Affordable nice room available to rent in a very cozy area of Melbourne.
Rent is 166 AUD only including internet. Other bills are to be shared.
Place is walking distance to gym, Bunnings, Aldi. Driving distance ( 4 km or less ) from Coles and Woolworths.
Indeed the location has plenty to offer. Bus stop is available going to train station
The house will be shared between two other people ( 3 in all including yourself ) both are working professionals.
The house features the following:
Central heating and cooling
1 TV in living room
1 projector in Rumpus
Veranda with BBQ grill at the back of the house
spacious backyard for everyone to relax
As mentioned, this is very affordable room for rent for the price .
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Available pa po?
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Available pa po?
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Hi, Available pa po?
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Hi, may I know where this is located?
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Available pa po?
Age: 30pts
English: 20pts
Qualification: 15pts
Overseas Experience: 15pts
CCL: 5pts
Partner-No Partner: 10pts
01-Nov-22 - GRANTED visa 190
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May available pa po ba?