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Tourist visa then apply for permanent residency as dependent on shore

Hello! Planning po ako n mag apply ng tourist visa then pag onshore n ako, magsubmit yung husband ko ng applic nya ng employer-sponsored permanent residency tapos isasama nya po ako s application nya. Sa tourist visa applic, pwede ko po ba banggitin na ganon yung plan? Na while there, magapply ng permanent residency? No need n po kaya ako mgsubmit income docs ko if that is the case kasi no plan of going home agad until mareceive result ng residency applic?


  • fgsfgs Cooper Basin
    Posts: 1,161Member
    Joined: Nov 12, 2013

    If you mention about the PR application, that defeats the real intention of just visiting Australia and could be a reason of denying you a visa. Apply as if you are just intending to visit then you can be included in the PR application later.

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