The Department have updated their website to outline the changes to the Temporary Graduate (sc 485) visa program as announced as part of the Migration Strategy.
The Department will be maintaining the maximum age at 50 for masters (research) and doctoral degree (PhD) graduates applying for a sc 485 in the Post-Higher Education Work stream (former Post-Study Work stream) after 1 July 2024.
The changes to the Sc 485 should take effect from 1 July 2024, subject to the passage of legislative amendments. The changes are the following:
Stay periods will change to the following:
Qualification | Visa grant period |
Bachelor degree (including honours) | up to 2 years |
Masters (coursework and extended) | up to 2 years |
Masters (research) and doctoral degree (PhD) | up to 3 years. |
Hong Kong and British National Overseas passport holders may be able to stay for up to 5 years.
Stay periods for Indian nationals, as agreed in the Australian Indian – Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (AI-ECTA), remain as:
The Second Post-Study Work stream will be renamed the Second Post-Higher Education Work stream. There are no other changes to this stream.
The Replacement stream will cease. This stream was introduced to applicants who were unable to stay in Australia for the full period of their previous visa due to the COVID restrictions in force from 1 February 2020 to 14 December 2021.
Latest 485 visa changes and updates:
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