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2022 New rules for TSS 482 pathway to PR

Crowdsourcing here please. Are there any case like ours whose been working in AU for more than 3 years but under the short term stream and now planning to lodge ENS 186 under TRT (new rule) however we just turned 45 years old without possibilities to be exempted such as high income threshold, or global talent.

My question is, can we still try? Was there any successful case here? and if rejected possible to approve when we apply for an appeal?


  • mkelmkel Posts: 12Member
    Joined: Jun 06, 2021

    By any chance, were you previously holding 457 visa before?
    That’s just the clearest way I know. Or if you are under Labor agreement. Otherwise, a migration lawyer might be able to advise properly if you can apply for age exemption.

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