Ad space available
reach us at [email protected].
Major update has been completed. Please help to report any abnormality that you are facing (in case there is any) to [email protected] . Thank you for your continued support guys!

November 2016 visa 189/190/489



  • dorbsdeedorbsdee Melbourne
    Posts: 621Member
    Joined: Nov 30, 2015
    @chehrd abot yan bro kung fast track.. usually one week lang. 15pts edu. + 15 pts exp. (8+ years) abot ka bro 60 pts... ako kasi dapat 65pts. na-expired lang yung experience ko last month from 15 pts. naging 10 pts. nalang, di ko kasi sinali yung present employment ko sa EA assessment, balak ko sana iapassess nasa 20k ang payment sa EA additional assessment, pero nung nacheck ko yung tracker based sa trend ng nominated job ko 60 pts. invited kaagad.

    233512 - Mechanical Engineer| 25 (Age) + 15 (Education) + 15 (Experience) + 10 (English) = 65 pts.
    07/Nov/2015: BC IELTS GT Test: L: 6.5, R: 6.0, W: 6.0, S: 7.0
    04/Feb/2016: Lodge EA Assessment (Fast Track)
    12/Feb/2016: EA Positive Outcome
    12/Feb/2016: Submit EOI, NSW SS (55 + 5) = 60 pts.
    30/Apr/2016: BC IELTS GT Test: L: 8.0, R: 7.5, W: 7.0, S: 6.5
    26/July/2016: IELTS Remarking (Speaking: 6.5) --> "no change"
    25/Oct/2016: PTE-Academic: L: 89, R: 72, W: 77, S: 90
    26/Oct/2016: Submit EOI, 189 (60 pts.)
    09/Nov/2016: Updated EOI, NSW SS = 65 pts.
    10/Nov/2016: Applied VIC Skilled Nomination 190
    14/Dec/2016: VIC Skilled Nomination 190 -- Not Selected...:(
    28/Dec/2016: PTE-Academic: L: 76, R: 74, W: 76, S: 80 :(:(.....
    05/Jan/2017: Additional EA Relevant Skilled Employment
    23/Jan/2017: PTE-Academic: L: 90, R: 80, W: 76, S: 90 :(:(..again:(
    13/Feb/2017: EA Positive Outcome for Additional RSE
    13/Feb/2017: Updated EOI, 189 (65pts.), NSW (70 pts.)
    18/June/2017: Applied VIC Skilled Nomination 190 - take two
    25/July/2017: ITA VIC Skilled Nomination 190
    26/Aug/2017: Medicals @ Nationwide Makati
    05/Sept/2017: Medicals cleared (Thanks be to GOD)
    20/Sept/2017: ITA 189 Points-Tested Stream (Salamat sa Dios... nakahabol pa)
    21/Sept/2017: Visa Lodge 189
    23/Sept/2017: EXPIRED --> ITA VIC Skilled Nomination 190
    01/Nov/2017: CO Contact, Form 815
    09/Mar/2018: GRANTED (sa wakas...) IED: 31/Jul/2018
    20/Jul/2018: BIG Move, stay with a fried...
    04/Sep/2018: 1st day of work, Mechanical Engineer role (same industry)
    01/Dec/2018: Move to rented house
    27/Dec/2018: Drive Test with vicroads converted PH driver's license

  • engineer20engineer20 Sydney
    Posts: 1,719Member, Moderator
    Joined: Jun 09, 2011

    @engineer20 How the computation works? Cause I just computed the number of months and 36months would fall this November. Please enlighten me on the computation. Thank you.

    @SAP_Melaka computation considers the actual number of days you were employed.

    29May2015: Submitted Online Application to VETASSESS (312112 Building Associate)
    02Jun2015: Lodged Date at VETASSESS
    28Aug2015: VETASSESS Assessment Completed (312112 Building Associate) - POSITIVE
    17Oct2015: PTE-A taken at SG
    19Oct2015: PTE-A Result: L-83, R-90, S-76, W-90 OAS-87
    19Oct2015: Submitted EOI Visa 190 (65 points plus SS 5 points if granted)
    19Oct2015: Submitted VIC SS Online Application Visa 190
    20Oct2015: VIC acknowledged SS application and gave Reference Number
    02Nov2015: VIC SS Application Rejected
    05Nov2015: Submitted Online Reassessment to VETASSESS (312212 Civil Engineering Technician) 08Feb2016: VETASSESS Outcome POSITIVE
    07Nov2015: Updated EOI to select NSW (312112)
    18Dec2015: Received NSW SS Invitation Stream 2
    21Dec2015: Lodged NSW SS Application
    12Jan2016: NSW SS Approved / Visa 190 ITA Received
    29Jan2016: SG PCC (Me) / Medical (Me, Wife and Kid)
    01Feb2016: Medicals Cleared
    05Feb2016: Lodged Visa 190
    18Feb2016: NBI Clearance Applied (Me and Wife) - HIT
    29Feb2016: SG PCC (Wife)
    03Mar2016: Collected and Uploaded NBI Clearance
    04Mar2016: Direct Grant
    07May2016: Initial Entry (Sydney)
    16Jul2017: Big Move
    Oct2020: Lodged Citizenship Application
    May2021: Citizenship Interview and Test
    TBA: Citizenship Ceremony

  • Teng10Teng10 Brisbane eh!
    Posts: 181Member
    Joined: Sep 21, 2016
    Teng10 said:

    @engineer20 ,@mehawk28 yes po..really helpful advise. We made another EOI to catch the soonest invitation :) God willing, we will all get our invitation in perfect time! Cheers!

