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Do you know any Filipino barber in perth?

Hello meron po ba kayong alam n pinoy na barber dito sa perth . Thanks po


  • jedh_gjedh_g Perth WA
    Posts: 1,413Member, Moderator
    Joined: Mar 11, 2015

    @paupau281 if dito ka banda northern suburb particularly ellenbrook suburb, I could help you.

    Skilled Independent Visa Subclass 189: ANZSCO 233512 Mechanical Engineer

    Feb. 12, 2016 - Begin PTE-A review & booked exam at Trident
    Mar. 21, 2016 - PTE academic Exam Result PASSED
    (L:66, R:73, S:80, W:67); Thank you Lord!
    Mar. 28, 2016 - Agent updated EOI. Awaiting next round of 189
    April 7, 2016 - Received NSW invite (Visa 190)
    April 13, 2016 - Received 189 invite (8:56 AM). Thank you Lord!
    May 21, 2016 - VISA fee paid to MA. DIBP application received
    May 25, 2016 - NBI clearance certificate forwarded to MA
    May 30, 2016 - 1st CO contact, Team Adelaide (Medicals asked)
    May 31, 2016 - SLEC medical exams with family. Thank you Lord!
    June 1, 2016 - Submit to agent CO request (Wife's NBI, Medicals)
    June 7, 2016 - Youngest son undergone x-ray at SLEC (2nd visit)
    June 14, 2016 - ALL family members "COMPLETED" status to DIBP on medicals
    June 29, 2016 - 2nd CO contact. Requested FORM 815 for son.
    August 4, 2016 VISA GRANT thank you LORD
    August 19, 2016 - PDOS at CFO
    October 26, 2016 - Flight to Sydney (then, fly to Western Australia)

    Dec. 8, 2016 - Reunited with whole family at Perth

    March 15, 2017 - Landed my first job in WA as pressure vessel inspector (Engineering & Mfg Tradesperson job class)

    JOSHUA 1:9 - I command you. Be strong and steadfast!
    Do not fear nor be dismayed for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.

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