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Labour shortages grow by 10%

aoleeaolee SingaporePosts: 571Member, De-activated
edited October 2011 in Update
Hi guys,

I'm not sure how true this is? but maybe some of our friends there in OZ can confirm? ramdam ba kakulangan ng mga nabanggit na profession dyan sa OZ?

"Releasing its 2011 skilled migration survey, KPMG says the labour shortage worsened by 10% over the past year. And it's not just the booming resources sector that's feeling the pinch – foreign workers are also being sought in the areas of accounting, finance, IT, planning and policy."

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  • kidrockkidrock Sydney
    Posts: 28Member
    Joined: Jan 12, 2011
    probably the survey could be true, there is shortage but definitely they are looking for the best skilled person only. and they are already resolving the shortage by funding training program here in Australia. read.
  • LokiJrLokiJr Quezon City
    Posts: 2,616Member, Moderator
    Joined: Jan 13, 2011
    Yahoo, kasama ang Finance sector :D

    In terms of population, Australia'a Natural Birth Rate Dropped by 1% this year...tapos mas konti ang approved migrants sa 2011 kesa sa 2010, so there's some truth to the statistics I think :)
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