most recent by kushpostman
most recent by kushpostman
most recent by MidnightPanda12
most recent by Iampirate13
How long did it take you to get a job?
most recent by lvnrtnr
NAATI - CCL exam - additional 5 points for 189/190 visa
most recent by CinnZinn
most recent by CantThinkAnyUserName
The longest running Pinoy-Australian Forum site in the history. We are connecting Pinoys "in" and "to" Australia since 2010! If you want to join in, click one of these buttons!
Posts: 225Member
Joined: Feb 25, 2016
Industrial Engineer : 233511
10/29/2016 - IELTS Exam
11/11/2016 - IELTS Results L8 R8 W6.5 S7
11/16/2016 - Applied Remarking
12/15/2016 - Remarking for Writing Unchanged
1/31/2017 - Submitted Fast Track EA Assessment
2/14/2017 - PTE Exam
2/18/2017 - PTE Results L77 R68 S66 W90 (Proficient)
3/6/2017 - EA Asked for Additional Requirements
3/24/2017 - Submitted Additional Docs
4/26/2017 - Received EA favorable letter
4/28/2017 - Submitted EOI for 189 (65pts)
9/11/2017 - PTE Exam (aiming for Superior)
9/15/2017 - PTE Results L90 R83 S90 W90 (Superior)
9/15/2017 - Updated EOI for 189 (75pts)
9/20/2017 - Received ITA
9/28/2017 - Medicals at Nationwide Cebu (Me and 2 Kids)
10/02/2017 - Kids for IGRA Test (7am)
10/03/2017 - Requested Japan Police Clearance for Hubby (Wait for 2-3 Months Timeline)
10/04/2017 - Medicals for Hubby
10/06/2017 - Received NBI Clearance after Hit
10/11/2017 - Medicals all Cleared
10/31/2017 - Visa Lodging
11/23/2017 - Received Hubby's Japan Police Clearance (Actual:52 days)
Posts: 2,109Member
Joined: Aug 03, 2016
263111 - Computer Network and Systems Engineer | Age: 30pts | Education: 15pts | Experience: 5pts | English: 20pts | Total: 70pts
03.08.2016 - joined pinoyau forum
12.08.2016 - Start collating documents needed for ACS assessment.
17.11.2016 - CTC'd and Submitted online ACS Assessment.
28.11.2016 - ACS Result Suitable (AQF Advance Diploma, 5 years deducted) - Sent Appeal Application
05.12.2016 - ACS Appeal Successful (AQF Bachelor Degree, 2 years deducted)
21.12.2016 - Submitted EOI 189/190(NSW) (60/65)
07.09.2017 - Update EOI 189 to 70pts
20.09.2017 - INVITED!!!
02.10.2017 - NBI Appointment - Hit for Wifey
09.10.2017 - Medical @ Nationwide Makati - NBI Release for Wifey
10.10.2017 - Medical Cleared (Both) - Visa 189 Application Lodge - Frontloaded All Documents
20.02.2018 - GRANTED!! FINALLY!!! 02 Oct 2018 IED
*****AFTER GRANT*****
20.03.2018 - CFO/PDOS
28.05.2018 - Initial Entry
31.07.2018 - Big Move (Melbourne)
Days Count since Lodging: 133 days - counting ends here!!
Date applied: 06 July 2022
City/Council area: City of Maroondah (VIC)
Online / Paper: Online
Date received the acknowledgement email: 06 July 2022
Received Citizenship Interview & Test Appointment letter: 09 Feb 2023
Date of the Citizenship Test: 15 Feb 2023
Citizenship Approval: 15 Feb 2023
Received Ceremony Invitation: 08 May 2023
Date of ceremony: 07 June 2023
Road to Superior:
20.12.2016 - L68/R70/S83/W65
16.01.2017 - L63/R74/S80/W59
*****wedding preps*****
26.06.2017 - L61/R75/S82/W72
05.07.2017 - L71/R90/S83/W74
24.07.2017 - L78/R82/S88/W80 - DAMN!!!
01.08.2017 - L72/R78/S88/W70
08.08.2017 - L73/R90/S90/W73
14.08.2017 - L73/R81/S84/W83
06.09.2017 - L89/R88/S90/W81 - YEEEEYYYY!!!!
Mock Test:
16.12.2016 - Set A - L71/R58/S56/W64
17.12.2016 - Set B - L73/R61/S71/W67
List of documents I submitted: (updated Feb 2018)
Tip #TeamFeedback:
Sample recording:
My PTE tips:
PTE Resources:
Are you into stock market investing? Are you looking to invest in US stock Market? Are you OZ citizen or a PR already in OZ?
