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Industrial Engineers/Mechanical Engineers/ Production or Plant Engineers Thread (ANZSCO 233513)



  • lgl214lgl214 Posts: 16Member
    Joined: Mar 16, 2017
  • ram071312ram071312 Perth, Western Australia
    Posts: 749Member
    Joined: Sep 21, 2015
    @lottysatty sayang nga kaya lang nakabook na sya for IELTS sa 29.. ang hirap na pala ng invitation ngaun.. very stiff ang competition. Good luck sa lahat :) Pasasaan bat makakarating din kayo dito sa Land Down Under :)

    Chemical Engineer || ANZSCO 233111
    Aug.29.2015 - IELTS Schedule
    Sep.11.2015 - Received IELTS Result - [L8.5|R7.5|W6.5|S7]
    Sep.15.2015 - Submitted requirements to EA for assessment
    Sep.19.2015 - Applied for Remarking at IDP Makati
    Nov.04.2015 - Received Remarking Result - Successful: Writing Module changed to Band 7
    Nov.27.2015 - Applied for NBI with husband (with HIT)Dec.14.2015 - Received EA Positive Outcome Letter
    Dec.15.2015 - Submitted EOI Visa 189- 70 points
    Dec.18.2015 - Received ITA
    Dec.19.2015 - Medical at Nationwide Makati (with husband and daughter)
    Dec.22.2015 - Additional test required for daughter : X-ray due to positive PPD skin test
    Dec.22.2015 - Husband's Medical Status: Health Clearance Provided - No Action Required
    Dec.23.2015 - My Medical Status: Health Clearance Provided - No Action Required
    Jan.12.2016 - Lodged Visa Application
    Jan.12.2016 - Front loaded all documents (including Form 80)
    Jan.13.2016 - Daughter's Medical Status: Health Clearance Provided - No Action Required (Thank you Lord!)
    Jan.28.2016 - CO Allocated - GSM Adelaide, requesting for signed Form 815: Health Undertaking Form for my daughter [Day 16]
    Jan.28.2016 - Submitted signed Form 815 for my daughter [Day 16]
    Mar.18.2016 - Visa Grant, Thank you Lord! [Day 50, from Visa Lodgment] IED - Jul.13.2016
    Mar.18.2016 - Booked flight to Brisbane, QLD (via Qantas) for Initial Entry with family on May.29.2016
    Mar.29.2016 - PDOS at CFO
    May.29.2016 - Initial Entry in Brisbane, QLD fulfilled
    Jan.17, 2017 - Hired by an Au company while still in PH
    Jan. 19, 2017 - Resigned from work in PH
    Feb.10.2017 - Big move to Perth, WA with hubby and daughter
    Feb.13.2017 - 1st day of Full Time Work
    Aug 04.2017 - Start of husband's casual work
    Aug.16.2017 - End of Probationary Period, permanent full time employment confirmed
    Oct. 09.2017 - Start of husband's fulltime work (probationary)

  • lottysattylottysatty Cebu
    Posts: 225Member
    Joined: Feb 25, 2016
    edited September 2017
    @ram071312 Yes po. Right now, ang 65 pointers na nainvite is up to Jan 24, 2017 pa lang. Baka 2018 na ang mga 60 pointers. I even retook PTE para magincrease ang points ko para mainvite na. Based on the trend now, I think mga October 20 or Nov 1 pa ako mainvite. April ako ngEOI. Tama po, dun din tayo tutungo. Antay2 lang. hehehe. God bless po :)

    Industrial Engineer : 233511
    10/29/2016 - IELTS Exam
    11/11/2016 - IELTS Results L8 R8 W6.5 S7
    11/16/2016 - Applied Remarking
    12/15/2016 - Remarking for Writing Unchanged
    1/31/2017 - Submitted Fast Track EA Assessment
    2/14/2017 - PTE Exam
    2/18/2017 - PTE Results L77 R68 S66 W90 (Proficient)
    3/6/2017 - EA Asked for Additional Requirements
    3/24/2017 - Submitted Additional Docs
    4/26/2017 - Received EA favorable letter
    4/28/2017 - Submitted EOI for 189 (65pts)
    9/11/2017 - PTE Exam (aiming for Superior)
    9/15/2017 - PTE Results L90 R83 S90 W90 (Superior)
    9/15/2017 - Updated EOI for 189 (75pts)
    9/20/2017 - Received ITA
    9/28/2017 - Medicals at Nationwide Cebu (Me and 2 Kids)
    10/02/2017 - Kids for IGRA Test (7am)
    10/03/2017 - Requested Japan Police Clearance for Hubby (Wait for 2-3 Months Timeline)
    10/04/2017 - Medicals for Hubby
    10/06/2017 - Received NBI Clearance after Hit
    10/11/2017 - Medicals all Cleared
    10/31/2017 - Visa Lodging
    11/23/2017 - Received Hubby's Japan Police Clearance (Actual:52 days)

  • Christian_DaveChristian_Dave Philippines
    Posts: 123Member
    Joined: Sep 07, 2017
    Pasok pa bopa ang IE sa visa class 189 as of today po pwede paba mag apply sa visa class 189

    Age = 25pts , Educ = 15pts , English = ?, Work Exp. = ?
    Feb 2018 - Start IELTS review
    Aug 2018 - To Proceed PTE review
    Sept 2018 - To take PTE exam and wait next step for the result
    PTE result last Sept 27 - L = 68, W = 64 , R = 72, S = 83
    To take PTE again June 2020
    Next step making CDR for EA assessment

    Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible and Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough

  • akoaypinoyakoaypinoy South Korea
    Posts: 269Member
    Joined: Dec 10, 2016
    @Christian_Dave bukas na bukas pa brad. Paevaluate na sa EA at lodge na agad ng EOI. FYI minimum points ngayon is 65 for 2335 kaya icompute mo na ang points mo at explore all options to increase it. Fighting! :)>-
  • Christian_DaveChristian_Dave Philippines
    Posts: 123Member
    Joined: Sep 07, 2017
    Ah okay..salamat po.. Actually hindi pa ako nkapagtake nang ielts pero saan pwede magcheck initial points mo para ma check ko saang area pwede magincrease :)

    Age = 25pts , Educ = 15pts , English = ?, Work Exp. = ?
    Feb 2018 - Start IELTS review
    Aug 2018 - To Proceed PTE review
    Sept 2018 - To take PTE exam and wait next step for the result
    PTE result last Sept 27 - L = 68, W = 64 , R = 72, S = 83
    To take PTE again June 2020
    Next step making CDR for EA assessment

    Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible and Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough

  • GrifterGrifter Posts: 458Member
    Joined: Oct 19, 2016
  • Wish09Wish09 philippines
    Posts: 45Member
    Joined: May 23, 2017
    Hi! We submitted eoi for 233512 eoi date is aug 23, 2017 with 65 points. Can anyone help predict when will we be invited?
  • akoaypinoyakoaypinoy South Korea
    Posts: 269Member
    Joined: Dec 10, 2016
    @Wish09 you can use this link to estimate on when you can expect an invite
    currently, mga eoi lodged last january 24 pa lang ang naiinvite
  • engineerSC189engineerSC189 Manila
    Posts: 30Member
    Joined: Sep 19, 2017
    Hi guys!

    I would like to please seek for any advice regarding my case.

    Just a background, I have lodged my Expression of Interest (EOI) in Skill Select last 05 May 2017.
    This is for my Skilled - Independent (subclass 189) (Permanent Resident) application to Australia.

    I was able to meet the points test pass mark at 65 total points.

    Age: 30 points
    English Language Ability: 10 points
    Education: 15 Points
    Work Experience: 10 points
    Total: 65 points

    Unfortunately, I don’t think this is enough for me to be invited to apply for a visa given the highly competitive domain for our field.
    As most of us know, Australia’s Department of Immigration and Border Protection already tagged our occupation for pro-rata arrangements due to increasing levels of demand.

    Please see my scores both in IELTS and PTE that only qualified me for Proficient English (10 points).

    Test: IELTS General Training (Thru British Council)
    Date: November 3, 2016
    Listening: 8.0
    Reading: 8.5
    Writing: 7.0
    Speaking: 9.0

    Test: PTE Academic
    Date: September 11, 2017
    Listening: 75
    Reading: 87
    Writing: 83
    Speaking: 90

    Given the tough competition, I believe the only way for me to secure the invite to apply for visa is to increase my over-all points.
    As all other parameters in the eligibility points are more or less fixed in my case for the time period (e.g. age, education, work experience, etc.), I can only enhance my score by improving my level of English proficiency from Proficient to Superior and gain 20 maximum points.

    When I realized that the scores being invited to apply for a visa are already ranging from 70 to 75 points, I took the PTE Academic exam to boost my over-all score as I just read in an online forum that it is supposedly easier to get higher scores in PTE against IELTS.

    As you can see from my detailed scores above, I almost reached the superior mark except for a single module in both tests (for IELTS at 7.0 for Writing and for PTE at 75 for Listening).
    Given the demands of my work, I had almost none to barely minimum preparation and review for both tests.
    I remember that I wasn’t able to finish my writing test for IELTS due to miscalculations in time management.
    As for PTE, I’m actually more comfortable with traditional pen and paper-based exam vs computer-based exam.
    I was actually bit distracted with the arrangement and set-up of PTE exam.

    With all the aforementioned details,
    1) Would you recommend that I consider taking IELTS or PTE for my next attempt to get superior score?
    2) Will there be a significant difference if I take my IELTS exam under IDP vs British Council? What do you recommend?
    3) Or should I just wait and see (and save resources) if I will be invited in the next few months with total score of 65 trusting that the latest estimate / projection from Iscah as of 9 September 2017 will materialize such that I will be invited in 1-2 months’ time.

    I know there are risks and implications involved in all options so I really need your help to guide me in this decision making process.

    Thank you guys!!!
  • dorbsdeedorbsdee Melbourne
    Posts: 621Member
    Joined: Nov 30, 2015
    @engineerSC189 I would suggest PTE, unang-una mas madali sya kaysa IELTS when it comes to subjective scoring (writing/ speaking) with your recent IELTS & PTE scores, tingin ko kaya mo mahit yung Superior....

    Pwede mo rin iconsider state nomination.... by the way, I'm waiting for 189 ITA tonight....
    Goodluck sa endeavor whatever your decision is....

