more tricky and difficult than the ones in the IELTS Cambridge books.Don’t beat around the bush anymore, here is the link download for vol 1& 2




  • artben_tanartben_tan Kuwait City
    Posts: 7Member
    Joined: Jul 10, 2015
    thank you very much sa pagshare. :)
  • CPAofOzCPAofOz Mandaluyong
    Posts: 137Member
    Joined: Sep 25, 2014
    Guys wag na kayo mag IELTS. Try niyo PTE Academic.

    DIBP -
    CPAA -

    Accountant (General) (221111)

    Requirements of Visa (Skilled Independent - 189):
    (a) Occupation in SOL - OK!
    (b) Skills assessment
    (c) below 50 yrs old - OK!
    (d) Points test - OK!
    (e) Competent English - OK!

    Points test (60pts):
    (a) Age - 25-32 yrs old - 30pts - OK!
    (b) English language ability - Proficient English (Plan A: 7.0 in each band of IELTS; Plan B: 65 in each component of PTE Academic) - 10pts
    (c) Skilled Employment - 3-5 yrs in skilled employment outside Australia - 5pts - OK!
    (d) Qualifications - Bachelor degree from a degree of a recognised standard - 15pts - OK!

    Requirements of Assessing Authority (CPAA - General Skills Assessment):
    (a) Bachelor degree - OK!
    (b) 7 Competency Areas - OK!
    (c) Proficient English

    Plan B: Student Visa - Masters by Coursework strike-out

    22 Apr 2014: IELTS Academic Speaking exam (take 1)
    24 Apr 2014: IELTS Academic Written exam (take 1)
    08 May 2014: IELTS Academic exam result - (L:6.0 | R:8.0 | W:6.5 | S:5.5) FAILED! :'(

    May 2014-Apr 2015: 1 year holiday! HAHA!

    14 May 2015: IELTS Academic Speaking exam (take 2)
    16 May 2015: IELTS Academic Written exam (take 2)
    29 May 2015: IELTS Academic exam result - (L:7.5 | R:7.0 | W:6.5 | S:6.0) FAILED AGAIN! :'(

    Current: PTE Academic review (Plan B for English Language Requirement)

    "The wind blows the hardest the closer you get to the mountain top"

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