    I mean..I updated my EOI..unchecked the 190 and 489 categories.
    By the way, before that I emailed WA that I will not be able to apply for SS because I dont meet the requirement of the Schedule 2 condition related to Electronics Engineers occupation.
    Good luck to all November dreamers!
    Thank you all for the encouragement and great advise.

    (233411 - Electronics Engineer)

    29-Apr -2015 - Responded to Migration Agent on my Linkedin
    **after more than a year of waiting for "the" early retirement plan of my company :-(
    09-Jul -2016 - Finally decided The Project Down Under
    11-Jul -2016 - Signed contract with MA
    04-Aug-2016 - Took IELTS (L:7.5 R:6.5: W:6.0 S:6.5)
    20-Sep -2016 - Lodged EA Requirements
    21-Sep -2016 - EA Fast Track Requested
    30-Sep -2016 - Enrolled for PTE Review
    14-Oct -2016 - EA Positive
    26-Oct -2016 - PTE Positive (L:82 R:79: W:83 S:90)
    28-Oct-2016 - Submitted EOI (189/75)
    22-Nov-2016 - ITA Recieved
    08-Dec-2016 - Visa Lodged (Medical at St. Lukes BGC)
    05-Jan-2017 - CO Contact (Additional Proof of Employment)
    08-Feb-2017 - Visa Granted (Salamat po Ama!)
    BM Prep naman...

  • karel19karel19 Sydney
    Posts: 24Member
    Joined: Oct 09, 2016
    Hi, ano po dapat iaattach sa health evidence sa immiaccount? ok na po ung health assessment ko - no action required. Ung qualifications australian at work experience australian, meron ba kelangan iattach kung di naman nagaral at nagwork sa aus? Thanks
  • chehrdchehrd PH
    Posts: 254Member
    Joined: Jul 22, 2016
    dorbsdee said:

    @chehrd abot yan bro kung fast track.. usually one week lang. 15pts edu. + 15 pts exp. (8+ years) abot ka bro 60 pts... ako kasi dapat 65pts. na-expired lang yung experience ko last month from 15 pts. naging 10 pts. nalang, di ko kasi sinali yung present employment ko sa EA assessment, balak ko sana iapassess nasa 20k ang payment sa EA additional assessment, pero nung nacheck ko yung tracker based sa trend ng nominated job ko 60 pts. invited kaagad.

    pansin ko sa EA bro, hindi sila kasing bilis before..usually before fastracked is 1 week lang meron na..pero still hoping will result that im expecting para makasali sa Nov..God bless sa atin bro..

    ANZSCO: 233914 (Engineering Technologist) || Age: 30 pts || Educ: 15 pts || Work Exp: 15pts || English: 10 pts || TOTAL: 70 pts

    Aug 1, 2016 - started reviewing for IELTS and gathering of documets for EA
    Sept 24, 2016 - took IELTS
    Sept 26, 2016 - started making CDR
    Oct 7, 2016 - IELTS Result (L7 R7.5 S7 W6.5)
    Nov 2, 2016 - Lodged EA Assessment (Prof Engr)
    Nov 9, 2016 - NBI CLearance
    Nov 30, 2016 - Received EA Outcome (Engineering Technologist, Bachelor Degree, 8+yrs related experience)
    Dec 13, 2016 - PTE-A (L56 R77 S74 W57)
    Dec 15, 2016 - submitted EOI 189/190 (60/65)
    Jan 2, 2017 - PTE-A (L75 R71 S72 W81) ; updated EOI (189-70pts) Thank you Lord!
    Jan 3, 2017 - ITA Received
    Jan 5, 2017 - Medical
    Jan 17, 2017 - VISA 189 Lodged
    Feb 8, 2017 - CO Contacted (CO couldn't read TOR & Diploma, asked for re-scanned copies)
    - uploaded the said docs on the same day
    Feb 22, 2017 - GRANT!!! Thank you Lord!!!
    May 2017 - BIG MOVE

    "Life is what you make it".

  • engineer20engineer20 Sydney
    Posts: 1,719Member, Moderator
    Joined: Jun 09, 2011
    @Teng10 goodluck sa application. ask ko lang pare, may agent ka ba or DIY?

