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Seeking Job as Accountant

Is anyone here know a job opportunity for an accountant? I am currently working here in the Philippines and I really wanted to work overseas. Thank you in advance po!


  • mcril22mcril22 Sydney NSW
    Posts: 156Member
    Joined: Jun 10, 2018

    Kokonti (baka wala pa nga) yung company na nag ssponsor ng visa.. normally people apply for migration to australia so they can get a job there....

  • engr_boyengr_boy Sydney
    Posts: 293Member
    Joined: Jan 08, 2012

    it's not impossible but it is highly improbable na ma-sponsoran ka. pero siguro tipong pang-director or vp position (senior/management positions) ang iniisponsoran nila. madami ka naman options to get to australia puwede kang mag apply by your self (skilled independent), puwede din student visa or maybe even aim for somewhere easier to go to like middle east or singapore then build up your work experience before embarking on australian migration.

    Occupation: Surveyor (ANZSCO 232212)
    07.01.12 - IELTS - British Council - L8.5 R7.0 W9.0 S7.5 OBS 8.0
    15.12.13 - Invited for 189 (Skilled Independent) Visa
    25.12.13 - Lodged 189 Visa
    02.02.14 - CO Allocated Adelaide GSM Team 07
    15.05.14 - Visa Grant - Change of Team (Adelaide Team 6)
    27.10.14 - Initial Entry (Perth)
    16.03.19 - RRV (Return Resident Visa) Subclass 155 - applied and granted automatically!
    25.09.19 - Applied 309/100 Partner Visa for wife
    08.12.20 - Wife 309 Visa Approved!
    Food is a weapon. And there nothing better than danggit. Ask my Aussie housemates.

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