I recommend using Stake App to get into US market. It has $0 brokerage fee, and no commission. Just pay the FOREX rate when you transfer funds to your AU to US Stake App. You can earn Free stock if you use my referral code below:
Invest in US Stocks and ETFs on Stake. Join today using my referral code jeffrexo362 and we can both get a free stock.
Posts: 293Member
Joined: Apr 13, 2017
Posts: 2,109Member
Joined: Aug 03, 2016
263111 - Computer Network and Systems Engineer | Age: 30pts | Education: 15pts | Experience: 5pts | English: 20pts | Total: 70pts
03.08.2016 - joined pinoyau forum
12.08.2016 - Start collating documents needed for ACS assessment.
17.11.2016 - CTC'd and Submitted online ACS Assessment.
28.11.2016 - ACS Result Suitable (AQF Advance Diploma, 5 years deducted) - Sent Appeal Application
05.12.2016 - ACS Appeal Successful (AQF Bachelor Degree, 2 years deducted)
21.12.2016 - Submitted EOI 189/190(NSW) (60/65)
07.09.2017 - Update EOI 189 to 70pts
20.09.2017 - INVITED!!!
02.10.2017 - NBI Appointment - Hit for Wifey
09.10.2017 - Medical @ Nationwide Makati - NBI Release for Wifey
10.10.2017 - Medical Cleared (Both) - Visa 189 Application Lodge - Frontloaded All Documents
20.02.2018 - GRANTED!! FINALLY!!! 02 Oct 2018 IED
*****AFTER GRANT*****
20.03.2018 - CFO/PDOS
28.05.2018 - Initial Entry
31.07.2018 - Big Move (Melbourne)
Days Count since Lodging: 133 days - counting ends here!!
Date applied: 06 July 2022
City/Council area: City of Maroondah (VIC)
Online / Paper: Online
Date received the acknowledgement email: 06 July 2022
Received Citizenship Interview & Test Appointment letter: 09 Feb 2023
Date of the Citizenship Test: 15 Feb 2023
Citizenship Approval: 15 Feb 2023
Received Ceremony Invitation: 08 May 2023
Date of ceremony: 07 June 2023
Road to Superior:
20.12.2016 - L68/R70/S83/W65
16.01.2017 - L63/R74/S80/W59
*****wedding preps*****
26.06.2017 - L61/R75/S82/W72
05.07.2017 - L71/R90/S83/W74
24.07.2017 - L78/R82/S88/W80 - DAMN!!!
01.08.2017 - L72/R78/S88/W70
08.08.2017 - L73/R90/S90/W73
14.08.2017 - L73/R81/S84/W83
06.09.2017 - L89/R88/S90/W81 - YEEEEYYYY!!!!
Mock Test:
16.12.2016 - Set A - L71/R58/S56/W64
17.12.2016 - Set B - L73/R61/S71/W67
List of documents I submitted: (updated Feb 2018)
Tip #TeamFeedback:
Sample recording:
My PTE tips:
PTE Resources:
Are you into stock market investing? Are you looking to invest in US stock Market? Are you OZ citizen or a PR already in OZ?
I recommend using Stake App to get into US market. It has $0 brokerage fee, and no commission. Just pay the FOREX rate when you transfer funds to your AU to US Stake App. You can earn Free stock if you use my referral code below:
Invest in US Stocks and ETFs on Stake. Join today using my referral code jeffrexo362 and we can both get a free stock.
Posts: 235Member
Joined: Jul 17, 2017
262112 ICT Security Specialist
30.07.17 ACS Skills Assessment lodged
22.08.17 PTE (L89/R90/S90/W90)
04.09.17 ACS Assessment done
07.09.17 EOI lodged (189, 190, 489)
19.09.17 Invitation to apply (189)
02.10.17 Visa lodge
07.10.17 Medical
23.11.17 DG
15.12.22 Citizenship Approval
30.08.23 AU Pledge
Posts: 31Member
Joined: Jan 23, 2018
Posts: 169Member
Joined: Feb 28, 2017
Mala Leonardo DiCaprio lang ang Peg! Finally nanalo den ng Oscar.. ^_^..
Kita Kits nlng dun!