    29May2015: Submitted Online Application to VETASSESS (312112 Building Associate)
    02Jun2015: Lodged Date at VETASSESS
    28Aug2015: VETASSESS Assessment Completed (312112 Building Associate) - POSITIVE
    17Oct2015: PTE-A taken at SG
    19Oct2015: PTE-A Result: L-83, R-90, S-76, W-90 OAS-87
    19Oct2015: Submitted EOI Visa 190 (65 points plus SS 5 points if granted)
    19Oct2015: Submitted VIC SS Online Application Visa 190
    20Oct2015: VIC acknowledged SS application and gave Reference Number
    02Nov2015: VIC SS Application Rejected
    05Nov2015: Submitted Online Reassessment to VETASSESS (312212 Civil Engineering Technician) 08Feb2016: VETASSESS Outcome POSITIVE
    07Nov2015: Updated EOI to select NSW (312112)
    18Dec2015: Received NSW SS Invitation Stream 2
    21Dec2015: Lodged NSW SS Application
    12Jan2016: NSW SS Approved / Visa 190 ITA Received
    29Jan2016: SG PCC (Me) / Medical (Me, Wife and Kid)
    01Feb2016: Medicals Cleared
    05Feb2016: Lodged Visa 190
    18Feb2016: NBI Clearance Applied (Me and Wife) - HIT
    29Feb2016: SG PCC (Wife)
    03Mar2016: Collected and Uploaded NBI Clearance
    04Mar2016: Direct Grant
    07May2016: Initial Entry (Sydney)
    16Jul2017: Big Move
    Oct2020: Lodged Citizenship Application
    May2021: Citizenship Interview and Test
    TBA: Citizenship Ceremony

  • jillpotjillpot Singapore
    Posts: 507Member
    Joined: May 04, 2015
    @karel19 print mo lang yung eMedical Info sheet, then yun na i-attach mo as health evidence. You don't need to provide any docs for those items that you are not claiming points.

    221111 Accountant (General)

    31 Mar 2015 - IELTS-A Exam (L8.5/R7.5/W6.5/S7.0)
    18 Apr 2015 - IELTS-A Exam (L7.5/R8.5/W7.0/S7.0)
    31 May 2016 - CPAA assessment application.
    02 Jul 2016 - CPAA positive assessment result.
    02 Jul 2016 - EOI submitted - 189/190 (65pts/70pts)
    29 Jul 2016 - PTE-A Exam (L84/R77/W79/S72)
    13 Sep 2016 - PTE-A Exam (L90/R81/W90/S85)
    13 Sep 2016 - EOI updated - 189 (75pts)
    14 Sep 2016 - ITA Received.
    23 Oct 2016 - Visa 189 Lodged.
    31 Oct 2016 - Direct Grant. (Thank you Lord!)

  • Bongangela1985Bongangela1985 Quezon City
    Posts: 57Member
    Joined: Apr 04, 2016
    Hi batchmates! Makikijoin na rin ako. Sa wakas nakapaglodge din :D ;;)

    Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office l Date Granted | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year

    @pink | 190 | 1-Nov-16 | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office l Date Granted | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
    @karel19 | 189 | 1-Nov-16 | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office l Date Granted | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
    @Bongangela1985 | 190 | 4-Nov-16 | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office l Date Granted | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
  • Lex55Lex55 SA
    Posts: 627Member
    Joined: Sep 11, 2014
    @Bongangela1985 Congrats in advance! :)
  • Teng10Teng10 Brisbane eh!
    Posts: 181Member
    Joined: Sep 21, 2016
    @engineer20 yes bro..i used migration agent but makulit din kasi ako kaya nagkakalito lito hehehe :D

    (233411 - Electronics Engineer)

    29-Apr -2015 - Responded to Migration Agent on my Linkedin
    **after more than a year of waiting for "the" early retirement plan of my company :-(
    09-Jul -2016 - Finally decided The Project Down Under
    11-Jul -2016 - Signed contract with MA
    04-Aug-2016 - Took IELTS (L:7.5 R:6.5: W:6.0 S:6.5)
    20-Sep -2016 - Lodged EA Requirements
    21-Sep -2016 - EA Fast Track Requested
    30-Sep -2016 - Enrolled for PTE Review
    14-Oct -2016 - EA Positive
    26-Oct -2016 - PTE Positive (L:82 R:79: W:83 S:90)
    28-Oct-2016 - Submitted EOI (189/75)
    22-Nov-2016 - ITA Recieved
    08-Dec-2016 - Visa Lodged (Medical at St. Lukes BGC)
    05-Jan-2017 - CO Contact (Additional Proof of Employment)
    08-Feb-2017 - Visa Granted (Salamat po Ama!)
    BM Prep naman...

  • jamplejample Melbourne
    Posts: 91Member
    Joined: Sep 18, 2016
    Hello guys! Kakasubmit ko lang ng EOI :)

    233211 Chemical Engineer 189 - 65 pts
    Current Location: Melbourne
    Current Visa: Temporary Skilled Graduate Visa (subclass 476)

    Aug 29: Submitted Engineers Australia (EA) application (Fast Track)
    Sept 14: EA approved (15pts)
    Sept 16: PTE exam - RMIT ( Target Score: 79 to get 20pts)
    Sept 17: PTE Exam Result L74 R76 S72 W89

  • engineer20engineer20 Sydney
    Posts: 1,719Member, Moderator
    Joined: Jun 09, 2011
    edited November 2016
    @Teng10 ok. kasi kung ikaw na rin naman magtutuloy sa pagprocess ng application mo baka mas ok na iterminate mo na services ng migration agent kung di pa naman din ikaw fully paid sa kanila.

