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Job offer in NHILL

abby315abby315 QatarPosts: 43Member
Hello po mga kabayan.

May job offer po saken sa Nhill. Malayo po sa Melbourne. Any Filipinos po na pwede ma contact dun. Your replies will be highly appreciated.. How's life po ba in regional area


  • Au_VicAu_Vic Melbourne, Victoria
    Posts: 385Member
    Joined: Jun 11, 2017
    check google maps. it say 375 kms from melbourne. I would say around 4hours drive to go to Melbourne CBD. I think Horsham is the closest mini city ear Nhill.

    I have not been to Nhill but it has over 2000 population (according to wikipedia) which is quite big in terms of being in regional area. Life in regional area is quiet, laid back and usually local people know each other.

    I'm Australian in paper but pinoy in form....Living in the most liveable city in the world...Melbourne! Oi, oi, oi!!!

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