Ad space available
reach us at [email protected].
Major update has been completed. Please help to report any abnormality that you are facing (in case there is any) to [email protected] . Thank you for your continued support guys!

New Realtime chat (Individual or Group) is now available!

AdminAdmin SingaporePosts: 1,771Administrator
edited October 2019 in Update

You are now able to receive instant replies from members via private message, no need to wait not knowing when they will reply and no need to refresh your page.

The new feature is currently in Beta mode as I'm still working out a way to instantly send too the copy pasted image or docs directly to reply textarea box.


In case you don't know , Private Message can also be turned into a Group Message and both are now converted into Realtime Chat! For Group Message/Chat, just keep adding them from right side column called the "Add People to this Conversation" box

Im attaching the guide tomorrow :)

Please feel give it a try, and also don't forget to clear your browser cache.

Next In line is the push notification message on Mobile and Web without the need of installing a mobile app! (well except for iOS) . This way you wont miss any truly miss anymore messages! How? I'll let you know soon once it's completed.

If you have any issues or facing any issues in the forum, you may always reach me too at [email protected]

Thanks Everyone!

PS. Apology for breaking the comment textbox earlier as it was affected during the launch of the RealTime Chat feature. It is now restored.

2010-06 : Lurker at (previously the #1 Pinoy Australian Forum)
2010-06 : Started researching on Visa 175 - Target 120pts
2011-08 : Started prev employer document gathering for ACS skill assessment (0/4)
2010-12 : went offline and created
2011-03 : 1st child born - AU dream halted
2014-03 : ACS document - 1/5 emp ref completed
2015-01: Promoted at work - AU dream halted
2015-11: ACS document - 1/6 emp ref completed
2016-09: 2nd child born - AU dream halted
2018-09: ACS document - 6/8 emp ref completed
2018-09: Revised all employment references and affidavit from scratch
2019-03: Completed Revised 8/8 emp ref
2019-03: PTE Exam - L59,R75,S62,W64 (no preparation)
2019-07: Favorable Skills Assessment result for Software Eng
2019-11: PTE Exam - L70,R68,S79,W68 (competent only)
2020-02: PTE Exam - L79,R79,S86,W76 (grr lack 3pts on Writing)
2020-03: PTE Exam - L85,R75,S87,W86 (Mar 4 - grr nag increase L, S and W but bumaba 4pts si R!!!!!)
2020-03 PTE Exam - L81 R79 S90 W81 (Mar 9 - Salamat Lord!!!!)


  • jaceejoefjaceejoef Mandaluyong
    Posts: 333Member
    Joined: Apr 23, 2015

    this is nice. :)

    Software Engineer (261313) | Age = 30 | Education = 15 | Experience = 5 | English = 10

    28.10.2016 PTE-A Exam
    02.11.2016 PTE-A Results (L69 R66 S50 W77) - saklap!
    19.11.2016 PTE-A Mock Exam A (L72 R56 S62 W69)
    26.11.2016 PTE-A Mock Exam B (L69 R61 S56 W69)
    28.11.2016 PTE-A Exam
    28.11.2016 PTE-A Results (L64 R73 S64 W68)
    10.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 1 - submit documents
    13.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 2
    14.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 3
    22.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Submit updated document
    22.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 4
    03.03.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 5 - positive result!
    29.05.2017 PTE-A Exam
    29.05.2017 PTE-A Results (L78 R76 S66 W78)
    01.06.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 189 (60 points)
    01.06.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 190 (65 points) - NSW
    28.06.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 190 (65 points) - Victoria
    19.07.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 489 (70 points) - SA - on hold. high points required
    27.07.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 489 (70 points) - Tasmania
    30.08.2017 Lodge Tasmania Application
    12.10.2017 Tasmania Application - CO assigned
    17.10.2017 Tasmania Application - denied

    Web Developer (261212) | Age = 30 | Education = 15 | Experience = 10 | English = 10 | State = 10

    20.02.2018 ACS Skill Assessment Submit
    12.04.2018 ACS Skill Assessment Result - positive!
    01.08.2018 additional 5 points for experience
    15.08.2018 Lodge EOI - Visa 489 (75 points)
    16.08.2018 Lodge SA Application
    31.10.2018 ITA received for SA visa 489
    27.11.2018 Medical Exam at St. Luke's BGC
    29.11.2018 Medical Clearance Provided - no action required
    18.12.2018 Lodge Visa
    26.09.2019 Visa Grant
    28.02.2020 Big Move
    08.03.2022 Visa Extension (additional 3 years)