    29May2015: Submitted Online Application to VETASSESS (312112 Building Associate)
    02Jun2015: Lodged Date at VETASSESS
    28Aug2015: VETASSESS Assessment Completed (312112 Building Associate) - POSITIVE
    17Oct2015: PTE-A taken at SG
    19Oct2015: PTE-A Result: L-83, R-90, S-76, W-90 OAS-87
    19Oct2015: Submitted EOI Visa 190 (65 points plus SS 5 points if granted)
    19Oct2015: Submitted VIC SS Online Application Visa 190
    20Oct2015: VIC acknowledged SS application and gave Reference Number
    02Nov2015: VIC SS Application Rejected
    05Nov2015: Submitted Online Reassessment to VETASSESS (312212 Civil Engineering Technician) 08Feb2016: VETASSESS Outcome POSITIVE
    07Nov2015: Updated EOI to select NSW (312112)
    18Dec2015: Received NSW SS Invitation Stream 2
    21Dec2015: Lodged NSW SS Application
    12Jan2016: NSW SS Approved / Visa 190 ITA Received
    29Jan2016: SG PCC (Me) / Medical (Me, Wife and Kid)
    01Feb2016: Medicals Cleared
    05Feb2016: Lodged Visa 190
    18Feb2016: NBI Clearance Applied (Me and Wife) - HIT
    29Feb2016: SG PCC (Wife)
    03Mar2016: Collected and Uploaded NBI Clearance
    04Mar2016: Direct Grant
    07May2016: Initial Entry (Sydney)
    16Jul2017: Big Move
    Oct2020: Lodged Citizenship Application
    May2021: Citizenship Interview and Test
    TBA: Citizenship Ceremony

  • karel19karel19 Sydney
    Posts: 24Member
    Joined: Oct 09, 2016
  • Teng10Teng10 Brisbane eh!
    Posts: 181Member
    Joined: Sep 21, 2016
    @engineer20 thanks MA and this forum are both very helpful. So i think its just that masyado ako excited...thanks thanks..

    (233411 - Electronics Engineer)

    29-Apr -2015 - Responded to Migration Agent on my Linkedin
    **after more than a year of waiting for "the" early retirement plan of my company :-(
    09-Jul -2016 - Finally decided The Project Down Under
    11-Jul -2016 - Signed contract with MA
    04-Aug-2016 - Took IELTS (L:7.5 R:6.5: W:6.0 S:6.5)
    20-Sep -2016 - Lodged EA Requirements
    21-Sep -2016 - EA Fast Track Requested
    30-Sep -2016 - Enrolled for PTE Review
    14-Oct -2016 - EA Positive
    26-Oct -2016 - PTE Positive (L:82 R:79: W:83 S:90)
    28-Oct-2016 - Submitted EOI (189/75)
    22-Nov-2016 - ITA Recieved
    08-Dec-2016 - Visa Lodged (Medical at St. Lukes BGC)
    05-Jan-2017 - CO Contact (Additional Proof of Employment)
    08-Feb-2017 - Visa Granted (Salamat po Ama!)
    BM Prep naman...

  • mugsy27mugsy27 Oakhurst
    Posts: 397Member
    Joined: Jun 16, 2016
    @Teng10 DIY mo na hehehhe.. madali lang nmn ... :)>-

    233411: Electronics Engineer

    20 Aug'16: IELTS (BC-SG)
    2 Sep'16: IELTS Results: L8.5 R7 W6.5 S6.5 - saklap
    7 Sep'16: Lodged EA Assessment
    23 Sep'16: EA Positive Outcome
    25 Oct'16: PTE-A Results: L:80 R:83 W:86 S:84 - Thank you God!!!!!
    25 Oct'16: Lodged 189 Visa (75 pts)
    26 Oct'16: Received ITA for 189 - Thank you God!!!!
    21 Nov'16: 189 Visa Lodged!
    23 Nov'16: Uploaded all Docs
    28 Nov'16: Direct Grant! ... THANK YOU LORD!!!!!!!!!!
    25 Jun'17 - BIG MOVE
    4 Sep'17 - Started working

    Great things start from small beginnings... - MILO

    29 Jun'21: Applied for Au Citizenship
    04 Mar'22: Interview and Exam Date (re-sched due to Covid isolation)
    04 May'22: Interview and Exam Date (actual)
    04 May'22: Citizenship by Conferral Approval
    02 Jul'22: Oath Taking Ceremony .... Aussie aussie aussie, oi oi oi

  • jamsjams PH
    Posts: 159Member
    Joined: Oct 05, 2016
    Hi! Ask ko lang, may nagrecycle na ba ng medical dito? I mean yung husband ko kasi nagpamedical na sya noong April for his student visa (he's currently studying in sydney). I was wondering if he needs to take another medical for our 190 visa application (in case magka ITA na soon), or pwede na yung medical nya last time? Thank you! :)

    221213 - External Auditor |189-65 pts | 190 NSW-70 pts |

    09-Sep-16 - PTE-A exam
    10-Sep-16 - PTE-A result (W,L,S-90; R-86; OAS-90)
    12-Sep-16 - Submitted documents for CPAA assessment
    03-Oct-16 - Received positive assessment from CPAA
    04-Oct-16 - Submitted EOIs for 189-65pts and 190 NSW-70pts
    27-Oct-16 - Received invitation to apply for NSW nomination
    28-Oct-16 - Submitted application for nomination
    07-Nov-16 - Received ITA for Visa 190 (God is good!)
    28-Nov-16 - 190 Visa application lodged (all applicable documents frontloaded)
    08-Dec-16 - Direct Grant! Thank you God!!!

