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Room for Rent in Port Melbourne Near Bay Street $250 pw with own Bathroom

r_e_e_z_25r_e_e_z_25 MelbournePosts: 3Member
edited June 2016 in Accommodations
Hi, I'm looking for ONE FEMALE, CLEAN and RESPONSIBLE housemate to occupy one room at $250 pw (excluding utilities). It's furnished and you'll have the bathroom by yourself. It's a block away to the beach and very near to the vibrant Bay Street. Accessible to the Bus 234 going to CBD and about 10 mins walk to Tram 109. Room will be available by 23-June.

Please see link for room photos and more details:

I live with my 5 year old son but he's polite and will not bother you in anyway. Please message me thru email at [email protected] or sms at 0451 241 230 for more information.

Thanks! :-)


  • r_e_e_z_25r_e_e_z_25 Melbourne
    Posts: 3Member
    Joined: Jun 04, 2016
    Room will now be earlier available - will be available on the 14th June.
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