    Medical Exam at St. Luke's Experience

    BM Experience to Adelaide

    Visa 489 Subsequent Entrant (De Facto)
    27.12.2021 Lodge Visa
    30.04.2022 CO contact - Medical Exam Requested
    23.06.2022 Medical Exam at St. Luke's BGC
    22.07.2022 Medical Exam at St. Luke's BGC (rescheduled)
    10.08.2022 Medical further information required - doctor's note
    02.09.2022 Submitted additional requirement
    22.01.2023 Medical further information required - x-ray
    27.01.2023 Submitted additional requirement
    12.12.2023 Visa Grant
    11.01.2025 Big Move

    Visa 887 Skilled Regional visa (PR)
    20.01.2025 Lodge Visa

  • batmanbatman Darwin Australia
    Posts: 3,532Member, Moderator
    Joined: Oct 04, 2011


    221213 External Auditor|489 - 70pts - SS NT
    21|07|16 - Applied CPAA membership assessment
    31|07|16 - PTE-A L|S|W|R (73|79|78|77)
    01|08|16 - Submitted CPAA migration assessment
    20|09|17 - EOI 190 - NT (delayed due to show money req.)
    - collating requirements for NT SS application
    18|10|17 - Submitted NT SS application (praying for + result)
    24|04|18 - 190 not successful,
    - was offered 489 instead and accepted the offer
    - engaged with visa consort agency for visa application submission.
    26|04|18 - Invited to apply for SS visa 489 - Northern Territory
    02|05|18 - PCC processing
    20|05|18 - Medical
    06|06|18 - Visa payment
    15|09|18 - happy na birthday pa, visa grant pa.. TYL
    09|02|19 - Big move
    11|02|19 - First job interview
    12|02|19 - Received a job offer
    13|02|19 - Accepted job offer
    13|08|19 - Accepted a new job offer - new employer
    16|10|20 - Started new job - a better opportunity
    01|01|21 - Started CPA Australia qualification
    10|02|21 - Lodged 887 visa application
    June 2021 - First CPA subject passed
    Nov 2021 - 2nd CPA Subject passed
    June 2022 - 3rd and 4th CPA subject passed
    Nov 2022 - 5th subject passed (failed the other one)
    Feb 2023 - PR visa granted
    June 2023 - Officially a CPA Australia member
    Apr 2024 - Joined the government (employee)
    July 2024 - Citizenship exam & passed
    Nov 2024 - Citizenship Ceremony

  • AdminAdmin Singapore
    Posts: 1,771Administrator
    Joined: Dec 29, 2010
    edited October 2019

    Attaching image is now working for both web and mobile Group / Private Chat.

    Kindly use this icon to attach an image

    Next to fix is the document or file attachment. (document attachment is still in progress)

    I will work on the notification after the attachments are settled.

    2010-06 : Lurker at (previously the #1 Pinoy Australian Forum)
    2010-06 : Started researching on Visa 175 - Target 120pts
    2011-08 : Started prev employer document gathering for ACS skill assessment (0/4)
    2010-12 : went offline and created
    2011-03 : 1st child born - AU dream halted
    2014-03 : ACS document - 1/5 emp ref completed
    2015-01: Promoted at work - AU dream halted
    2015-11: ACS document - 1/6 emp ref completed
    2016-09: 2nd child born - AU dream halted
    2018-09: ACS document - 6/8 emp ref completed
    2018-09: Revised all employment references and affidavit from scratch
    2019-03: Completed Revised 8/8 emp ref
    2019-03: PTE Exam - L59,R75,S62,W64 (no preparation)
    2019-07: Favorable Skills Assessment result for Software Eng
    2019-11: PTE Exam - L70,R68,S79,W68 (competent only)
    2020-02: PTE Exam - L79,R79,S86,W76 (grr lack 3pts on Writing)
    2020-03: PTE Exam - L85,R75,S87,W86 (Mar 4 - grr nag increase L, S and W but bumaba 4pts si R!!!!!)
    2020-03 PTE Exam - L81 R79 S90 W81 (Mar 9 - Salamat Lord!!!!)

  • AdminAdmin Singapore
    Posts: 1,771Administrator
    Joined: Dec 29, 2010

    Some people informed me they cant attach image. ive increased the pic size to 10MB which is enough to cater for pic taken form you phone. please give it another try.

