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primary applicant- wife
arrived melbourne- July 28, 2010
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primary applicant- wife
arrived melbourne- July 28, 2010
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hi and thanks for the reply. actually to be more precise my work is related to electronic security systems such as cctv, access control and intruder alarms.
are there good companies there providing these solutions and services? i mean is it easy to get a job on that field in melbourne?
233411 Electronics Engineer
30-5-2015 - IELTS EXAM
13-6- 2015 - IELTS Result Competent English
12-7-2015 - submitted CDR to EA
8-9-2015 - EA assessment approved - Professional Engineer 233411
11-9-2015 submitted EOI for 190 NSW - 60 points
6-11-2015 PTE Exam (Manila) - Superior
8-11-2015 Updated EOI for 189 - 75 points
23-11-2015 189 Invitation Received
10-12-2015 Visa 189 Lodged
6-01-2016 All PCC uploaded
7-01-2016 All Medicals cleared
11-01-2016 Direct Visa Grant
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primary applicant- wife
arrived melbourne- July 28, 2010
Posts: 6Member
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primary applicant- wife
arrived melbourne- July 28, 2010
Posts: 412Member
Joined: Nov 25, 2013
Anong postgrad course po ba ang kukunin nyo if you don't mind my asking?
The minimum IELTS score usually depends on the course you are looking to take. I've checked some postgrad courses from UOW and the min. OBS is 6.5.
What you can do is to inquire online directly with your school if such courses are offered, or if they can make exceptions. Good luck po.
Student Visa 573 (SVP) Timeline:
28 Nov 2013 - submitted int'l student application to Victoria Uni
20-21 Dec 2013 - sat IELTS Academic module exam
03 Jan 2014 - received IELTS scores (L:8.5 R:8.0 W:8.0 S:8.0 OBS:8.0)
07 Jan 2014 - undertook medical exam at NHSI Makati
16 Jan 2014 - received unconditional offer from VU
13 Feb 2014 - paid 1st sem tuition fees; received e-COE from VU
13 Feb 2014 - lodged visa application at PIASI
17 Feb 2014 - received visa grant via email (thank you, Lord!)
21 Feb 2014 - first day in OZ
24 Feb 2014 - first day of classes
19 June 2015 - last of day classes!
06 Aug 2015 - received Letter of Completion from uni
14 Oct 2015 - Graduation
Journey to PR:
07 Aug 2015 - submitted skills assessment to ACS (261311 - Analyst Programmer)
12 Aug 2015 - received positive skills assessment result from ACS
12 Aug 2015 - submitted EOI for 189 (60 points), 190 (NSW-65 points), 489 (state and relative sponsored - 70 points)
29 Oct 2015 - received ITA for NSW State Nomination
03 Nov 2015 - submitted application for NSW State Nomination
19 Nov 2015 - received NSW SN approval and ITA for 190 visa
01 Dec 2015 - lodged 190 application
14 Dec 2015 - health exam at BUPA Melbourne
15 Dec 2015 - Initial (and hopefully final) CO contact, asking for PCC
22 Dec 2015 - submitted Australian PCC and NBI Clearance
16 Feb 2016 - received 190 PR visa grant
Date applied: 27 March 2018
Date received the acknowledgement email: 27 March 2018
Received test invite: 11 Feb 2019 for 25 March 2019 (rescheduled to 25 Feb)
Citizenship Approval: 11 March 209
Received Ceremony Invitation: 24 May 2019
Date of Ceremony: 25 June 2019
Posts: 76Member
Joined: Oct 06, 2013
subclass 573
August 2013 - initial contact with Aus Bright Educ (agent in Pasig)
Oct 2013 - Applications to Murdoch, Notre Dame
9 Nov - IELTS Academic
19 Nov - Applied to Curtin
31 Dec - Notre Dame required IELTS 7 in four categories
20 Jan 2014 - Received 1st offer letter from Curtin
2 March 2014 - deferred offer from Curtin U to August 2014
April 2014 - paid tuition fee; submitted financials doc
May 2014 - paid OSHC (Allianz)
May 2014 - Cert of placement for kids in WA Educ Dept (free for masteral and doctoral students)
16 June 2014 - Aus embassy visa app via Australia Bright
26 June 2014 - Aus Embassy acknowledgement of visa app
28 June 2014 - NHSI medical exam; results uploaded 3 July
28 July 2014 - Notice of medicals referred
Aug 2014 - Health clearance received; requested for deferred enrollment to Jan 2015 due to lack of visa decision
