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My health declarations

Anyone used My Health Declarations, please advice.

As principal applicant for student visa, my wife submitted health declations of me and 3 children in immiaccount. The status is submitted, questions are as follows:

1. How long does it usually take to receive assessment if needed for health checkup?

2. Do they provide link to view assessment status? I cant find the tab in the immiaccount.

3. If no eMedical site in Iloilo, mandatory to go and visit clinics listed in the Panel List of home affairs site? Any options?

4. Only me and wife will go first to Australia, do we need to bring the kids for health check up if we get the referral letter?

5. How long is the validity of health check up?


  • atheleneathelene Brisbane
    Posts: 766Member
    Joined: Mar 13, 2018
    @anzone Are you referring to doing the health exam before visa application?

    As for your questions:

    2. I did my health exam after submitting my visa application, so I'm not sure if there's really a difference on the links that show up on ImmiAccount. In my case, the View Health Assessment link appeared after I submitted my application (it's under Attach Documents; this is another link that didn't show up until I submitted my application). When you click on it, it will only show the status as "Examination Required;" this will change to "Examination in Progress" once you've gone to do your health exam. This status won't change until the Panel Physician submits the health exam results to DHA; when the results are out, the status will be updated to "Health Clearance Provided - No Action Required" (if no further tests are required). Essentially you won't know the status of health exam results until they are complete (I don't know if it's possible to get a copy of your health exam results from the Panel Physician; I only thought of it once I got home).

    3. There is no Panel Physician in Iloilo, only in Cebu. You can check the address at the DHA website: Try calling first to ask if walk-ins are permitted or if you need to make an appointment.

    5. As per DHA's website, health exam results are valid for 12 months.

    232111 (Architect) | Current points: 65

    30-01-2018 Applied for student visa (MArchSci), offshore application.
    11-08-2020 Applied for student visa (PhD), onshore application.
    28-02-2022 Submitted application to AACA for skills assessment (OQA Stage 1)
    27-05-2022 Received skills assessment outcome (Suitable/Positive)
    Next steps: PTE exam

  • anzoneanzone Posts: 27Member
    Joined: Jan 18, 2018
    Thank you Athelene. Your response helped me.
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