    233512 - Mechanical Engineer| 25 (Age) + 15 (Education) + 15 (Experience) + 10 (English) = 65 pts.
    07/Nov/2015: BC IELTS GT Test: L: 6.5, R: 6.0, W: 6.0, S: 7.0
    04/Feb/2016: Lodge EA Assessment (Fast Track)
    12/Feb/2016: EA Positive Outcome
    12/Feb/2016: Submit EOI, NSW SS (55 + 5) = 60 pts.
    30/Apr/2016: BC IELTS GT Test: L: 8.0, R: 7.5, W: 7.0, S: 6.5
    26/July/2016: IELTS Remarking (Speaking: 6.5) --> "no change"
    25/Oct/2016: PTE-Academic: L: 89, R: 72, W: 77, S: 90
    26/Oct/2016: Submit EOI, 189 (60 pts.)
    09/Nov/2016: Updated EOI, NSW SS = 65 pts.
    10/Nov/2016: Applied VIC Skilled Nomination 190
    14/Dec/2016: VIC Skilled Nomination 190 -- Not Selected...:(
    28/Dec/2016: PTE-Academic: L: 76, R: 74, W: 76, S: 80 :(:(.....
    05/Jan/2017: Additional EA Relevant Skilled Employment
    23/Jan/2017: PTE-Academic: L: 90, R: 80, W: 76, S: 90 :(:(..again:(
    13/Feb/2017: EA Positive Outcome for Additional RSE
    13/Feb/2017: Updated EOI, 189 (65pts.), NSW (70 pts.)
    18/June/2017: Applied VIC Skilled Nomination 190 - take two
    25/July/2017: ITA VIC Skilled Nomination 190
    26/Aug/2017: Medicals @ Nationwide Makati
    05/Sept/2017: Medicals cleared (Thanks be to GOD)
    20/Sept/2017: ITA 189 Points-Tested Stream (Salamat sa Dios... nakahabol pa)
    21/Sept/2017: Visa Lodge 189
    23/Sept/2017: EXPIRED --> ITA VIC Skilled Nomination 190
    01/Nov/2017: CO Contact, Form 815
    09/Mar/2018: GRANTED (sa wakas...) IED: 31/Jul/2018
    20/Jul/2018: BIG Move, stay with a fried...
    04/Sep/2018: 1st day of work, Mechanical Engineer role (same industry)
    01/Dec/2018: Move to rented house
    27/Dec/2018: Drive Test with vicroads converted PH driver's license

  • GrifterGrifter Posts: 458Member
    Joined: Oct 19, 2016
    @engineerSC189 suggest to retake pte, don't be too frustrated if u failed the first time. Madami po tayo inspiring members dito na hindi nag give up, retake lang until maka superior. Please see our pte thread. Goodluck
  • GrifterGrifter Posts: 458Member
    Joined: Oct 19, 2016
    Mga kapatid na 65 pointer, pa update naman po later ng eoi date nyo kung mainvite kayo. Salamat po :)
  • lottysattylottysatty Cebu
    Posts: 225Member
    Joined: Feb 25, 2016
    @engineerSC189 Hi po..Halos magkapareho ta ng EOI lodge date. Sa tingin ko malapit na ang May 5 65 pointers na mainvite. Probably Oct 18 or Nov 1. Probably if you will retake PTE (which is more recommended compared to IELTS), you will book it within 2 to 4 weeks time which is around Oct 18 and there is also a higher possibility to get invited on that round. I am seeing tonight's ITA might include March (first week). There are risks involved in every decision. If I am to decide, you can wait for your ITA to come. :)

    Industrial Engineer : 233511
    10/29/2016 - IELTS Exam
    11/11/2016 - IELTS Results L8 R8 W6.5 S7
    11/16/2016 - Applied Remarking
    12/15/2016 - Remarking for Writing Unchanged
    1/31/2017 - Submitted Fast Track EA Assessment
    2/14/2017 - PTE Exam
    2/18/2017 - PTE Results L77 R68 S66 W90 (Proficient)
    3/6/2017 - EA Asked for Additional Requirements
    3/24/2017 - Submitted Additional Docs
    4/26/2017 - Received EA favorable letter
    4/28/2017 - Submitted EOI for 189 (65pts)
    9/11/2017 - PTE Exam (aiming for Superior)
    9/15/2017 - PTE Results L90 R83 S90 W90 (Superior)
    9/15/2017 - Updated EOI for 189 (75pts)
    9/20/2017 - Received ITA
    9/28/2017 - Medicals at Nationwide Cebu (Me and 2 Kids)
    10/02/2017 - Kids for IGRA Test (7am)
    10/03/2017 - Requested Japan Police Clearance for Hubby (Wait for 2-3 Months Timeline)
    10/04/2017 - Medicals for Hubby
    10/06/2017 - Received NBI Clearance after Hit
    10/11/2017 - Medicals all Cleared
    10/31/2017 - Visa Lodging
    11/23/2017 - Received Hubby's Japan Police Clearance (Actual:52 days)

  • akoaypinoyakoaypinoy South Korea
    Posts: 269Member
    Joined: Dec 10, 2016
    @lottysatty may nabasa ako na thread na naka superior ka na! congrats. ienjoy mo na ang invite mo mamaya. goodluck sa lahat mga ka-2335.
  • lottysattylottysatty Cebu
    Posts: 225Member
    Joined: Feb 25, 2016
    @akoaypinoy yes po..thanks! uuwi c hubby from Korea para asikasuhin ang docs coz he finds it hard to procure from embassy there. Nakapaglodge napo kayo? Baka during chusok na kami makalodge..