23 Oct - Visa grant!!!
"Positive thinking is expecting, talking, believing, and visualizing what you want to achieve. It is seeing what you want, as an accomplished fact."
Posts: 76Member
Joined: Oct 06, 2013
subclass 573
August 2013 - initial contact with Aus Bright Educ (agent in Pasig)
Oct 2013 - Applications to Murdoch, Notre Dame
9 Nov - IELTS Academic
19 Nov - Applied to Curtin
31 Dec - Notre Dame required IELTS 7 in four categories
20 Jan 2014 - Received 1st offer letter from Curtin
2 March 2014 - deferred offer from Curtin U to August 2014
April 2014 - paid tuition fee; submitted financials doc
May 2014 - paid OSHC (Allianz)
May 2014 - Cert of placement for kids in WA Educ Dept (free for masteral and doctoral students)
16 June 2014 - Aus embassy visa app via Australia Bright
26 June 2014 - Aus Embassy acknowledgement of visa app
28 June 2014 - NHSI medical exam; results uploaded 3 July
28 July 2014 - Notice of medicals referred
Aug 2014 - Health clearance received; requested for deferred enrollment to Jan 2015 due to lack of visa decision
23 Oct - Visa grant!!!
"Positive thinking is expecting, talking, believing, and visualizing what you want to achieve. It is seeing what you want, as an accomplished fact."
Posts: 2,536Member, Moderator
Joined: Nov 14, 2012
ill make it into 3 parts para hindi masyado mahaba in one entry
1st ENTRY:
Submission to Skilled Occupation List 2014
December 2013
Australian Universities Centre, 1 Geils Court, Deakin ACT 2600 | T: 02 6162 2970 | E: [email protected]| W:
‐ 1 ‐
Mr Robin Shreeve
Chief Executive Officer
Australian Workplace and Productivity Agency (AWPA)
E: [email protected]
Dear Robin
Re: Retention of accountants on Skilled Occupation List (SOL) and development of a longer‐term
approach to reviewing occupations for independent skilled migration
The Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) is the authoritative and collective voice of pro vice-chancellors, executive deans and heads of business faculties and schools in Australian universities.
ABDC promotes and advances excellence in business education and research as well as engagement
with industry, the government and the community. ABDC represents a significant proportion of
higher education delivery with over one‐third of domestic university students and over one half of all
international students graduating from Australian business schools.1
ABDC welcomes the
opportunity to provide input into the 2014 Skilled Occupation List (SOL).
Our position
ABDC supports quality skilled migration initiatives and policies as these are of vital importance to
Australia’s labour market, increased productivity, long‐term economic growth and prosperity. In this
context our submission argues that the Australian government would gain significant benefit from:
1) retaining accountants on the 2014 SOL; and 2) developing a more flexible and longer‐term
approach to retention and review of occupations on the SOL.
ABDC has consistently supported the inclusion of accountants on the SOL and our membership has
developed a range of educational offerings and support services, and worked with the professional
accounting bodies, to facilitate quality learning outcomes for accounting students, including
international graduates. Therefore, our position is that any decision to remove accounting from the
SOL would need to be based on accurate market data and sophisticated contextual analysis.
