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Looking for a granny flat or room for rent in NSW

xtine99xtine99 SydneyPosts: 29Member
edited December 2012 in Housing & Rentals
Hi, I am looking for a room for rent in NSW. I will be arriving on January 13, 2013. I am open to temporary or long term accomodation if available.


  • li_i_renli_i_ren North Ryde
    Posts: 434Member
    Joined: Oct 13, 2012
    edited December 2012
    @xtine99..are you a girl? i have a room which we are not using for 1 person. it's got a bed and a cabinet.

    we are in coogee near the beach maybe 10-15 mins. walk to the beach...there's a bus near our flat 1 ride going to the cbd everyday which is about 20 mins. ride. send me a PM if you are interested;)

    i've been looking for a pinoy flatmate pero ang hirap..kasi coogee is in the eastern suburb which is a very caucasian community:D i'm a nurse and my husband is a doctor .. trying to get registered here in autralia. currently, he is in melbourne preparing for the exams. i have a 4 years old too:) so the room is good for 1 person only so it won't be too crowded but it's a good sized room:D
  • xtine99xtine99 Sydney
    Posts: 29Member
    Joined: Nov 23, 2012
    yes but It would be for two person, as I will be arriving with my 13 yr old daughter and I may need a temporary accomodation until I find a school near to where she will attend, if this is alright with you, let me know. How much would be the rent?
  • mvg33mvg33 Braddon
    Posts: 3Member
    Joined: Jan 15, 2013
    @li_i_ren hi, i'm new to this website. is the room still available? i'm a 24 year old, female, overseas student. :)
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