    IED: March 2017

  • Teng10Teng10 Brisbane eh!
    Posts: 181Member
    Joined: Sep 21, 2016
    @mugsy27 hahaha..its OK..fully paid nako sa kanila. Sort of really helpful din nmn sila kaya win win din kmi. :)>-

    (233411 - Electronics Engineer)

    29-Apr -2015 - Responded to Migration Agent on my Linkedin
    **after more than a year of waiting for "the" early retirement plan of my company :-(
    09-Jul -2016 - Finally decided The Project Down Under
    11-Jul -2016 - Signed contract with MA
    04-Aug-2016 - Took IELTS (L:7.5 R:6.5: W:6.0 S:6.5)
    20-Sep -2016 - Lodged EA Requirements
    21-Sep -2016 - EA Fast Track Requested
    30-Sep -2016 - Enrolled for PTE Review
    14-Oct -2016 - EA Positive
    26-Oct -2016 - PTE Positive (L:82 R:79: W:83 S:90)
    28-Oct-2016 - Submitted EOI (189/75)
    22-Nov-2016 - ITA Recieved
    08-Dec-2016 - Visa Lodged (Medical at St. Lukes BGC)
    05-Jan-2017 - CO Contact (Additional Proof of Employment)
    08-Feb-2017 - Visa Granted (Salamat po Ama!)
    BM Prep naman...

  • engineer20engineer20 Sydney
    Posts: 1,719Member, Moderator
    Joined: Jun 09, 2011
    jams said:

    Hi! Ask ko lang, may nagrecycle na ba ng medical dito? I mean yung husband ko kasi nagpamedical na sya noong April for his student visa (he's currently studying in sydney). I was wondering if he needs to take another medical for our 190 visa application (in case magka ITA na soon), or pwede na yung medical nya last time? Thank you! :)

    @jams you can try to put the HAP ID used by your husband sa student visa application nya kapag nagpasa na kayo ng 190 application. CO na magdedecide kung acceptable pa yun or kailangan na ng bago.

    29May2015: Submitted Online Application to VETASSESS (312112 Building Associate)
    02Jun2015: Lodged Date at VETASSESS
    28Aug2015: VETASSESS Assessment Completed (312112 Building Associate) - POSITIVE
    17Oct2015: PTE-A taken at SG
    19Oct2015: PTE-A Result: L-83, R-90, S-76, W-90 OAS-87
    19Oct2015: Submitted EOI Visa 190 (65 points plus SS 5 points if granted)
    19Oct2015: Submitted VIC SS Online Application Visa 190
    20Oct2015: VIC acknowledged SS application and gave Reference Number
    02Nov2015: VIC SS Application Rejected
    05Nov2015: Submitted Online Reassessment to VETASSESS (312212 Civil Engineering Technician) 08Feb2016: VETASSESS Outcome POSITIVE
    07Nov2015: Updated EOI to select NSW (312112)
    18Dec2015: Received NSW SS Invitation Stream 2
    21Dec2015: Lodged NSW SS Application
    12Jan2016: NSW SS Approved / Visa 190 ITA Received
    29Jan2016: SG PCC (Me) / Medical (Me, Wife and Kid)
    01Feb2016: Medicals Cleared
    05Feb2016: Lodged Visa 190
    18Feb2016: NBI Clearance Applied (Me and Wife) - HIT
    29Feb2016: SG PCC (Wife)
    03Mar2016: Collected and Uploaded NBI Clearance
    04Mar2016: Direct Grant
    07May2016: Initial Entry (Sydney)
    16Jul2017: Big Move
    Oct2020: Lodged Citizenship Application
    May2021: Citizenship Interview and Test
    TBA: Citizenship Ceremony

  • engineer20engineer20 Sydney
    Posts: 1,719Member, Moderator
    Joined: Jun 09, 2011
    @Teng10 ok. kung may agent ka let them do the emails, EOI and visa application. bale bantay ka na lang at hingi ng regular updates para sa progress ng application mo. kasi kung sakali man na may sumablay sa application e.g. rejection because of your agent's fault, then pwede mo sila habulin to refund the amount you had paid to them including the visa fee. nagtataka lang kasi ako bakit ikaw ang gumagawa ng EOI at kumontak sa WA.

