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ROOM FOR RENT..north-western suburb of.MELBOURNE

zippykellyzippykelly melbournePosts: 1Member
edited October 2017 in Housing & Rentals
hi all, we have an available room for rent, north-western suburb home, queen bed with big wardrobe, 3 minutes to bus stop,10 minutes walk to train station and town centre. 20 minutes to airport by car, preferrably a couple or lady, non smoker. fully furnished home, spacious car port and garden. T&B to be shared by my 2 quiet me for more infos $850 a month(couple). $750 (single).bills included.unli wifi.everything you need is here, washing machine, dishwasher,i have an upright freezer so you can store meat or cooked food....and refrigerator.big pantry.
email [email protected]


  • Laichard021614Laichard021614 Singapore
    Posts: 19Member
    Joined: Sep 29, 2013
    Available pa po b?
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