    Industrial Engineer : 233511
    10/29/2016 - IELTS Exam
    11/11/2016 - IELTS Results L8 R8 W6.5 S7
    11/16/2016 - Applied Remarking
    12/15/2016 - Remarking for Writing Unchanged
    1/31/2017 - Submitted Fast Track EA Assessment
    2/14/2017 - PTE Exam
    2/18/2017 - PTE Results L77 R68 S66 W90 (Proficient)
    3/6/2017 - EA Asked for Additional Requirements
    3/24/2017 - Submitted Additional Docs
    4/26/2017 - Received EA favorable letter
    4/28/2017 - Submitted EOI for 189 (65pts)
    9/11/2017 - PTE Exam (aiming for Superior)
    9/15/2017 - PTE Results L90 R83 S90 W90 (Superior)
    9/15/2017 - Updated EOI for 189 (75pts)
    9/20/2017 - Received ITA
    9/28/2017 - Medicals at Nationwide Cebu (Me and 2 Kids)
    10/02/2017 - Kids for IGRA Test (7am)
    10/03/2017 - Requested Japan Police Clearance for Hubby (Wait for 2-3 Months Timeline)
    10/04/2017 - Medicals for Hubby
    10/06/2017 - Received NBI Clearance after Hit
    10/11/2017 - Medicals all Cleared
    10/31/2017 - Visa Lodging
    11/23/2017 - Received Hubby's Japan Police Clearance (Actual:52 days)

  • levimervinlevimervin Philippines
    Posts: 263Member
    Joined: Jul 26, 2016
    @lottysatty wow! pagkanice gud nimo! naa nakay ITA unya. hehe! congrats!

    Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"

    Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | GSM Office | Date Granted | Target State/City | IED

    @levimervin | 189 | 08/26/2017 | Adelaide | 12/18/2017 | Melbourne, Victoria | September 19, 2018

    233513 - Production/Plant Engineer
    (EOI: 65 points for 189, Nov. 23, 2016)

    06/29/2016 - Received Favorable Letter from EA
    07/02/2016 - Lodged EOI (60 points for 190 NSW)
    11/23/2016 - EOI Update (65 points for 189)
    01/12/2017 - Applied 190 Victoria Government State Sponsorhsip
    02/07/2017 - Victorian Government denied 190 State Sponsorship
    08/23/2017 - ITA Received (189)
    08/26/2017 - VISA 189 Application Lodged
    09/15/2017 - Medical Examination @ Nationwide Health Systems Cebu & Chong Hua Medical Arts Center (Child's TB Skin Test)
    09/18/2017 - Medical Examination (Child's TB Skin Test Result)
    09/25/2017 - CO Contact: CO requested for spouse's Evidence of functional English (It was already included during VISA Lodged, resubmit it anyways on the same day)
    12/18/2017 - Golden EMAIL
    01/29/2018 - CFO-PDOS in Cebu
    02/15/2018 - BIG MOVE!
    02/17/2018 - Arrived in Melbourne!
    06/13/2018 - Family's BIG MOVE (booked flights already)

  • lottysattylottysatty Cebu
    Posts: 225Member
    Joined: Feb 25, 2016
    @levimervin haha. Thanks! Nakaluy-an intawn. Visa lodging napod asikasuhon pohon..Goodluck nato!

    Industrial Engineer : 233511
    10/29/2016 - IELTS Exam
    11/11/2016 - IELTS Results L8 R8 W6.5 S7
    11/16/2016 - Applied Remarking
    12/15/2016 - Remarking for Writing Unchanged
    1/31/2017 - Submitted Fast Track EA Assessment
    2/14/2017 - PTE Exam
    2/18/2017 - PTE Results L77 R68 S66 W90 (Proficient)
    3/6/2017 - EA Asked for Additional Requirements
    3/24/2017 - Submitted Additional Docs
    4/26/2017 - Received EA favorable letter
    4/28/2017 - Submitted EOI for 189 (65pts)
    9/11/2017 - PTE Exam (aiming for Superior)
    9/15/2017 - PTE Results L90 R83 S90 W90 (Superior)
    9/15/2017 - Updated EOI for 189 (75pts)
    9/20/2017 - Received ITA
    9/28/2017 - Medicals at Nationwide Cebu (Me and 2 Kids)
    10/02/2017 - Kids for IGRA Test (7am)
    10/03/2017 - Requested Japan Police Clearance for Hubby (Wait for 2-3 Months Timeline)
    10/04/2017 - Medicals for Hubby
    10/06/2017 - Received NBI Clearance after Hit
    10/11/2017 - Medicals all Cleared
    10/31/2017 - Visa Lodging
    11/23/2017 - Received Hubby's Japan Police Clearance (Actual:52 days)

  • akoaypinoyakoaypinoy South Korea
    Posts: 269Member
    Joined: Dec 10, 2016
    @lottysatty sakto 10 days bakasyon dito sa korea. baka mauna ka pa makapag lodge kasi ung singapore police clearance ko mukhang first week pa ng october. we are aiming for direct grant kasi kaya we are taking our time talaga. lahat naman tayo dun din papunta medyo relax na nga lang ngayon kasi secured na ung invitation.
  • levimervinlevimervin Philippines
    Posts: 263Member
    Joined: Jul 26, 2016
    @lottysatty - nganha bya ko Cebu Sep. 14-18, 2017, para sa medical exam. Kung naa kay bata, 3 days diay na ang TB skin test result, obserbahan pa after 3days. Nya ang TB skin test dili sa Nationwide, adto pa mo sa Chong Hua Medical Arts kang Dra. Obra.