    2010-06 : Lurker at (previously the #1 Pinoy Australian Forum)
    2010-06 : Started researching on Visa 175 - Target 120pts
    2011-08 : Started prev employer document gathering for ACS skill assessment (0/4)
    2010-12 : went offline and created
    2011-03 : 1st child born - AU dream halted
    2014-03 : ACS document - 1/5 emp ref completed
    2015-01: Promoted at work - AU dream halted
    2015-11: ACS document - 1/6 emp ref completed
    2016-09: 2nd child born - AU dream halted
    2018-09: ACS document - 6/8 emp ref completed
    2018-09: Revised all employment references and affidavit from scratch
    2019-03: Completed Revised 8/8 emp ref
    2019-03: PTE Exam - L59,R75,S62,W64 (no preparation)
    2019-07: Favorable Skills Assessment result for Software Eng
    2019-11: PTE Exam - L70,R68,S79,W68 (competent only)
    2020-02: PTE Exam - L79,R79,S86,W76 (grr lack 3pts on Writing)
    2020-03: PTE Exam - L85,R75,S87,W86 (Mar 4 - grr nag increase L, S and W but bumaba 4pts si R!!!!!)
    2020-03 PTE Exam - L81 R79 S90 W81 (Mar 9 - Salamat Lord!!!!)

  • AdminAdmin Singapore
    Posts: 1,771Administrator
    Joined: Dec 29, 2010
    edited October 2019

    Realtime Chat attachments (pdf, doc, word, etc) is now available and working!

    Just note that attachments and images are limited to 10MB for now. It should be enough to send large size photos taken from your phone and as well documents .

    I will be working on "Mobile and Web Push notification" next. How does it work?

    No more extra app needed (except for iOS). With just a google chrome, you will be able to receive a normal notification from your phone and clicking it will automatically open the Chat Group discussion in Chrome and you can conversate with your group in real time just like any other chat platform (web or mobile).

    We understand your need for a quick response therefore we are really working hard to cope up with the fast emerging trend. We also seek your understanding to please refrain from inviting people out of, as this has a very drastic impact to the site.

    We have started pinoyau on 2009 established the site at 2010. We have a very good historic trend on Australia Migration and how things evolved from the past to now, wanted to keep this platform alive and continue to help other future applicants to come.

    We would also like to hear your advice, perhaps any other service you wish to have like in our platform.

    We are thinking of having a section of Trusted Pinoy Accommodation offering to prevent new migrants from being scammed, as they are still outside of Australia and planning to make their big Move. Still in planning stage but hopefully we can come up and implement it.

    Thanks Pinoy AU pips! :)


    2010-06 : Lurker at (previously the #1 Pinoy Australian Forum)
    2010-06 : Started researching on Visa 175 - Target 120pts
    2011-08 : Started prev employer document gathering for ACS skill assessment (0/4)
    2010-12 : went offline and created
    2011-03 : 1st child born - AU dream halted
    2014-03 : ACS document - 1/5 emp ref completed
    2015-01: Promoted at work - AU dream halted
    2015-11: ACS document - 1/6 emp ref completed
    2016-09: 2nd child born - AU dream halted
    2018-09: ACS document - 6/8 emp ref completed
    2018-09: Revised all employment references and affidavit from scratch
    2019-03: Completed Revised 8/8 emp ref
    2019-03: PTE Exam - L59,R75,S62,W64 (no preparation)
    2019-07: Favorable Skills Assessment result for Software Eng
    2019-11: PTE Exam - L70,R68,S79,W68 (competent only)
    2020-02: PTE Exam - L79,R79,S86,W76 (grr lack 3pts on Writing)
    2020-03: PTE Exam - L85,R75,S87,W86 (Mar 4 - grr nag increase L, S and W but bumaba 4pts si R!!!!!)
    2020-03 PTE Exam - L81 R79 S90 W81 (Mar 9 - Salamat Lord!!!!)

  • superluckycloversuperluckyclover Melbourne, VIC
    Posts: 888Member
    Joined: Apr 27, 2015

    I like the new chat interface!!! Pinoyau rocks! :smile:

    Mark 11:24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

    261311 - Analyst Programmer | Age: 30 | Education: 15 | Australian Education: 5 | English Proficiency: 20 | NAATI CCL: 5 | Professional Year: 5 | Total: 80

