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3YRS Tourist Visa, Countries to exit aside from Phils

brosiabrosia SydneyPosts: 47Member
My mom has 3yrs tourist visa pero need mg-exit every 3months.. ask lang po suggestions sa mga countries na pwede puntahan or mg-exit aside from Phils..


  • patsy12345patsy12345 Brisbane
    Posts: 14Member
    Joined: Apr 07, 2015
    i have the same problem too,,my mom got a visa for multiple entry valid for a year,she just arrived yesterday and im planning na sa Bali sya mag exit stay there for 3 days and come back kasi mura lang but im worried na baka i hold sya sa immigration,,she was here last year for 1 year tourist visa tapos this time ginawa nilang multiple entry,,hope someone can enlighten us regarding with this,,,i did call the immigration yesterday and the woman said that its legal but its still the officers discretion sa border if they will let my mom come back since it doesnt show that you are a genuine tourist ,,,so to be safe side daw go home and stay there for a month which is very costly,,,thanks for those who can share their experience regarding with this matter...
  • MiaMia NZ
    Posts: 324Member
    Joined: Oct 27, 2011
    Apply na lang for an extension onshore. She will need a medical...
  • patsy12345patsy12345 Brisbane
    Posts: 14Member
    Joined: Apr 07, 2015
    Thanks can i do that?can i do it in my immi account and did you know someone who dit it?thanks..any tips would be appreciated
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