"Patience is not about waiting, But the Ability to keep a Good attitude while waiting"
"Just Remember, Eventually the waiting will pay off"
Posts: 123Member
Joined: Mar 09, 2017
Posts: 142Member
Joined: Jun 25, 2015
Posts: 269Member
Joined: Dec 10, 2016
Posts: 108Member
Joined: Apr 25, 2017
110317 - Visited Oz
110517 - IELTS S Exam
130517 - IELTS LRW Exam
260517 - IELTS Result
100617 - Submitted to EA w/ RSA
280617 - EA positive outcome
280617 - EOI submitted
060917 - LOI
140917 - Visa Lodge
231017 - CO request addl docs
220218 - Grant
Posts: 8Member
Joined: Dec 16, 2015
"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." - Philippians 4:13
Developer Programmer - 261312 | NSW 190 75pts
31.10.2016 - 1st PTE: S-72 W-80 R-75 L-83
01.12.2016 - Positive ACS Assessment
05.12.2016 - EOI | 189 60pts / NSW 190 65 pts.
----------------- Road to PTE Superior -------------------
17.03.2017 - 2nd PTE: S-47 W-81 R-66 L-73
28.06.2017 - 3rd PTE: S-58 W-88 R-76 L-89
07.07.2017 - 4th PTE: S-82 W-77 R-90 L-77
26.07.2017 - 5th PTE: S-61 W-79 R-70 L-79
29.09.2017 - 6th PTE: S-72 W-88 R-80 L-90
28.12.2017 - 7th PTE: S-88 W-90 R-90 L-86 (Superior! Thank you Lord!)
30.12.2017 - Updated EOI: 189 70 pts / NSW 190 75 pts
02.02.2018 - Received pre-invite for NSW 190
07.02.2018 - Submitted documents for NSW 190 application
22.03.2018 - SS Approved/Received ITA for NSW 190 (Yehey!)
28.03.2018 - Received approval for SG COC Appeal
31.03.2018 - Paid SG COC.
05.04.2018 - Visa Lodge. Thank you Lord!
Posts: 38Member
Joined: Jun 15, 2017
Civil Engineer 233211 SC 189 70pts
30.04.2016 - IELTS LWRS 7/6.5/7/7
01.08.2017 - EA Assessment CDR+RSEA+Fastrack
12.08.2017 - EA Positive Outcome (Bachelor Degree + 5yrs exp)
18.09.2017 - PTE First Take Failed (0 pts)
10.10.2017 - PTE 2nd Take - Superior! 20pts LWRS 83/90/83/85 (Thank you Lord!)
21.10.2017 - EOI Lodged SC 189 70pts
22.11.2017 - ITA Received (Thank you again Lord!)
23.11.2017 - My Heath Declarations generated
23.11.2017 - SG PCC E-appeal
24.11.2017 - SG PCC E-appeal approved
29.11.2017 - Medical at SATA Chai Chee (Me & Hubby)
29.11.2017 - SG PCC Fingerprinting & Collection of Clearance
05.12.2017 - Medical cleared for me and hubby (Thank God!)
11.12.2017 - Medical of 6y/o daughter at Nationwide Makati
13.12.2017 - Daughter returned to Nationwide for IGRA Test
21.12.2017 - Medical cleared for daughter (Thank God!)
22.12.2017 - Attempted to lodge visa but failed due to email verification issues (reported issues in immiaccount)
04.01.2017 - Successfully lodged visa SC 189 (Yey finally! Thank you amazing God!)
-----Waiting Mode------
"Everything is POSSIBLE with GOD ALMIGHTY"
Posts: 302Member
Joined: Aug 02, 2017
Posts: 106Member
Joined: Oct 06, 2017
233411 - Electronics Engineer | Age: 30pts | Education: 15pts | Experience: 10pts | English: 20pts | Total: 75pts
5-25-2017 - IELTS examination
7-26-2017 - CDR assessment EA
8-15-2017 - EA Assessment result
9-28-2017 - PTE-A exam
9-30-2017 - submit EOI 189
10-4-2017 - Invitation
11-9-2017 - VISA Lodge
30-1-2018 - CO contact
21-2-2018 - Send Feedback
22-2-2018 - Visa Grant
Posts: 2,128Member
Joined: Mar 01, 2011
Apr 26, 2013 ACS Result- Suitable
Feb 21,2013 Submitted ACS online assessment - Software Tester
May 9, 2016 PTE Exam Result L/R/S/W- 71/69/83/72 Passed Thank you Papa Jesus
Aug 18,2016 ACS Result- Suitable -Software Engineer
Aug 19, 2016 Lodged EOI for subclass 190
July 13, 2017 Lodged EOI and Submitted Application for subclass 489
Aug 12, 2017 ITA Received
Aug 25,2017 Scheduled Medical Test
Aug 28, 2017 Medical Cleared(No Action Required)
Aug 30, 2017 NBI Clearance PH
Sept 15, 2017 SG COC Fingerprint and Collection
Sept 20, 2017 Visa Lodge
Nov 1, 2017 CO Contact (Requesting to Send PTE Score Report to DIBP which I already did before)
Mar 6, 2018 Visa Grant
Visa 887 Timeline
July 25, 2020 Visa Lodge
Oct 12, 2020 Visa Grant
Citizenship Timeline
July 4, 2022 Submitted Citizenship Application
Dec 21, 2022 Invitation for Exam(Need to reschedule the exam)
