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Looking for Room / Apartment at Wollstonecraft, North Sydney

jong02jong02 North SydneyPosts: 4Member
Hi guys

Me and my girlfriend are nurses who are arriving in North Sydney this 15 May 2017.

I am about to start my RN job in Mater Hospital - Sydney within Wollstonecraft.

We are looking for a place to stay, preferably walking distance away from the hospital (para tipid sa everyday pamasahe, hehe)

Max budget po namin 300 AUD, pero negotiable naman po depends sa ammenities na magiging available.

Pls PM me for any offers.




  • npnapolesnpnapoles Sydney, australia
    Posts: 4Member
    Joined: May 14, 2017
    Hi, iI have a 1BR flat at wollstonecraft near Mater hospital, it has a veranda and a carspace and built-in ward robe, its 460pw and it will be available on 2nd week of june, if your interested please contact me at 0434194013 or leave a mssg here, thank you
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