    26 Oct 2015 - Visa 573 Granted
    01 Nov 2015 - The Eagle has landed
    02 Nov 2015 - First Day High
    15 Feb 2017 - Hubby and Bubba joined me in Melbourne
    01 Dec 2017 - Graduated Masters!
    21 Mar 2018 - Visa 485 Granted
    20 Feb 2019 - Sat NAATI CCL Exam in Adelaide
    21 Mar 2019 - ACS Skills Assessment Positive, Qualification has been assessed as comparable to an AQF Master Degree with a Major in computing.
    23 Apr 2019 - Medicals Cleared - No actions required
    29 Apr 2019 - Submitted EOI for 189
    11 Jul 2019 - ITA received
    23 Jul 2019 - Lodged Visa 189! Speaking life over our PR application ♡
    04 Feb 2020 - CO Michael Contact (Asking for Evidence of NAATI CCL pass document, Status: Initial Assessment)
    04 Feb 2020 - Responded to CO Contact, attached evidence of NAATI CCL documents (Status: Further Assessment)
    04 Feb 2020 - Provided Compliment Feedback via DHA website
    06 Feb 2020 - Received Feedback Acknowledgement email from CO Sebastian
    06 Feb 2020 - Golden Visa Grant! PRAISE GOD!
    08 Apr 2022 - Received Citizenship Interview & Test Appointment letter
    27 Apr 2022 - Australian Citizenship by Conferral approved
    20 July 2022 - Australian Citizenship Oath Taking Whitehorse Council

  • AdminAdmin Singapore
    Posts: 1,771Administrator
    Joined: Dec 29, 2010

    Salamat @superluckyclover ! Lalo na sa pag balik.

    2010-06 : Lurker at (previously the #1 Pinoy Australian Forum)
    2010-06 : Started researching on Visa 175 - Target 120pts
    2011-08 : Started prev employer document gathering for ACS skill assessment (0/4)
    2010-12 : went offline and created
    2011-03 : 1st child born - AU dream halted
    2014-03 : ACS document - 1/5 emp ref completed
    2015-01: Promoted at work - AU dream halted
    2015-11: ACS document - 1/6 emp ref completed
    2016-09: 2nd child born - AU dream halted
    2018-09: ACS document - 6/8 emp ref completed
    2018-09: Revised all employment references and affidavit from scratch
    2019-03: Completed Revised 8/8 emp ref
    2019-03: PTE Exam - L59,R75,S62,W64 (no preparation)
    2019-07: Favorable Skills Assessment result for Software Eng
    2019-11: PTE Exam - L70,R68,S79,W68 (competent only)
    2020-02: PTE Exam - L79,R79,S86,W76 (grr lack 3pts on Writing)
    2020-03: PTE Exam - L85,R75,S87,W86 (Mar 4 - grr nag increase L, S and W but bumaba 4pts si R!!!!!)
    2020-03 PTE Exam - L81 R79 S90 W81 (Mar 9 - Salamat Lord!!!!)

  • AdminAdmin Singapore
    Posts: 1,771Administrator
    Joined: Dec 29, 2010

    Group Chat can now be from the Floating Action button found at the lower right corner of you screen. (after login). If after login and you cant see the pencil icon button, try doing a refresh

    2010-06 : Lurker at (previously the #1 Pinoy Australian Forum)
    2010-06 : Started researching on Visa 175 - Target 120pts
    2011-08 : Started prev employer document gathering for ACS skill assessment (0/4)
    2010-12 : went offline and created
    2011-03 : 1st child born - AU dream halted
    2014-03 : ACS document - 1/5 emp ref completed
    2015-01: Promoted at work - AU dream halted
    2015-11: ACS document - 1/6 emp ref completed
    2016-09: 2nd child born - AU dream halted
    2018-09: ACS document - 6/8 emp ref completed
    2018-09: Revised all employment references and affidavit from scratch
    2019-03: Completed Revised 8/8 emp ref
    2019-03: PTE Exam - L59,R75,S62,W64 (no preparation)
    2019-07: Favorable Skills Assessment result for Software Eng
    2019-11: PTE Exam - L70,R68,S79,W68 (competent only)
    2020-02: PTE Exam - L79,R79,S86,W76 (grr lack 3pts on Writing)
    2020-03: PTE Exam - L85,R75,S87,W86 (Mar 4 - grr nag increase L, S and W but bumaba 4pts si R!!!!!)
    2020-03 PTE Exam - L81 R79 S90 W81 (Mar 9 - Salamat Lord!!!!)

  • AdminAdmin Singapore
    Posts: 1,771Administrator
    Joined: Dec 29, 2010
    edited October 2019

    Good news! Web / Android Mobile Chrome Push Notification is now available in Beta mode!

    Available sa Real time chat for now, so if anyone replies to your message. You will get then push notification.

    I will apply later sa mga replies from discussion. Leave a message here kung may problem kayo na na-encounter

    To enable the Push Notification here are the steps:
    1) Go to Inbox and when the prompt launches, Click Allow button

    2) Please help to allow/accept the push notification consent.
    Don't worry you can turn this off anytime from your Site Settings

    3) When you are not browsing the forum, you will receive a push notification when someone, replies to you just like a normal messenger, but take note, without the need to install an app. (except for iOS, they have no support for Safari mobile push notification) clicking the notification will redirect you to the chat page and you can continue to reply to your group or friends!