Feb 21, 2023 Citizenship Exam
April 3, 2023 Received Approval Letter
June 22, 2023 Citizenship Ceremony
*****Dream big, think positive and Pray to God*****
Posts: 67Member
Joined: Aug 01, 2016
Posts: 773Member
Joined: Jun 12, 2017
261312 Developer Programmer - (English - 20pts | Age - 30pts. | Qualification - 10 | Experience - 0 ) = 60pts.
Subclass 189 - 60pts.
Subclass 190 - (60 + 5 spouse points + 5 SN) = 70pts.
08/04/2016 - Took IELTS - L/R/W/S - 6.5/7/6.5/7 - Competent
05/17/2017 - PTE Mock A - L/R/W/S - 74/62/66/76
05/19/2017 - PTE Mock B - L/R/W/S - 76/70/72/89
05/30/2017 - PTE Take 1 - L/R/W/S - 79/75/78/78 - Proficient
06/06/2017 - PTE Take 2 - L/R/W/S - 82/87/90/88- Superior - Thank you, Lord!
PTE Tips:
06/14/2017 - Collection of docs for ACS Assessment
06/21/2017 - Submitted ACS Assessment
08/14/2017 - ACS Result Positive. Equivalent to AQF Associate Degree. 5 years experience deducted.
08/15/2017 - Gathering docs for spouse points (VETASSESS)
08/22/2017 - Lodged spouse's VETASSESS
10/05/2017 - VETASSESS results positive - aquired 5pts. for 190
10/07/2017 - Submitted EOI - 189, 190-NSW, 190-VIC
10/20/2017 - ITA NSW Received!
10/22/2017 - Submitted NSW Application
11/28/2017 - NSW SS Approved! Received ITA for visa 190
---------------Gathering docs for visa lodge---------------
-------------------- Christmas Break --------------------
01-19-2018 - Visa lodge, SG eAppeal
01-23-2018 - SG eAppeal Approved
01-25-2018 - Wife's SG eAppeal Approved
02-03-2018 - Medical - wife and me
02-05-2018 - Medical - kids
02-08-2018 - Medical - Daughter - IGRA
02-14-2018 - Form 815 Health Undertaking for daughter
04-27-2018 - 1st CO Contact: Parental Consent/Form 1229
05-22-2018 - 2nd CO Contact: Wife's Statutory Declaration
08-21-2018 - 3rd CO Contact: Repeat Medical - Daughter
09-21-2018 - VISA GRANT! Thank you Lord!
11-11-2018 - IE (Medicare, Centrelink, NSW DL)
April 2019 - Target BM with wife
January 2020 - Target BM - 3 kids
Posts: 2,109Member
Joined: Aug 03, 2016
Maraming slamat sa inyo at sa mga prayers nyo, laking tulong nyo din para sakin.
Share ko lang din. nag provide ako ng feedback kahapon sa kanila, not sure kung naka-tulong sa pag process ng visa ko. pero eto nilalaman ng feedback ko. (hindi ganto eksakto, pero ganto ang gusto ko parating). taglish ko na. hehe
I'm not writing a complaint or anything, pero gusto ko lang maintindihan yung 'Allocation dates' na naka post sa site nyo. It is mentioned na for priority group 4 (189 applicants) lodged until Oct 10 has been allocated for processing. Is my understanding correct? if yes, I want to understand why a friend of mine(imaginary friend) who lodge his application on Nov 24, already had feedback to his application, while on my case, my application was lodge on 10 Oct, and haven't receive any feedback, pero sa allocation dates nyo, included ako. Could you possibly check if my case was really allocated to a case officer for processing, (tapos binigay ko reference number). Really appreciate your help. Thanks!
Tapos, hindi anonymous yung pag provide ko ng feedback. para syempre kilala.