Department of Education, Employment and Workforce Relations (DEEWR) analysis indicates that the
number of job openings for accountants is expected to be high (greater than 50,000) for the 2012‐
2017 period. This analysis indicates that labour market growth will place accountants as the third
ranked occupation by projected growth.2
We would however caution that certain data sources previously used to assess labour market
demand for the SOL— e.g. the Australian Graduate Survey (AGS) and recruitment advertisements
— are unreliable for assessing market labour demand for accountants. International student
response rates to the AGS are typically very low, which is compounded in the case of accounting
students, where three quarters are international.3
In the accounting profession, a significant volume
primary applicant- wife
arrived melbourne- July 28, 2010
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Joined: Nov 14, 2012
bro here's the 2nd entry:
of recruitment activity for both graduates and qualified accountants is via direct means rather than
through advertisements. For example, the ‘Big 4’ and mid‐tier accounting firms work closely with
our member business schools (mainly on‐campus) to recruit directly into their graduate trainee
programs. These same organisations also partner with the professional accounting bodies to recruit
qualified accountants through their member networks. Therefore, the use of recruitment
advertisements would underestimate the actual labour market demand for accountants.
It is therefore very important to gauge labour market demand based on recommendations from the
relevant professional accounting bodies and their industry partners. ABDC strongly supports the
points made on this matter within the joint submission to the 2014 SOL made by the professional
bodies — CPA Australia and the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia (ICAA). In particular,
we would like to make the following recommendations with respect to the 2014 Skilled Occupation
List and ongoing review process:
Recommendations from the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC)
ABDC urges the Australian Workforce Productivity Agency and the Department of Immigration and
Border Protection (DIBP) to ensure any future independent skilled migration occupation list, review
system or policies consider the following recommendations:
1. Retain accounting and finance occupations on the 2014 Skilled Occupation List (SOL) including
221111 Accountants (general), 22112 Management Accountant, 221113 Taxation Accountant,
221212 Corporate Treasurer, 221213 External Auditor, and 132211 Finance Manager.
2. Move to a minimum three‐year cycle of reviews of skilled occupations. This longer term
review cycle would provide greater certainty for labour market planning, potential and existing
international students and to university planning.
3. Transition to a more flexible system, such as the one adopted by SkillSelect to support better
quality skilled migration. Applying a flexible threshold would allow for a more strategic
response to changes in the labour market for accountants, and would enable a more nuanced
management of quality immigration. The reactionary annual ‘on or off’ decision making process
could be replaced by a longer term planning vision.
The continual uncertainty of an annual SOL review system and retaining accountants on the SOL has
significant unintended consequences across many sectors, as outlined in the following sections.
The impact on the accounting profession
According to CPA Australia and ICAA, there is an under supply of accountants, and the labour market
conditions are getting tighter with accountants projected to rank amongst the most highly sought
after occupations in the short, medium and longer term.4
Economic conditions and significant
regulatory changes are contributing to the growing demand for accountants, especially in areas such
as taxation, audit, compliance and risk management, business analysis and processes, cost
management, environmental accounting, asset valuation and investment advisory roles.
Skilled migrants and international student graduates play a vital role in ensuring there is an
adequate talent pool to meet this increasing demand. Domestic student enrolments in accounting
primary applicant- wife
arrived melbourne- July 28, 2010
Posts: 2,536Member, Moderator
Joined: Nov 14, 2012
bro, the third entry:
have declined, but, of more concern is the decline in international student enrolments post 20095
(who, as previously mentioned, represented three in four accounting students in 2012). This decline
of international student enrolments is evidence of the sensitivity to changed migration policies. ABDC, along with the professional accounting bodies, is very concerned that the uncertainty of annual reviews of the SOL has negatively impacted on current demand and will do so on future international enrolments. Any future decline will have a significant flow on effect on providing a
pipeline of much needed future accountants.
The impact on businesses, the economy and government
The removal of accountants from the SOL would also be in direct opposition to other government policies that aim to increase productivity, reduce red tape, grow international education and
facilitate the desire to forge important links with our Asian neighbours.