    29May2015: Submitted Online Application to VETASSESS (312112 Building Associate)
    02Jun2015: Lodged Date at VETASSESS
    28Aug2015: VETASSESS Assessment Completed (312112 Building Associate) - POSITIVE
    17Oct2015: PTE-A taken at SG
    19Oct2015: PTE-A Result: L-83, R-90, S-76, W-90 OAS-87
    19Oct2015: Submitted EOI Visa 190 (65 points plus SS 5 points if granted)
    19Oct2015: Submitted VIC SS Online Application Visa 190
    20Oct2015: VIC acknowledged SS application and gave Reference Number
    02Nov2015: VIC SS Application Rejected
    05Nov2015: Submitted Online Reassessment to VETASSESS (312212 Civil Engineering Technician) 08Feb2016: VETASSESS Outcome POSITIVE
    07Nov2015: Updated EOI to select NSW (312112)
    18Dec2015: Received NSW SS Invitation Stream 2
    21Dec2015: Lodged NSW SS Application
    12Jan2016: NSW SS Approved / Visa 190 ITA Received
    29Jan2016: SG PCC (Me) / Medical (Me, Wife and Kid)
    01Feb2016: Medicals Cleared
    05Feb2016: Lodged Visa 190
    18Feb2016: NBI Clearance Applied (Me and Wife) - HIT
    29Feb2016: SG PCC (Wife)
    03Mar2016: Collected and Uploaded NBI Clearance
    04Mar2016: Direct Grant
    07May2016: Initial Entry (Sydney)
    16Jul2017: Big Move
    Oct2020: Lodged Citizenship Application
    May2021: Citizenship Interview and Test
    TBA: Citizenship Ceremony

  • jamsjams PH
    Posts: 159Member
    Joined: Oct 05, 2016
    @engineer20 Ah sige sige i'll do that. Thank you! :)

    221213 - External Auditor |189-65 pts | 190 NSW-70 pts |

    09-Sep-16 - PTE-A exam
    10-Sep-16 - PTE-A result (W,L,S-90; R-86; OAS-90)
    12-Sep-16 - Submitted documents for CPAA assessment
    03-Oct-16 - Received positive assessment from CPAA
    04-Oct-16 - Submitted EOIs for 189-65pts and 190 NSW-70pts
    27-Oct-16 - Received invitation to apply for NSW nomination
    28-Oct-16 - Submitted application for nomination
    07-Nov-16 - Received ITA for Visa 190 (God is good!)
    28-Nov-16 - 190 Visa application lodged (all applicable documents frontloaded)
    08-Dec-16 - Direct Grant! Thank you God!!!

    IED: March 2017

  • Gabrielle28Gabrielle28 Quezon City
    Posts: 60Member
    Joined: May 09, 2016
    @karel19 hi, sa health assessment and mismong hospital na accredited ang mag load ng results mo.... ung education depends sa assessing body mo like Engineers Australia or Vetasses... hope this helps.
  • Gabrielle28Gabrielle28 Quezon City
    Posts: 60Member
    Joined: May 09, 2016
    @jams hi ako ganun gnawa ko kaso ung CO upon contact sa amin health assessment required nila is accredited hospital... in our case st. lUkes pa....tapos sila na nag upload ng result... hope this helps.
  • jamsjams PH
    Posts: 159Member
    Joined: Oct 05, 2016
    @Gabrielle28 hi thank you!! Yup done nakami ng baby ko sa medical for 190 sa accredited hospital. yung winoworry ko yung sa hubby ko kasi pang student visa yung kanya. hehe. thank you sa reply! :)

    221213 - External Auditor |189-65 pts | 190 NSW-70 pts |

    09-Sep-16 - PTE-A exam
    10-Sep-16 - PTE-A result (W,L,S-90; R-86; OAS-90)
    12-Sep-16 - Submitted documents for CPAA assessment
    03-Oct-16 - Received positive assessment from CPAA
    04-Oct-16 - Submitted EOIs for 189-65pts and 190 NSW-70pts
    27-Oct-16 - Received invitation to apply for NSW nomination
    28-Oct-16 - Submitted application for nomination
    07-Nov-16 - Received ITA for Visa 190 (God is good!)
    28-Nov-16 - 190 Visa application lodged (all applicable documents frontloaded)
    08-Dec-16 - Direct Grant! Thank you God!!!

    IED: March 2017

  • deloriandelorian Singapore
    Posts: 181Member
    Joined: Oct 15, 2016
    tomorrow na ba ang invitation round?

    233512 Mech'l Engr

    24 Sept 2016 - IELTS (naka 10points)
    11 Oct 2016 - EA RSA Submitted
    04 Nov 2016 - EA Result Received and EOI lodged right away
    23 NOV 2016 - ITA Received
    28 NOV 2016 - Medical (cleared in 2 days)
    01 DEC 2016 - Wife and 2 Kids Medical (Awaiting for result)
    08 Dec 2016 - Visa lodged (all applicable and available documents uploaded)
    13 Dec 2016 - Wife and son medicals cleared
    14 Dec 2016 - Eldest son Medicals cleared
    20 Dec 2016 - 1st CO Contact (GSM Adelaide) asking for eldest son's Form 815 (submitted the same day)
    01 Feb 2017 - 2nd CO Contact (same CO) asking to Answer Questionnaire for Penal Waiver Support (submitted the next day)
    17 May 2017 - GRANT (after 160 days)
    08 June to 14 June 2017 - Initial Entry fulfilment
    13 July 2017 - Received a job offer sa Sydney (resigned immediately sa SG company)
    13 Aug 2017 - BM sa Sydney
    14 Aug 2017 - Start of Employment
    15 Sep 2017 - Wife and kids' BM...