    Nagtoo jud ko nga adto na tanan sa Nationwide. haha!

    Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"

    Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | GSM Office | Date Granted | Target State/City | IED

    @levimervin | 189 | 08/26/2017 | Adelaide | 12/18/2017 | Melbourne, Victoria | September 19, 2018

    233513 - Production/Plant Engineer
    (EOI: 65 points for 189, Nov. 23, 2016)

    06/29/2016 - Received Favorable Letter from EA
    07/02/2016 - Lodged EOI (60 points for 190 NSW)
    11/23/2016 - EOI Update (65 points for 189)
    01/12/2017 - Applied 190 Victoria Government State Sponsorhsip
    02/07/2017 - Victorian Government denied 190 State Sponsorship
    08/23/2017 - ITA Received (189)
    08/26/2017 - VISA 189 Application Lodged
    09/15/2017 - Medical Examination @ Nationwide Health Systems Cebu & Chong Hua Medical Arts Center (Child's TB Skin Test)
    09/18/2017 - Medical Examination (Child's TB Skin Test Result)
    09/25/2017 - CO Contact: CO requested for spouse's Evidence of functional English (It was already included during VISA Lodged, resubmit it anyways on the same day)
    12/18/2017 - Golden EMAIL
    01/29/2018 - CFO-PDOS in Cebu
    02/15/2018 - BIG MOVE!
    02/17/2018 - Arrived in Melbourne!
    06/13/2018 - Family's BIG MOVE (booked flights already)

  • lottysattylottysatty Cebu
    Posts: 225Member
    Joined: Feb 25, 2016
    @akoaypinoy mga first week sa october din kami pagkatapos makuha ni hubby ang nbi at pamedical. Pero yong japanese clearance ni hubby, it will take 2 months so possibleng maCO contact muna kami nito. Okay lang yon. Hindi naman talaga rush ang AU move. Tama ka. Ang importante ay secured na ang invitation.

    Industrial Engineer : 233511
    10/29/2016 - IELTS Exam
    11/11/2016 - IELTS Results L8 R8 W6.5 S7
    11/16/2016 - Applied Remarking
    12/15/2016 - Remarking for Writing Unchanged
    1/31/2017 - Submitted Fast Track EA Assessment
    2/14/2017 - PTE Exam
    2/18/2017 - PTE Results L77 R68 S66 W90 (Proficient)
    3/6/2017 - EA Asked for Additional Requirements
    3/24/2017 - Submitted Additional Docs
    4/26/2017 - Received EA favorable letter
    4/28/2017 - Submitted EOI for 189 (65pts)
    9/11/2017 - PTE Exam (aiming for Superior)
    9/15/2017 - PTE Results L90 R83 S90 W90 (Superior)
    9/15/2017 - Updated EOI for 189 (75pts)
    9/20/2017 - Received ITA
    9/28/2017 - Medicals at Nationwide Cebu (Me and 2 Kids)
    10/02/2017 - Kids for IGRA Test (7am)
    10/03/2017 - Requested Japan Police Clearance for Hubby (Wait for 2-3 Months Timeline)
    10/04/2017 - Medicals for Hubby
    10/06/2017 - Received NBI Clearance after Hit
    10/11/2017 - Medicals all Cleared
    10/31/2017 - Visa Lodging
    11/23/2017 - Received Hubby's Japan Police Clearance (Actual:52 days)

  • lottysattylottysatty Cebu
    Posts: 225Member
    Joined: Feb 25, 2016
    @levimervin hala mao ba. 2 jud ni ako anak 5 ug 10 yrs old. Hasol diay no? Okay ra inyo medical?

    Industrial Engineer : 233511
    10/29/2016 - IELTS Exam
    11/11/2016 - IELTS Results L8 R8 W6.5 S7
    11/16/2016 - Applied Remarking
    12/15/2016 - Remarking for Writing Unchanged
    1/31/2017 - Submitted Fast Track EA Assessment
    2/14/2017 - PTE Exam
    2/18/2017 - PTE Results L77 R68 S66 W90 (Proficient)
    3/6/2017 - EA Asked for Additional Requirements
    3/24/2017 - Submitted Additional Docs
    4/26/2017 - Received EA favorable letter
    4/28/2017 - Submitted EOI for 189 (65pts)
    9/11/2017 - PTE Exam (aiming for Superior)
    9/15/2017 - PTE Results L90 R83 S90 W90 (Superior)
    9/15/2017 - Updated EOI for 189 (75pts)
    9/20/2017 - Received ITA
    9/28/2017 - Medicals at Nationwide Cebu (Me and 2 Kids)
    10/02/2017 - Kids for IGRA Test (7am)
    10/03/2017 - Requested Japan Police Clearance for Hubby (Wait for 2-3 Months Timeline)
    10/04/2017 - Medicals for Hubby
    10/06/2017 - Received NBI Clearance after Hit
    10/11/2017 - Medicals all Cleared
    10/31/2017 - Visa Lodging
    11/23/2017 - Received Hubby's Japan Police Clearance (Actual:52 days)

  • levimervinlevimervin Philippines
    Posts: 263Member
    Joined: Jul 26, 2016
    @lottysatty ok ra man so far, wala may text gikan sa Nationwide, ila ra man kuno itext kung naay concerns sa result. Gahapon kay ang x-ray result naman lang kulang namo nya ako gipangutana ang mga result ok naman ang blood chem, urine, physical, TB skin test result sko bata nga 5 yrs kay negative. Maayo nlng gani ako 1 yr old kay wlay TB skin test.