The impact of not meeting accounting and finance labour demand shortages in businesses,
particularly in small accounting firms, SMEs and firms in remote or rural areas would be substantial.
For example, in the Northern Territory current supply does not meet the growing demand for
accountants.6 Skilled migration is therefore particularly important in the Northern Territory due to:
firstly, the ageing accounting workforce in general (e.g. 55% of registered tax agents and 30% of BAS
Agents are aged 50 and over;7; and secondly, due to the challenges facing local employers in
attracting and retaining suitable candidates from interstate8
SMEs have been described as ‘the engine room for new ideas, new business activity and
employment growth’ of Australia’s post mining future.9
Therefore it is important to ensure
accountants be retained on the SOL to assist the nation to drive improved productivity—a critical
and necessary factor in boosting long‐term economic growth, prosperity and competitive advantage
especially in SMEs and regional Australia.
International education is the fourth largest export industry in Australia (largest in Victoria) and the
only non‐resource export in the top 10 export industries. The international students at Australian
universities graduating from business schools generate an estimated $4.8 billion in export earnings
to the Australian economy.10 The current federal government has stated its intention to rebuild the
international higher education as a significant export industry for Australia. However, the prospect
of permanent migration to Australia is a key motivation for international students pursuing higher
education here, evidenced that one in four business students are enrolled in accounting degrees.
A quality skilled migration policy supports Australia as a knowledge economy and the Government’s
‘Future Unlimited’ concept for promoting Australian education. Given that most accounting
students are from the increasingly dominant Asian region, removing accounting from the list will
negatively impact on developing these necessary links and on improving cultural understanding
primary applicant- wife
arrived melbourne- July 28, 2010
Posts: 2,536Member, Moderator
Joined: Nov 14, 2012
bro last entry na ito:
The impact on universities
The uncertainty of an annual review of the SOL affects not only businesses and the accounting
profession, but it also has an immense impact on universities. Fee revenue from international
accounting student fees provides a significant support to university funding — much needed in a
climate of considerable funding pressure. The continual insecurity of the SOL status of accountants
has played a role in the decline in international student enrolments in recent years.
It is of course acknowledged that labour market demand should be the primary focus for assessing
SOL occupations. However, the present annual SOL review cycle is too short‐term, consumes
unnecessarily large amount of resources and provides uncertainty for accounting student applicants,
university funding and planning. It takes a minimum of six years to educate a skilled accountant
(three years study, three years professional study program and experience). As a consequence
attracting high quality international applicants to invest in Australian undergraduate or postgraduate
accounting and finance degrees requires longer term certainty in our skilled migration programs.
Over recent years accounting graduates have consistently been in high demand, and, given current
trends, this demand is unlikely to dramatically diminish within a one year timeframe. To minimise
unnecessary frequency and improve productivity, planning and recruitment of high quality students,
we recommend a minimum three‐year review cycle of skilled migration occupations, is adopted.
In summary, ABDC recommends that the Department of Immigration and Border Protection retain
accountants on the 2014 skilled occupation list and that a longer‐term and more flexible approach to
reviewing skilled occupations for independent migration purposes is adopted. In particular, we
propose that a minimum three‐year‐cycle review of SOL occupations or a more flexible system, such
as the one developed by SkillSelect is implemented.
These recommendations would lead to greater certainty in: 1) meeting projected labour market
needs for accountants; 2) growing a more sustainable international education market and pipeline
for future accountants; and 3) minimising the associated negative flow‐on effect on SME
productivity, university planning and funding.
Ensuring there is sufficient supply to meet Australia’s future accounting and finance workforce needs
is important for developing a thriving, highly productive, competitive and knowledge‐based
workforce in a post‐mining Australian economy.