  • Teng10Teng10 Brisbane eh!
    Posts: 181Member
    Joined: Sep 21, 2016
    I hope we all got our invitations tomorrow! God willing, our dream of better life will all come true. Good luck batch mates!

    (233411 - Electronics Engineer)

    29-Apr -2015 - Responded to Migration Agent on my Linkedin
    **after more than a year of waiting for "the" early retirement plan of my company :-(
    09-Jul -2016 - Finally decided The Project Down Under
    11-Jul -2016 - Signed contract with MA
    04-Aug-2016 - Took IELTS (L:7.5 R:6.5: W:6.0 S:6.5)
    20-Sep -2016 - Lodged EA Requirements
    21-Sep -2016 - EA Fast Track Requested
    30-Sep -2016 - Enrolled for PTE Review
    14-Oct -2016 - EA Positive
    26-Oct -2016 - PTE Positive (L:82 R:79: W:83 S:90)
    28-Oct-2016 - Submitted EOI (189/75)
    22-Nov-2016 - ITA Recieved
    08-Dec-2016 - Visa Lodged (Medical at St. Lukes BGC)
    05-Jan-2017 - CO Contact (Additional Proof of Employment)
    08-Feb-2017 - Visa Granted (Salamat po Ama!)
    BM Prep naman...

  • engineer20engineer20 Sydney
    Posts: 1,719Member, Moderator
    Joined: Jun 09, 2011
    @delorian tonight at 9pm PHT.

    29May2015: Submitted Online Application to VETASSESS (312112 Building Associate)
    02Jun2015: Lodged Date at VETASSESS
    28Aug2015: VETASSESS Assessment Completed (312112 Building Associate) - POSITIVE
    17Oct2015: PTE-A taken at SG
    19Oct2015: PTE-A Result: L-83, R-90, S-76, W-90 OAS-87
    19Oct2015: Submitted EOI Visa 190 (65 points plus SS 5 points if granted)
    19Oct2015: Submitted VIC SS Online Application Visa 190
    20Oct2015: VIC acknowledged SS application and gave Reference Number
    02Nov2015: VIC SS Application Rejected
    05Nov2015: Submitted Online Reassessment to VETASSESS (312212 Civil Engineering Technician) 08Feb2016: VETASSESS Outcome POSITIVE
    07Nov2015: Updated EOI to select NSW (312112)
    18Dec2015: Received NSW SS Invitation Stream 2
    21Dec2015: Lodged NSW SS Application
    12Jan2016: NSW SS Approved / Visa 190 ITA Received
    29Jan2016: SG PCC (Me) / Medical (Me, Wife and Kid)
    01Feb2016: Medicals Cleared
    05Feb2016: Lodged Visa 190
    18Feb2016: NBI Clearance Applied (Me and Wife) - HIT
    29Feb2016: SG PCC (Wife)
    03Mar2016: Collected and Uploaded NBI Clearance
    04Mar2016: Direct Grant
    07May2016: Initial Entry (Sydney)
    16Jul2017: Big Move
    Oct2020: Lodged Citizenship Application
    May2021: Citizenship Interview and Test
    TBA: Citizenship Ceremony

  • MayoMayMayoMay Posts: 280Member
    Joined: May 25, 2016
    Makikijoin po kasi sure na maglodge kami this Nov. dahil malapit na matapos ang 60days deadline namin. no date pa muna. pero sama na kami para sa alert updated..

    Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office l Date Granted | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year

    @pink | 190 | 1-Nov-16 | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office l Date Granted | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
    @karel19 | 189 | 1-Nov-16 | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office l Date Granted | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
    @Bongangela1985 | 190 | 4-Nov-16 | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office l Date Granted | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year
    @MayoMay | 189 | xx-xx-xx | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office l Date Granted | Target State/City | Initial Entry Month/Year

    ICT Support Engineer (As Dependent)
    ANZSCO: 263212 || Age: 30 pts || Educ: 10 pts || Work Exp: 5 pts || English: __pts || TOTAL: __pts

    **Analyst Programmer (Partner - main applicant)
    ANZSCO: 261311 || Age: 30 pts || Educ: 15 pts || Work Exp: 10 pts || English: 10 pts || TOTAL: 65 pts