And then naka received din ako ng reply agad the same day, generic lang na parang scripted. like we do not provide updates sa application na nasa processing times pa. blah blah blah. Then today (feb 20), nag ka update. di ko alam kung coincidence lang or may impact yung pag provide ko ng feedback.
Sa mga na Co contact, not sure kung pano kayo pede mag provide ng ganyan, unless may naka indicate sa contact nyo na babalikaan kayo after 28 days. if meron, try nyo mag provide din ng feedback, na it has been several days na since na CO contact kayo, pero sabi sa email nyo is babalikan kayo within 28 days. kayo na bhala mag compose ng email, na looks professional.
All the best!
Edit: (how to's)
Yung 'Contact Us' sa baba.
->Give us feedback
->look for 'online feedback form.'
->look for 'Online Form - Compliments, Complaints and Suggestions'
->then follow nyo lang
->Select the subject of your feedback: Visa
->Type of feedback: Suggestion or Complaint (suggestion yung akin)
->Do you want to make an enquiry about a visa application or status?: 'No'
-> What visa type is your feedback related to?: ano feedback nyo
->then provide na kayo ng feedback.
->Do you wish your feedback to be anonymous?: 'No' para macheck nila case nyo
263111 - Computer Network and Systems Engineer | Age: 30pts | Education: 15pts | Experience: 5pts | English: 20pts | Total: 70pts
03.08.2016 - joined pinoyau forum
12.08.2016 - Start collating documents needed for ACS assessment.
17.11.2016 - CTC'd and Submitted online ACS Assessment.
28.11.2016 - ACS Result Suitable (AQF Advance Diploma, 5 years deducted) - Sent Appeal Application
05.12.2016 - ACS Appeal Successful (AQF Bachelor Degree, 2 years deducted)
21.12.2016 - Submitted EOI 189/190(NSW) (60/65)
07.09.2017 - Update EOI 189 to 70pts
20.09.2017 - INVITED!!!
02.10.2017 - NBI Appointment - Hit for Wifey
09.10.2017 - Medical @ Nationwide Makati - NBI Release for Wifey
10.10.2017 - Medical Cleared (Both) - Visa 189 Application Lodge - Frontloaded All Documents
20.02.2018 - GRANTED!! FINALLY!!! 02 Oct 2018 IED
*****AFTER GRANT*****
20.03.2018 - CFO/PDOS
28.05.2018 - Initial Entry
31.07.2018 - Big Move (Melbourne)
Days Count since Lodging: 133 days - counting ends here!!
Date applied: 06 July 2022
City/Council area: City of Maroondah (VIC)
Online / Paper: Online
Date received the acknowledgement email: 06 July 2022
Received Citizenship Interview & Test Appointment letter: 09 Feb 2023
Date of the Citizenship Test: 15 Feb 2023
Citizenship Approval: 15 Feb 2023
Received Ceremony Invitation: 08 May 2023
Date of ceremony: 07 June 2023
Road to Superior:
20.12.2016 - L68/R70/S83/W65
16.01.2017 - L63/R74/S80/W59
*****wedding preps*****
26.06.2017 - L61/R75/S82/W72
05.07.2017 - L71/R90/S83/W74
24.07.2017 - L78/R82/S88/W80 - DAMN!!!
01.08.2017 - L72/R78/S88/W70
08.08.2017 - L73/R90/S90/W73
14.08.2017 - L73/R81/S84/W83
06.09.2017 - L89/R88/S90/W81 - YEEEEYYYY!!!!
Mock Test:
16.12.2016 - Set A - L71/R58/S56/W64
17.12.2016 - Set B - L73/R61/S71/W67
List of documents I submitted: (updated Feb 2018)
Tip #TeamFeedback:
Sample recording:
My PTE tips:
PTE Resources:
Are you into stock market investing? Are you looking to invest in US stock Market? Are you OZ citizen or a PR already in OZ?
I recommend using Stake App to get into US market. It has $0 brokerage fee, and no commission. Just pay the FOREX rate when you transfer funds to your AU to US Stake App. You can earn Free stock if you use my referral code below:
Invest in US Stocks and ETFs on Stake. Join today using my referral code jeffrexo362 and we can both get a free stock.
Posts: 2,109Member
Joined: Aug 03, 2016
263111 - Computer Network and Systems Engineer | Age: 30pts | Education: 15pts | Experience: 5pts | English: 20pts | Total: 70pts
03.08.2016 - joined pinoyau forum
12.08.2016 - Start collating documents needed for ACS assessment.
17.11.2016 - CTC'd and Submitted online ACS Assessment.