Yours sincerely
Professor Michael Powell
and Pro Vice‐Chancellor (Business) Griffith University
5 December 2013
primary applicant- wife
arrived melbourne- July 28, 2010
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Joined: Nov 14, 2012
pray lang tau bro na sana pakikinggan ng AWPA (Australian Workplace and Productivity Agency) and recommendation ng ABDC.....for the benefit of all those who are in the accounting field like us.......
primary applicant- wife
arrived melbourne- July 28, 2010
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primary applicant- wife
arrived melbourne- July 28, 2010
Posts: 412Member
Joined: Nov 25, 2013
Student Visa 573 (SVP) Timeline:
28 Nov 2013 - submitted int'l student application to Victoria Uni
20-21 Dec 2013 - sat IELTS Academic module exam
03 Jan 2014 - received IELTS scores (L:8.5 R:8.0 W:8.0 S:8.0 OBS:8.0)
07 Jan 2014 - undertook medical exam at NHSI Makati
16 Jan 2014 - received unconditional offer from VU
13 Feb 2014 - paid 1st sem tuition fees; received e-COE from VU
13 Feb 2014 - lodged visa application at PIASI
17 Feb 2014 - received visa grant via email (thank you, Lord!)
21 Feb 2014 - first day in OZ
24 Feb 2014 - first day of classes
19 June 2015 - last of day classes!
06 Aug 2015 - received Letter of Completion from uni
14 Oct 2015 - Graduation
Journey to PR:
07 Aug 2015 - submitted skills assessment to ACS (261311 - Analyst Programmer)
12 Aug 2015 - received positive skills assessment result from ACS
12 Aug 2015 - submitted EOI for 189 (60 points), 190 (NSW-65 points), 489 (state and relative sponsored - 70 points)
29 Oct 2015 - received ITA for NSW State Nomination
03 Nov 2015 - submitted application for NSW State Nomination
19 Nov 2015 - received NSW SN approval and ITA for 190 visa
01 Dec 2015 - lodged 190 application
14 Dec 2015 - health exam at BUPA Melbourne
15 Dec 2015 - Initial (and hopefully final) CO contact, asking for PCC
22 Dec 2015 - submitted Australian PCC and NBI Clearance
16 Feb 2016 - received 190 PR visa grant
Date applied: 27 March 2018
Date received the acknowledgement email: 27 March 2018
Received test invite: 11 Feb 2019 for 25 March 2019 (rescheduled to 25 Feb)
Citizenship Approval: 11 March 209
Received Ceremony Invitation: 24 May 2019
Date of Ceremony: 25 June 2019
Posts: 154Member
Joined: Feb 06, 2014
Posts: 6Member
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Posts: 6Member
Joined: Mar 03, 2014
Posts: 6Member
Joined: Mar 03, 2014
Posts: 96Member
Joined: Feb 02, 2014
Posts: 289Member
Joined: Oct 10, 2013
SVP Subclass 573 with dependent
January 2014- arrived Australia
March 2014- Classes start
December 2015- finished uni.
December 2015- Lodged subclass 485 visa, Medical exams cleared.
February 2016- 485 Visa Granted
March 2016- skills assessment application submitted
May 4 2016- positive skills assessment
May 16 2016- Lodged EOI (60 points)
May 24 2016- ITA subclass 189
June 4 2016- lodged subclass 189
June 14 2016- CO allocation (team Adelaide)
***********waiting for the golden GRANT*********
To God be the glory!!
Posts: 2,536Member, Moderator
Joined: Nov 14, 2012
primary applicant- wife
arrived melbourne- July 28, 2010
Posts: 2,536Member, Moderator
Joined: Nov 14, 2012
primary applicant- wife
arrived melbourne- July 28, 2010
Posts: 96Member
Joined: Feb 02, 2014
Posts: 2,536Member, Moderator
Joined: Nov 14, 2012
primary applicant- wife
arrived melbourne- July 28, 2010
Posts: 412Member
Joined: Nov 25, 2013
Student Visa 573 (SVP) Timeline:
