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I work in an immigration consultancy company and this is what I have to say

chrisariaschrisarias Cebu CityPosts: 7Member
Hi! I just started working as a client relations officer in an immigration consultancy company. Though our company is not as well-known as the other companies (WiseImmigration, WorldConnect, etc.), I am pleased to say that we have a better service. But let's get over that, I am here to share about how much I empathize with those of you who are working hard abroad. The realities we face here in the Philippines pushes us to consider living abroad and abandon our home country. Things have gotten so bad here and I want to help people as much as I can. What I'm doing is more than just a job, it is a mission. I want to live a purposeful and meaningful life and I want to do just that by helping other people be better. That's all. Just letting all my frustrations out. You can contact me if you want to 0927 951 1135.
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