28.11.2016 - ACS Result Suitable (AQF Advance Diploma, 5 years deducted) - Sent Appeal Application
05.12.2016 - ACS Appeal Successful (AQF Bachelor Degree, 2 years deducted)
21.12.2016 - Submitted EOI 189/190(NSW) (60/65)
07.09.2017 - Update EOI 189 to 70pts
20.09.2017 - INVITED!!!
02.10.2017 - NBI Appointment - Hit for Wifey
09.10.2017 - Medical @ Nationwide Makati - NBI Release for Wifey
10.10.2017 - Medical Cleared (Both) - Visa 189 Application Lodge - Frontloaded All Documents
20.02.2018 - GRANTED!! FINALLY!!! 02 Oct 2018 IED
*****AFTER GRANT*****
20.03.2018 - CFO/PDOS
28.05.2018 - Initial Entry
31.07.2018 - Big Move (Melbourne)
Days Count since Lodging: 133 days - counting ends here!!
Date applied: 06 July 2022
City/Council area: City of Maroondah (VIC)
Online / Paper: Online
Date received the acknowledgement email: 06 July 2022
Received Citizenship Interview & Test Appointment letter: 09 Feb 2023
Date of the Citizenship Test: 15 Feb 2023
Citizenship Approval: 15 Feb 2023
Received Ceremony Invitation: 08 May 2023
Date of ceremony: 07 June 2023
Road to Superior:
20.12.2016 - L68/R70/S83/W65
16.01.2017 - L63/R74/S80/W59
*****wedding preps*****
26.06.2017 - L61/R75/S82/W72
05.07.2017 - L71/R90/S83/W74
24.07.2017 - L78/R82/S88/W80 - DAMN!!!
01.08.2017 - L72/R78/S88/W70
08.08.2017 - L73/R90/S90/W73
14.08.2017 - L73/R81/S84/W83
06.09.2017 - L89/R88/S90/W81 - YEEEEYYYY!!!!
Mock Test:
16.12.2016 - Set A - L71/R58/S56/W64
17.12.2016 - Set B - L73/R61/S71/W67
List of documents I submitted: (updated Feb 2018)
Tip #TeamFeedback:
Sample recording:
My PTE tips:
PTE Resources:
Are you into stock market investing? Are you looking to invest in US stock Market? Are you OZ citizen or a PR already in OZ?
I recommend using Stake App to get into US market. It has $0 brokerage fee, and no commission. Just pay the FOREX rate when you transfer funds to your AU to US Stake App. You can earn Free stock if you use my referral code below:
Invest in US Stocks and ETFs on Stake. Join today using my referral code jeffrexo362 and we can both get a free stock.
Posts: 981Member
Joined: Jan 27, 2018
07.2016 | IELTS
01.2017 | Applied to AHPRA
04.2017 | received Letter of Referral
09.2017 | finished BP
11.2017 | AHPRA Registration / Employment Offer
12.2017 | Lodged 457 Visa Application (onshore) / ANMAC Assessment
01.2018 | 457 Visa granted / Received positive ANMAC Assessment / Submitted EOI
04.11.2019 | Received Employer Nomination
04.26.2019 | Submitted Visa application (186 DE)
05.06.2019 | CO contact for medical exams
05.09.2019 | Visa Granted (186 DE)
17.09.2021 | Application for Citizenship
21.03.2022 | Citizenship exam, interview and approval
02.07.2022 | Citizenship Ceremony
(Thank you Lord!!!)
21.03.2023 | Citizenship interview, exam and approval of dependents
Posts: 621Member
Joined: Nov 30, 2015
233512 - Mechanical Engineer| 25 (Age) + 15 (Education) + 15 (Experience) + 10 (English) = 65 pts.
07/Nov/2015: BC IELTS GT Test: L: 6.5, R: 6.0, W: 6.0, S: 7.0
04/Feb/2016: Lodge EA Assessment (Fast Track)
12/Feb/2016: EA Positive Outcome
12/Feb/2016: Submit EOI, NSW SS (55 + 5) = 60 pts.
30/Apr/2016: BC IELTS GT Test: L: 8.0, R: 7.5, W: 7.0, S: 6.5
26/July/2016: IELTS Remarking (Speaking: 6.5) --> "no change"
25/Oct/2016: PTE-Academic: L: 89, R: 72, W: 77, S: 90
26/Oct/2016: Submit EOI, 189 (60 pts.)
09/Nov/2016: Updated EOI, NSW SS = 65 pts.