28 Nov 2013 - submitted int'l student application to Victoria Uni
20-21 Dec 2013 - sat IELTS Academic module exam
03 Jan 2014 - received IELTS scores (L:8.5 R:8.0 W:8.0 S:8.0 OBS:8.0)
07 Jan 2014 - undertook medical exam at NHSI Makati
16 Jan 2014 - received unconditional offer from VU
13 Feb 2014 - paid 1st sem tuition fees; received e-COE from VU
13 Feb 2014 - lodged visa application at PIASI
17 Feb 2014 - received visa grant via email (thank you, Lord!)
21 Feb 2014 - first day in OZ
24 Feb 2014 - first day of classes
19 June 2015 - last of day classes!
06 Aug 2015 - received Letter of Completion from uni
14 Oct 2015 - Graduation
Journey to PR:
07 Aug 2015 - submitted skills assessment to ACS (261311 - Analyst Programmer)
12 Aug 2015 - received positive skills assessment result from ACS
12 Aug 2015 - submitted EOI for 189 (60 points), 190 (NSW-65 points), 489 (state and relative sponsored - 70 points)
29 Oct 2015 - received ITA for NSW State Nomination
03 Nov 2015 - submitted application for NSW State Nomination
19 Nov 2015 - received NSW SN approval and ITA for 190 visa
01 Dec 2015 - lodged 190 application
14 Dec 2015 - health exam at BUPA Melbourne
15 Dec 2015 - Initial (and hopefully final) CO contact, asking for PCC
22 Dec 2015 - submitted Australian PCC and NBI Clearance
16 Feb 2016 - received 190 PR visa grant
Date applied: 27 March 2018
Date received the acknowledgement email: 27 March 2018
Received test invite: 11 Feb 2019 for 25 March 2019 (rescheduled to 25 Feb)
Citizenship Approval: 11 March 209
Received Ceremony Invitation: 24 May 2019
Date of Ceremony: 25 June 2019
Posts: 412Member
Joined: Nov 25, 2013
Student Visa 573 (SVP) Timeline:
28 Nov 2013 - submitted int'l student application to Victoria Uni
20-21 Dec 2013 - sat IELTS Academic module exam
03 Jan 2014 - received IELTS scores (L:8.5 R:8.0 W:8.0 S:8.0 OBS:8.0)
07 Jan 2014 - undertook medical exam at NHSI Makati
16 Jan 2014 - received unconditional offer from VU
13 Feb 2014 - paid 1st sem tuition fees; received e-COE from VU
13 Feb 2014 - lodged visa application at PIASI
17 Feb 2014 - received visa grant via email (thank you, Lord!)
21 Feb 2014 - first day in OZ
24 Feb 2014 - first day of classes
19 June 2015 - last of day classes!
06 Aug 2015 - received Letter of Completion from uni
14 Oct 2015 - Graduation
Journey to PR:
07 Aug 2015 - submitted skills assessment to ACS (261311 - Analyst Programmer)
12 Aug 2015 - received positive skills assessment result from ACS
12 Aug 2015 - submitted EOI for 189 (60 points), 190 (NSW-65 points), 489 (state and relative sponsored - 70 points)
29 Oct 2015 - received ITA for NSW State Nomination
03 Nov 2015 - submitted application for NSW State Nomination
19 Nov 2015 - received NSW SN approval and ITA for 190 visa
01 Dec 2015 - lodged 190 application
14 Dec 2015 - health exam at BUPA Melbourne
15 Dec 2015 - Initial (and hopefully final) CO contact, asking for PCC
22 Dec 2015 - submitted Australian PCC and NBI Clearance
16 Feb 2016 - received 190 PR visa grant
Date applied: 27 March 2018
Date received the acknowledgement email: 27 March 2018
Received test invite: 11 Feb 2019 for 25 March 2019 (rescheduled to 25 Feb)
Citizenship Approval: 11 March 209
Received Ceremony Invitation: 24 May 2019
Date of Ceremony: 25 June 2019