    Hasol oi kay na extend tawon amo stay sa Cebu, imbes naa nami round trip ticket sa fast craft, kay unta ato ra saturday amo balik,
    maayo nlang gani naa koy igsoon sa liloan, medyo layo2 pud jud. Nakaleave gud mi ahat sko misis kagahapon.

    Medjo dili maayo ang information sa website nila sa Nationwide. Ingon sila nga come 15mins before sa scheduled appointments, nya pag abot ngadto kay first come first serve basis naman nuon, ang pinakasayo bya ako gipili nga oras, nuon gipaapas naman lang mi pagkabalo nila nga nagpabook mi online, nakauna nuon mi sa uban. Nya ingon sa website nga provide passport photos, dili ra diay kinahanglan kay ngadto ra picturan. Naa pa jud provide 3 copies sa passport photos, usa ra diay kuhaon. Haha! Daghana kaayo nko gipaphotocopies.

    Haskang galawgawa sko BP, ako pa jud gipangandaman for 3 week

    Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"

    Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | GSM Office | Date Granted | Target State/City | IED

    @levimervin | 189 | 08/26/2017 | Adelaide | 12/18/2017 | Melbourne, Victoria | September 19, 2018

    233513 - Production/Plant Engineer
    (EOI: 65 points for 189, Nov. 23, 2016)

    06/29/2016 - Received Favorable Letter from EA
    07/02/2016 - Lodged EOI (60 points for 190 NSW)
    11/23/2016 - EOI Update (65 points for 189)
    01/12/2017 - Applied 190 Victoria Government State Sponsorhsip
    02/07/2017 - Victorian Government denied 190 State Sponsorship
    08/23/2017 - ITA Received (189)
    08/26/2017 - VISA 189 Application Lodged
    09/15/2017 - Medical Examination @ Nationwide Health Systems Cebu & Chong Hua Medical Arts Center (Child's TB Skin Test)
    09/18/2017 - Medical Examination (Child's TB Skin Test Result)
    09/25/2017 - CO Contact: CO requested for spouse's Evidence of functional English (It was already included during VISA Lodged, resubmit it anyways on the same day)
    12/18/2017 - Golden EMAIL
    01/29/2018 - CFO-PDOS in Cebu
    02/15/2018 - BIG MOVE!
    02/17/2018 - Arrived in Melbourne!
    06/13/2018 - Family's BIG MOVE (booked flights already)

  • lottysattylottysatty Cebu
    Posts: 225Member
    Joined: Feb 25, 2016
    @levimervin Hala salamat kaayo sa information kay magpasked na ko karong Saturday ba..Maayo rajud kbalo nami daan what to expect. Hala, hypertensive ko den naa koy gimaintain haha..Pero i think okay ra man cguro na ang medical as long as walay hiv..If in case naay TB kay magwait ra man ug treatment den f ongoing pa kay murag moreport didto sa AU pohon..Ako plan is to take the medical before visa lodging basta makagenerate nalang HAP ID, pwd naman.

    Industrial Engineer : 233511
    10/29/2016 - IELTS Exam
    11/11/2016 - IELTS Results L8 R8 W6.5 S7
    11/16/2016 - Applied Remarking
    12/15/2016 - Remarking for Writing Unchanged
    1/31/2017 - Submitted Fast Track EA Assessment
    2/14/2017 - PTE Exam
    2/18/2017 - PTE Results L77 R68 S66 W90 (Proficient)
    3/6/2017 - EA Asked for Additional Requirements
    3/24/2017 - Submitted Additional Docs
    4/26/2017 - Received EA favorable letter
    4/28/2017 - Submitted EOI for 189 (65pts)
    9/11/2017 - PTE Exam (aiming for Superior)
    9/15/2017 - PTE Results L90 R83 S90 W90 (Superior)
    9/15/2017 - Updated EOI for 189 (75pts)
    9/20/2017 - Received ITA
    9/28/2017 - Medicals at Nationwide Cebu (Me and 2 Kids)
    10/02/2017 - Kids for IGRA Test (7am)
    10/03/2017 - Requested Japan Police Clearance for Hubby (Wait for 2-3 Months Timeline)
    10/04/2017 - Medicals for Hubby
    10/06/2017 - Received NBI Clearance after Hit
    10/11/2017 - Medicals all Cleared
    10/31/2017 - Visa Lodging
    11/23/2017 - Received Hubby's Japan Police Clearance (Actual:52 days)

  • levimervinlevimervin Philippines
    Posts: 263Member
    Joined: Jul 26, 2016
    @lottysatty nya 120/80 consisitent ang monitoring. Pagabot ngadto kay na 160/100 naman nuon, nya gipa repeat BP ko, 140/100, maayo nalng kay wala ko girecommend for "serum creatinine test". Ingon sa doctor kay basin "white coat hypertension" lang daw ning akoa.

    Nuon, nag ask ko dre sa forum sa "September thread", naa man nuon mga BP issues nga na visa grant. Nothing to worry daw... tanawa nya ako comments ngadto.

    Mao unta na maayo buhaton, iuna daan ang medical before visa application lodge. Unsaon ta man nga mao may dikta sko agent. hehe! cge nalang, nahuman naman.

    Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"

    Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | GSM Office | Date Granted | Target State/City | IED

    @levimervin | 189 | 08/26/2017 | Adelaide | 12/18/2017 | Melbourne, Victoria | September 19, 2018

    233513 - Production/Plant Engineer
    (EOI: 65 points for 189, Nov. 23, 2016)

    06/29/2016 - Received Favorable Letter from EA
    07/02/2016 - Lodged EOI (60 points for 190 NSW)
    11/23/2016 - EOI Update (65 points for 189)
    01/12/2017 - Applied 190 Victoria Government State Sponsorhsip
    02/07/2017 - Victorian Government denied 190 State Sponsorship
    08/23/2017 - ITA Received (189)
    08/26/2017 - VISA 189 Application Lodged
    09/15/2017 - Medical Examination @ Nationwide Health Systems Cebu & Chong Hua Medical Arts Center (Child's TB Skin Test)
    09/18/2017 - Medical Examination (Child's TB Skin Test Result)
    09/25/2017 - CO Contact: CO requested for spouse's Evidence of functional English (It was already included during VISA Lodged, resubmit it anyways on the same day)
    12/18/2017 - Golden EMAIL
    01/29/2018 - CFO-PDOS in Cebu
    02/15/2018 - BIG MOVE!
    02/17/2018 - Arrived in Melbourne!
    06/13/2018 - Family's BIG MOVE (booked flights already)

  • lottysattylottysatty Cebu
    Posts: 225Member
    Joined: Feb 25, 2016
    @levimervin haha..hala no..y kaha? tungod cguro sa kainit sa panahon or nangulba ka or wala ka katarong tulog or nikaon ka baboy before haha. btaw, magfollow ta anang monthly thread kay daghan ka makat-onan. malingaw ta sa mga nareceive nga visa grants sa uban.hasta, ako malipay sad kay paspas na karon compared atong last months.haha, cge nlang wla natay mahimo anang sa agent kay nakabayad napod baya mo.goodluck nato! :) :) :)

    Industrial Engineer : 233511
    10/29/2016 - IELTS Exam
    11/11/2016 - IELTS Results L8 R8 W6.5 S7
    11/16/2016 - Applied Remarking
    12/15/2016 - Remarking for Writing Unchanged
    1/31/2017 - Submitted Fast Track EA Assessment
    2/14/2017 - PTE Exam
    2/18/2017 - PTE Results L77 R68 S66 W90 (Proficient)
    3/6/2017 - EA Asked for Additional Requirements
    3/24/2017 - Submitted Additional Docs
    4/26/2017 - Received EA favorable letter
    4/28/2017 - Submitted EOI for 189 (65pts)
    9/11/2017 - PTE Exam (aiming for Superior)
    9/15/2017 - PTE Results L90 R83 S90 W90 (Superior)
    9/15/2017 - Updated EOI for 189 (75pts)
    9/20/2017 - Received ITA
    9/28/2017 - Medicals at Nationwide Cebu (Me and 2 Kids)
    10/02/2017 - Kids for IGRA Test (7am)
    10/03/2017 - Requested Japan Police Clearance for Hubby (Wait for 2-3 Months Timeline)
    10/04/2017 - Medicals for Hubby
    10/06/2017 - Received NBI Clearance after Hit
    10/11/2017 - Medicals all Cleared
    10/31/2017 - Visa Lodging
    11/23/2017 - Received Hubby's Japan Police Clearance (Actual:52 days)

  • levimervinlevimervin Philippines
    Posts: 263Member
    Joined: Jul 26, 2016
    @lottysatty nya 120/80 consisitent ang monitoring. Pagabot ngadto kay na 160/100 naman nuon, nya gipa repeat BP ko, 140/100, maayo nalng kay wala ko girecommend for "serum creatinine test". Ingon sa doctor kay basin "white coat hypertension" lang daw ning akoa.

    Nuon, nag ask ko dre sa forum sa "September thread", naa man nuon mga BP issues nga na visa grant. Nothing to worry daw... tanawa nya ako comments ngadto.

    Mao unta na maayo buhaton, iuna daan ang medical before visa application lodge. Unsaon ta man nga mao may dikta sko agent. hehe! cge nalang, nahuman naman.

    Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"

    Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | GSM Office | Date Granted | Target State/City | IED

    @levimervin | 189 | 08/26/2017 | Adelaide | 12/18/2017 | Melbourne, Victoria | September 19, 2018

    233513 - Production/Plant Engineer
    (EOI: 65 points for 189, Nov. 23, 2016)

    06/29/2016 - Received Favorable Letter from EA
    07/02/2016 - Lodged EOI (60 points for 190 NSW)
    11/23/2016 - EOI Update (65 points for 189)
    01/12/2017 - Applied 190 Victoria Government State Sponsorhsip
    02/07/2017 - Victorian Government denied 190 State Sponsorship
    08/23/2017 - ITA Received (189)
    08/26/2017 - VISA 189 Application Lodged
    09/15/2017 - Medical Examination @ Nationwide Health Systems Cebu & Chong Hua Medical Arts Center (Child's TB Skin Test)
    09/18/2017 - Medical Examination (Child's TB Skin Test Result)
    09/25/2017 - CO Contact: CO requested for spouse's Evidence of functional English (It was already included during VISA Lodged, resubmit it anyways on the same day)
    12/18/2017 - Golden EMAIL
    01/29/2018 - CFO-PDOS in Cebu
    02/15/2018 - BIG MOVE!
    02/17/2018 - Arrived in Melbourne!
    06/13/2018 - Family's BIG MOVE (booked flights already)

  • dorbsdeedorbsdee Melbourne
    Posts: 621Member
    Joined: Nov 30, 2015
    @akoaypinoy 233512 ba ka? unsang industry ka? thanks...