10/Nov/2016: Applied VIC Skilled Nomination 190
14/Dec/2016: VIC Skilled Nomination 190 -- Not Selected...:(
28/Dec/2016: PTE-Academic: L: 76, R: 74, W: 76, S: 80
05/Jan/2017: Additional EA Relevant Skilled Employment
23/Jan/2017: PTE-Academic: L: 90, R: 80, W: 76, S: 90
13/Feb/2017: EA Positive Outcome for Additional RSE
13/Feb/2017: Updated EOI, 189 (65pts.), NSW (70 pts.)
18/June/2017: Applied VIC Skilled Nomination 190 - take two
25/July/2017: ITA VIC Skilled Nomination 190
26/Aug/2017: Medicals @ Nationwide Makati
05/Sept/2017: Medicals cleared (Thanks be to GOD)
20/Sept/2017: ITA 189 Points-Tested Stream (Salamat sa Dios... nakahabol pa)
21/Sept/2017: Visa Lodge 189
23/Sept/2017: EXPIRED --> ITA VIC Skilled Nomination 190
01/Nov/2017: CO Contact, Form 815
09/Mar/2018: GRANTED (sa wakas...) IED: 31/Jul/2018
20/Jul/2018: BIG Move, stay with a fried...
04/Sep/2018: 1st day of work, Mechanical Engineer role (same industry)
01/Dec/2018: Move to rented house
27/Dec/2018: Drive Test with vicroads converted PH driver's license
Posts: 59Member
Joined: Jan 11, 2018
Posts: 439Member
Joined: Sep 19, 2017
Posts: 204Member
Joined: Mar 05, 2013
Posts: 203Member
Joined: Apr 20, 2017
Posts: 2,109Member
Joined: Aug 03, 2016
263111 - Computer Network and Systems Engineer | Age: 30pts | Education: 15pts | Experience: 5pts | English: 20pts | Total: 70pts
03.08.2016 - joined pinoyau forum
12.08.2016 - Start collating documents needed for ACS assessment.
17.11.2016 - CTC'd and Submitted online ACS Assessment.
28.11.2016 - ACS Result Suitable (AQF Advance Diploma, 5 years deducted) - Sent Appeal Application
05.12.2016 - ACS Appeal Successful (AQF Bachelor Degree, 2 years deducted)
21.12.2016 - Submitted EOI 189/190(NSW) (60/65)
07.09.2017 - Update EOI 189 to 70pts
20.09.2017 - INVITED!!!
02.10.2017 - NBI Appointment - Hit for Wifey
09.10.2017 - Medical @ Nationwide Makati - NBI Release for Wifey
10.10.2017 - Medical Cleared (Both) - Visa 189 Application Lodge - Frontloaded All Documents
20.02.2018 - GRANTED!! FINALLY!!! 02 Oct 2018 IED
*****AFTER GRANT*****
20.03.2018 - CFO/PDOS
28.05.2018 - Initial Entry
31.07.2018 - Big Move (Melbourne)
Days Count since Lodging: 133 days - counting ends here!!
Date applied: 06 July 2022
City/Council area: City of Maroondah (VIC)
Online / Paper: Online
Date received the acknowledgement email: 06 July 2022
Received Citizenship Interview & Test Appointment letter: 09 Feb 2023
Date of the Citizenship Test: 15 Feb 2023
Citizenship Approval: 15 Feb 2023
Received Ceremony Invitation: 08 May 2023
Date of ceremony: 07 June 2023
Road to Superior:
20.12.2016 - L68/R70/S83/W65
16.01.2017 - L63/R74/S80/W59
*****wedding preps*****
26.06.2017 - L61/R75/S82/W72
05.07.2017 - L71/R90/S83/W74
24.07.2017 - L78/R82/S88/W80 - DAMN!!!
01.08.2017 - L72/R78/S88/W70
08.08.2017 - L73/R90/S90/W73
14.08.2017 - L73/R81/S84/W83
06.09.2017 - L89/R88/S90/W81 - YEEEEYYYY!!!!
Mock Test:
16.12.2016 - Set A - L71/R58/S56/W64
17.12.2016 - Set B - L73/R61/S71/W67
List of documents I submitted: (updated Feb 2018)
Tip #TeamFeedback:
Sample recording:
My PTE tips:
PTE Resources:
Are you into stock market investing? Are you looking to invest in US stock Market? Are you OZ citizen or a PR already in OZ?
