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Looking for Room to Rent in Melbourne

moss0805moss0805 nswPosts: 78Member
Naghahanap po kami ng room to rent sa melbourne, we are couple with 1 year old toddler. We have no idea yet san sa melbourne as we are new migrant, so anywhere near public transport / mall/grocery sana. Thank you.


  • JeffreyIsletaJeffreyIsleta Sydney
    Posts: 3Member
    Joined: Dec 16, 2015
    @moss0805: we have available room in our house po for rent starting this december 23. If you are interested you can give me a message in my fb or sms me and I will send you the details and the picture of the house as well.

    Our house is just 10-15 minutes walk from the train station and shopping centre, bus stop is just in front of the house.

    fb: [email protected]
    cp: 0420709225

    Thank you.
    Anna Isleta
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