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NEED TO sell my Car FAST! saan kaya ok dito sa Perth?

engr_boyengr_boy SydneyPosts: 293Member
Just got a job offer to transfer to Sydney in a few weeks time. I need to get rid of my car FAST! like in a week. I live in Perth. may suggestions po kayo mga ka-PinoyAU? na used car dealership? or yung online? or yung wreckers?

magkano kaya makukuha ko for an old Ford Escape XLT 2002, 210,000kms, last 2016 napalitan na brand new alternator, brand new radiator, brand new coolant bottle, kakaservice lang a last feb

Occupation: Surveyor (ANZSCO 232212)
07.01.12 - IELTS - British Council - L8.5 R7.0 W9.0 S7.5 OBS 8.0
15.12.13 - Invited for 189 (Skilled Independent) Visa
25.12.13 - Lodged 189 Visa
02.02.14 - CO Allocated Adelaide GSM Team 07
15.05.14 - Visa Grant - Change of Team (Adelaide Team 6)
27.10.14 - Initial Entry (Perth)
16.03.19 - RRV (Return Resident Visa) Subclass 155 - applied and granted automatically!
25.09.19 - Applied 309/100 Partner Visa for wife
08.12.20 - Wife 309 Visa Approved!
Food is a weapon. And there nothing better than danggit. Ask my Aussie housemates.


  • engr_boyengr_boy Sydney
    Posts: 293Member
    Joined: Jan 08, 2012
    eh yung ipa-freight? via truck or rail? any suggestions?

    Occupation: Surveyor (ANZSCO 232212)
    07.01.12 - IELTS - British Council - L8.5 R7.0 W9.0 S7.5 OBS 8.0
    15.12.13 - Invited for 189 (Skilled Independent) Visa
    25.12.13 - Lodged 189 Visa
    02.02.14 - CO Allocated Adelaide GSM Team 07
    15.05.14 - Visa Grant - Change of Team (Adelaide Team 6)
    27.10.14 - Initial Entry (Perth)
    16.03.19 - RRV (Return Resident Visa) Subclass 155 - applied and granted automatically!
    25.09.19 - Applied 309/100 Partner Visa for wife
    08.12.20 - Wife 309 Visa Approved!
    Food is a weapon. And there nothing better than danggit. Ask my Aussie housemates.

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