I recommend using Stake App to get into US market. It has $0 brokerage fee, and no commission. Just pay the FOREX rate when you transfer funds to your AU to US Stake App. You can earn Free stock if you use my referral code below:
Invest in US Stocks and ETFs on Stake. Join today using my referral code jeffrexo362 and we can both get a free stock.
Posts: 31Member
Joined: Jan 16, 2017
Civil Engineer (233211)
27 May 2017- IELTS (7.5)
19 Sep 2017 - EA Positive result (fast track)
10 Oct 2017 - PTE (L90/R82/S82/W88) superior
11 Oct 2017 - Lodged EOI Visa 189 (70pts)
18 Oct 2017 - ITA received
10 Nov 2017 - Visa lodge
31 Jan 2018 - Visa Grant!!!
June-July 2019 Big Move
Truly, Lord Jesus you're amazing!
Posts: 2,109Member
Joined: Aug 03, 2016
263111 - Computer Network and Systems Engineer | Age: 30pts | Education: 15pts | Experience: 5pts | English: 20pts | Total: 70pts
03.08.2016 - joined pinoyau forum
12.08.2016 - Start collating documents needed for ACS assessment.
17.11.2016 - CTC'd and Submitted online ACS Assessment.
28.11.2016 - ACS Result Suitable (AQF Advance Diploma, 5 years deducted) - Sent Appeal Application
05.12.2016 - ACS Appeal Successful (AQF Bachelor Degree, 2 years deducted)
21.12.2016 - Submitted EOI 189/190(NSW) (60/65)
07.09.2017 - Update EOI 189 to 70pts
20.09.2017 - INVITED!!!
02.10.2017 - NBI Appointment - Hit for Wifey
09.10.2017 - Medical @ Nationwide Makati - NBI Release for Wifey
10.10.2017 - Medical Cleared (Both) - Visa 189 Application Lodge - Frontloaded All Documents
20.02.2018 - GRANTED!! FINALLY!!! 02 Oct 2018 IED
*****AFTER GRANT*****
20.03.2018 - CFO/PDOS
28.05.2018 - Initial Entry
31.07.2018 - Big Move (Melbourne)
Days Count since Lodging: 133 days - counting ends here!!
Date applied: 06 July 2022
City/Council area: City of Maroondah (VIC)
Online / Paper: Online
Date received the acknowledgement email: 06 July 2022
Received Citizenship Interview & Test Appointment letter: 09 Feb 2023
Date of the Citizenship Test: 15 Feb 2023
Citizenship Approval: 15 Feb 2023
Received Ceremony Invitation: 08 May 2023
Date of ceremony: 07 June 2023
Road to Superior:
20.12.2016 - L68/R70/S83/W65
16.01.2017 - L63/R74/S80/W59
*****wedding preps*****
26.06.2017 - L61/R75/S82/W72
05.07.2017 - L71/R90/S83/W74
24.07.2017 - L78/R82/S88/W80 - DAMN!!!
01.08.2017 - L72/R78/S88/W70
08.08.2017 - L73/R90/S90/W73
14.08.2017 - L73/R81/S84/W83
06.09.2017 - L89/R88/S90/W81 - YEEEEYYYY!!!!
Mock Test:
16.12.2016 - Set A - L71/R58/S56/W64
17.12.2016 - Set B - L73/R61/S71/W67
List of documents I submitted: (updated Feb 2018)
Tip #TeamFeedback:
Sample recording:
My PTE tips:
PTE Resources:
Are you into stock market investing? Are you looking to invest in US stock Market? Are you OZ citizen or a PR already in OZ?
I recommend using Stake App to get into US market. It has $0 brokerage fee, and no commission. Just pay the FOREX rate when you transfer funds to your AU to US Stake App. You can earn Free stock if you use my referral code below:
Invest in US Stocks and ETFs on Stake. Join today using my referral code jeffrexo362 and we can both get a free stock.
Posts: 17Member
Joined: Nov 02, 2017
261111 Business Analyst
Age: 30 points, Educ: 15, Work Exp: 5, English: 20, Partner: 5
Total Points: 75 points
01.July.2017 - Decided and started reviewing for IELTS
20.Aug.2017 - Failed IELTS, Switched to PTE-A
09.Sep.2017 - Submitted documents for ACS assessment
13.Oct.2017 - Received ACS Assessment (-2yrs only, 5pts)
24.Oct.2017 - Achieved Superior on PTE-A
24.Oct.2017 - Submitted EOI - Visa 189
08.Nov.2017 - Received ITA
10.Nov.2017 - Medical Exam at Nationwide Makati
22.Nov.2017 - Lodged our visa application forms today!