    233512 - Mechanical Engineer| 25 (Age) + 15 (Education) + 15 (Experience) + 10 (English) = 65 pts.
    07/Nov/2015: BC IELTS GT Test: L: 6.5, R: 6.0, W: 6.0, S: 7.0
    04/Feb/2016: Lodge EA Assessment (Fast Track)
    12/Feb/2016: EA Positive Outcome
    12/Feb/2016: Submit EOI, NSW SS (55 + 5) = 60 pts.
    30/Apr/2016: BC IELTS GT Test: L: 8.0, R: 7.5, W: 7.0, S: 6.5
    26/July/2016: IELTS Remarking (Speaking: 6.5) --> "no change"
    25/Oct/2016: PTE-Academic: L: 89, R: 72, W: 77, S: 90
    26/Oct/2016: Submit EOI, 189 (60 pts.)
    09/Nov/2016: Updated EOI, NSW SS = 65 pts.
    10/Nov/2016: Applied VIC Skilled Nomination 190
    14/Dec/2016: VIC Skilled Nomination 190 -- Not Selected...:(
    28/Dec/2016: PTE-Academic: L: 76, R: 74, W: 76, S: 80 :(:(.....
    05/Jan/2017: Additional EA Relevant Skilled Employment
    23/Jan/2017: PTE-Academic: L: 90, R: 80, W: 76, S: 90 :(:(..again:(
    13/Feb/2017: EA Positive Outcome for Additional RSE
    13/Feb/2017: Updated EOI, 189 (65pts.), NSW (70 pts.)
    18/June/2017: Applied VIC Skilled Nomination 190 - take two
    25/July/2017: ITA VIC Skilled Nomination 190
    26/Aug/2017: Medicals @ Nationwide Makati
    05/Sept/2017: Medicals cleared (Thanks be to GOD)
    20/Sept/2017: ITA 189 Points-Tested Stream (Salamat sa Dios... nakahabol pa)
    21/Sept/2017: Visa Lodge 189
    23/Sept/2017: EXPIRED --> ITA VIC Skilled Nomination 190
    01/Nov/2017: CO Contact, Form 815
    09/Mar/2018: GRANTED (sa wakas...) IED: 31/Jul/2018
    20/Jul/2018: BIG Move, stay with a fried...
    04/Sep/2018: 1st day of work, Mechanical Engineer role (same industry)
    01/Dec/2018: Move to rented house
    27/Dec/2018: Drive Test with vicroads converted PH driver's license

  • freeiannfreeiann manila
    Posts: 43Member
    Joined: Sep 12, 2016
    Hi po! Update kung may nainvite today:) thank youu
  • dorbsdeedorbsdee Melbourne
    Posts: 621Member
    Joined: Nov 30, 2015
    @lottysatty may invite ka na ba?

    233512 - Mechanical Engineer| 25 (Age) + 15 (Education) + 15 (Experience) + 10 (English) = 65 pts.
    07/Nov/2015: BC IELTS GT Test: L: 6.5, R: 6.0, W: 6.0, S: 7.0
    04/Feb/2016: Lodge EA Assessment (Fast Track)
    12/Feb/2016: EA Positive Outcome
    12/Feb/2016: Submit EOI, NSW SS (55 + 5) = 60 pts.
    30/Apr/2016: BC IELTS GT Test: L: 8.0, R: 7.5, W: 7.0, S: 6.5
    26/July/2016: IELTS Remarking (Speaking: 6.5) --> "no change"
    25/Oct/2016: PTE-Academic: L: 89, R: 72, W: 77, S: 90
    26/Oct/2016: Submit EOI, 189 (60 pts.)
    09/Nov/2016: Updated EOI, NSW SS = 65 pts.
    10/Nov/2016: Applied VIC Skilled Nomination 190
    14/Dec/2016: VIC Skilled Nomination 190 -- Not Selected...:(
    28/Dec/2016: PTE-Academic: L: 76, R: 74, W: 76, S: 80 :(:(.....
    05/Jan/2017: Additional EA Relevant Skilled Employment
    23/Jan/2017: PTE-Academic: L: 90, R: 80, W: 76, S: 90 :(:(..again:(
    13/Feb/2017: EA Positive Outcome for Additional RSE
    13/Feb/2017: Updated EOI, 189 (65pts.), NSW (70 pts.)
    18/June/2017: Applied VIC Skilled Nomination 190 - take two
    25/July/2017: ITA VIC Skilled Nomination 190
    26/Aug/2017: Medicals @ Nationwide Makati
    05/Sept/2017: Medicals cleared (Thanks be to GOD)
    20/Sept/2017: ITA 189 Points-Tested Stream (Salamat sa Dios... nakahabol pa)
    21/Sept/2017: Visa Lodge 189
    23/Sept/2017: EXPIRED --> ITA VIC Skilled Nomination 190
    01/Nov/2017: CO Contact, Form 815
    09/Mar/2018: GRANTED (sa wakas...) IED: 31/Jul/2018
    20/Jul/2018: BIG Move, stay with a fried...
    04/Sep/2018: 1st day of work, Mechanical Engineer role (same industry)
    01/Dec/2018: Move to rented house
    27/Dec/2018: Drive Test with vicroads converted PH driver's license

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