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Secondary Applicant to Enter First

Hello po..Newbie here..Hope someone can help me with my query. I am planning to apply subskill 189 visa as main applicant and will include my husband and kids. If in case, we will be approved po, we agreed if it would be possible that my husband will enter first and get settled before me and my kids will join him. Wouldn't there be any problem in immigration if he enters Oz without the main visa applicant holder? Thanks po in advance! :)

Industrial Engineer : 233511
10/29/2016 - IELTS Exam
11/11/2016 - IELTS Results L8 R8 W6.5 S7
11/16/2016 - Applied Remarking
12/15/2016 - Remarking for Writing Unchanged
1/31/2017 - Submitted Fast Track EA Assessment
2/14/2017 - PTE Exam
2/18/2017 - PTE Results L77 R68 S66 W90 (Proficient)
3/6/2017 - EA Asked for Additional Requirements
3/24/2017 - Submitted Additional Docs
4/26/2017 - Received EA favorable letter
4/28/2017 - Submitted EOI for 189 (65pts)
9/11/2017 - PTE Exam (aiming for Superior)
9/15/2017 - PTE Results L90 R83 S90 W90 (Superior)
9/15/2017 - Updated EOI for 189 (75pts)
9/20/2017 - Received ITA
9/28/2017 - Medicals at Nationwide Cebu (Me and 2 Kids)
10/02/2017 - Kids for IGRA Test (7am)
10/03/2017 - Requested Japan Police Clearance for Hubby (Wait for 2-3 Months Timeline)
10/04/2017 - Medicals for Hubby
10/06/2017 - Received NBI Clearance after Hit
10/11/2017 - Medicals all Cleared
10/31/2017 - Visa Lodging
11/23/2017 - Received Hubby's Japan Police Clearance (Actual:52 days)


  • JCsantosJCsantos Sydney
    Posts: 1,416Member, Moderator
    Joined: Jan 11, 2011
    it will be stated on your visa condition, if they will allow the secondary applicant enter australia with or without the main applicant

    Google for Everything !!!

  • lottysattylottysatty Cebu
    Posts: 225Member
    Joined: Feb 25, 2016
    @JCsantos thanks po..would it be possible that both main and secondary applicants will not enjoy the same visa condition? If main is NIL, baka NIL den sa family ko..:)

    Industrial Engineer : 233511
    10/29/2016 - IELTS Exam
    11/11/2016 - IELTS Results L8 R8 W6.5 S7
    11/16/2016 - Applied Remarking
    12/15/2016 - Remarking for Writing Unchanged
    1/31/2017 - Submitted Fast Track EA Assessment
    2/14/2017 - PTE Exam
    2/18/2017 - PTE Results L77 R68 S66 W90 (Proficient)
    3/6/2017 - EA Asked for Additional Requirements
    3/24/2017 - Submitted Additional Docs
    4/26/2017 - Received EA favorable letter
    4/28/2017 - Submitted EOI for 189 (65pts)
    9/11/2017 - PTE Exam (aiming for Superior)
    9/15/2017 - PTE Results L90 R83 S90 W90 (Superior)
    9/15/2017 - Updated EOI for 189 (75pts)
    9/20/2017 - Received ITA
    9/28/2017 - Medicals at Nationwide Cebu (Me and 2 Kids)
    10/02/2017 - Kids for IGRA Test (7am)
    10/03/2017 - Requested Japan Police Clearance for Hubby (Wait for 2-3 Months Timeline)
    10/04/2017 - Medicals for Hubby
    10/06/2017 - Received NBI Clearance after Hit
    10/11/2017 - Medicals all Cleared
    10/31/2017 - Visa Lodging
    11/23/2017 - Received Hubby's Japan Police Clearance (Actual:52 days)

  • JCsantosJCsantos Sydney
    Posts: 1,416Member, Moderator
    Joined: Jan 11, 2011
    @JCsantos thanks po..would it be possible that both main and secondary applicants will not enjoy the same visa condition? If main is NIL, baka NIL den sa family ko..:)
    Sorry did not understand the question

    Google for Everything !!!

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