    2010-06 : Lurker at (previously the #1 Pinoy Australian Forum)
    2010-06 : Started researching on Visa 175 - Target 120pts
    2011-08 : Started prev employer document gathering for ACS skill assessment (0/4)
    2010-12 : went offline and created
    2011-03 : 1st child born - AU dream halted
    2014-03 : ACS document - 1/5 emp ref completed
    2015-01: Promoted at work - AU dream halted
    2015-11: ACS document - 1/6 emp ref completed
    2016-09: 2nd child born - AU dream halted
    2018-09: ACS document - 6/8 emp ref completed
    2018-09: Revised all employment references and affidavit from scratch
    2019-03: Completed Revised 8/8 emp ref
    2019-03: PTE Exam - L59,R75,S62,W64 (no preparation)
    2019-07: Favorable Skills Assessment result for Software Eng
    2019-11: PTE Exam - L70,R68,S79,W68 (competent only)
    2020-02: PTE Exam - L79,R79,S86,W76 (grr lack 3pts on Writing)
    2020-03: PTE Exam - L85,R75,S87,W86 (Mar 4 - grr nag increase L, S and W but bumaba 4pts si R!!!!!)
    2020-03 PTE Exam - L81 R79 S90 W81 (Mar 9 - Salamat Lord!!!!)

  • AdminAdmin Singapore
    Posts: 1,771Administrator
    Joined: Dec 29, 2010

    You are now able to see the status of your group or chatmate whether they are currently viewing or not the group / invidual chat conversation!

    2010-06 : Lurker at (previously the #1 Pinoy Australian Forum)
    2010-06 : Started researching on Visa 175 - Target 120pts
    2011-08 : Started prev employer document gathering for ACS skill assessment (0/4)
    2010-12 : went offline and created
    2011-03 : 1st child born - AU dream halted
    2014-03 : ACS document - 1/5 emp ref completed
    2015-01: Promoted at work - AU dream halted
    2015-11: ACS document - 1/6 emp ref completed
    2016-09: 2nd child born - AU dream halted
    2018-09: ACS document - 6/8 emp ref completed
    2018-09: Revised all employment references and affidavit from scratch
    2019-03: Completed Revised 8/8 emp ref
    2019-03: PTE Exam - L59,R75,S62,W64 (no preparation)
    2019-07: Favorable Skills Assessment result for Software Eng
    2019-11: PTE Exam - L70,R68,S79,W68 (competent only)
    2020-02: PTE Exam - L79,R79,S86,W76 (grr lack 3pts on Writing)
    2020-03: PTE Exam - L85,R75,S87,W86 (Mar 4 - grr nag increase L, S and W but bumaba 4pts si R!!!!!)
    2020-03 PTE Exam - L81 R79 S90 W81 (Mar 9 - Salamat Lord!!!!)

  • AdminAdmin Singapore
    Posts: 1,771Administrator
    Joined: Dec 29, 2010
    edited October 2019

    Group Page added! with the ability to upload the logo of your group.

    You can now start creating your Support group to help you out on your application.

    Here is how to create a Group page.

    2010-06 : Lurker at (previously the #1 Pinoy Australian Forum)
    2010-06 : Started researching on Visa 175 - Target 120pts
    2011-08 : Started prev employer document gathering for ACS skill assessment (0/4)
    2010-12 : went offline and created
    2011-03 : 1st child born - AU dream halted
    2014-03 : ACS document - 1/5 emp ref completed
    2015-01: Promoted at work - AU dream halted
    2015-11: ACS document - 1/6 emp ref completed
    2016-09: 2nd child born - AU dream halted
    2018-09: ACS document - 6/8 emp ref completed
    2018-09: Revised all employment references and affidavit from scratch
    2019-03: Completed Revised 8/8 emp ref
    2019-03: PTE Exam - L59,R75,S62,W64 (no preparation)
    2019-07: Favorable Skills Assessment result for Software Eng
    2019-11: PTE Exam - L70,R68,S79,W68 (competent only)
    2020-02: PTE Exam - L79,R79,S86,W76 (grr lack 3pts on Writing)
    2020-03: PTE Exam - L85,R75,S87,W86 (Mar 4 - grr nag increase L, S and W but bumaba 4pts si R!!!!!)
    2020-03 PTE Exam - L81 R79 S90 W81 (Mar 9 - Salamat Lord!!!!)

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