    05.23.2016: Started researching about the process
    05.25.2016: Joined Pinoy AU forum and contacted colleagues who are already in AU for further assistance
    05.30.2016: Registered via online for a Debit Visa account in – Unionbank
    06.21.2016: Scanned all notarized documents
    06.25.2016: Uploaded all documents in ACS Site
    06.30.2016: Paid the ACS Fee and submitted it.
    07.11.2016: Received an email from ACS. Not qualified for Software Engineer (261313), recommended to use ICT Support Engineer (263212) instead
    07.21.2016: Paid the additional 200 AUD for the suggested ANZSCO 263212 (ICT Support Engineer)
    07.22.2016: Received the ACS Result - AQF Diploma, Major in Computing - 5yrs deducted / 3 yrs up to Present for the work experience)
    07.26.2016: Start of PTE test review
    07.29.2016: Partner's ACS Result - AQF Bachelor Degree (4yrs deducted / 5yrs up to Present for the work experience)
    08.30.2016: Took PTE exam / Processed NBI Clearance (with Hit)
    09.03.2016: Partner got positive PTE Result (L=79/R=85/S=72/W=90)
    09.05.2016: Lodged EOI (189)
    09.08.2016: Got our NBI Clearance...finally...
    09.15.2016: Received CEMI request
    09.28.2016: Partner got his ITA!!! (12:20am AU)
    10.10.2016: Completed Medical Exam - no action required
    11.22.2016: Visa lodged (frontloaded all docs)
    11.30.2016: CO asked for Payslip & ITR for 2011-2013
    12.16.2016: Uploaded the payslips & ITRs for 2011-2013
    02.03.2017: Golden email received!!! Thank you Lord!!
    03.24.2017: Attended the Pre-Departure Seminar (CFO Office)
    06.17.2017: Initial entry in Sydney last June 17-21, 2017
    01.14.2018: Hubby's big move to Sydney (Job hunting in progress)
    02.25.2018: Wifey's big move to Sydney
    05.29.2018: Wifey's 1st day at work (Barangaroo area)
    07.17.2018: Wifey's last day of contract work
    10.13.2018: Moved from Sydney to Canberra
    10.15.2018: Hubby's 1st day at work (Greenway area)
    12.21.2018: Wifey got accepted to a 5 month contract work
    01.21.2019: Wifey's 1st day at work (Turner area)
    06.30.2019: Wifey got a permanent role offer

    "Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game." - A Cinderella Story

  • jillpotjillpot Singapore
    Posts: 507Member
    Joined: May 04, 2015
    Good luck November batch. @pink @karel19 @Bongangela1985 @MayoMay. I-complete na lahat ng docs, para more chances of DG.

    At sa mga naghihintay ng ITA, mayang gabi na. Good luck!

    221111 Accountant (General)

    31 Mar 2015 - IELTS-A Exam (L8.5/R7.5/W6.5/S7.0)
    18 Apr 2015 - IELTS-A Exam (L7.5/R8.5/W7.0/S7.0)
    31 May 2016 - CPAA assessment application.
    02 Jul 2016 - CPAA positive assessment result.
    02 Jul 2016 - EOI submitted - 189/190 (65pts/70pts)
    29 Jul 2016 - PTE-A Exam (L84/R77/W79/S72)
    13 Sep 2016 - PTE-A Exam (L90/R81/W90/S85)
    13 Sep 2016 - EOI updated - 189 (75pts)
    14 Sep 2016 - ITA Received.
    23 Oct 2016 - Visa 189 Lodged.
    31 Oct 2016 - Direct Grant. (Thank you Lord!)

  • tweety11tweety11 Singapore
    Posts: 568Member
    Joined: Sep 07, 2016
    San nyo tinitingnan kung kelan ang invitation round? Wala pa kasi sa

    233211 Civil Engineer

    08 Oct 16 IELTS Exam (LRW)
    10 Oct 16 IELTS Exam (S)
    31 Oct 16 Submitted EA assessment (fast track)
    18 Nov 16 EA outcome, EOI submitted
    23 Nov 16 ITA received
    07 Jan 17 Visa 189 lodged
    30 Jan 17 Direct Grant :)

  • shaynetotshaynetot Mandaluyong
    Posts: 186Member
    Joined: Feb 21, 2014
    Hi guys! Pasama sa Nov batch. Inquire ko lang baka anyone here has an idea. Kasi I viewed the visa cut off date for the ITA ng auditors. Per September 28 na invitation round, as of September 11, 2016 na ung cut off nila for auditors na naglodge ng eoi. Pero nitong pang Oct 12 na invi round, as of April 20, 2016 ung cut off ng auditors. Medyo weird lang kasi umatras ung date. Typo error lang kaya to, or something? Anyone here who has an idea, or encounter same experience before? Thank you!!!

    External Auditor ANZSCO code 221213
    April 2016 - Visited Sydney and Melbourne with Hubby8
    August 2016 - Reviewed PTE-Academic
    5 Sept 2016 - Took the PTE-Academic exam; achieved the required CPAA score (R82/S65/L86/W90)
    19 Sept 2016 - Submitted docs to CPAA for migration assessment
    5 Oct 2016 - Received positive migration assessment;
    5 Oct 2016 - lodge EOI with 70 points
    21 Dec 2016 - Received invitation for 189
    16 January 2017 - medical at St. Luke's Ermita
    19 January 2017 - Lodged 189 visa
    24 January 2017 - Frontloaded all documents
    13 February 2017 - CO contact - Requested to tick the relevant box in item 43 of Form 80 ("Do you have children?")
    28 February 2017 - Visa Grant!!! Thank you Jesus!!!

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