191 PR Visa Application Question
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Posts: 351Member
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Posts: 80Member
Joined: Nov 03, 2017
Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | GSM Office | Date Granted | Target State/City | IED
******VISA LODGE******
Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office
1. @Julio2017 | 190 VIC | 09 July 2018 |
2. @snmgil |190NSW|11 July 2018|221111
***Invitation Received***
Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | ITA Date Received
1. @irenesky l 489 QLD l 65+10 l 233914 l 04 July 2018
2. @adamwarlock | 189 | 75 | 263311 | 10 July 2018
3. @Pixiepie 189 | 75 | 233513 | 10 July 2018
*******EOI LODGE*******
Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | EOI Lodge Date
1. @fromSGtoAU | 489 qld | 55+10 | 133111 | 03 July 2018
2. @happymissus | 189, 190 NSW | 65, 65+5 | 254499 | 30 Oct 2017, 10 Feb 2018
3. @JohndAU | 189, 489 NSW, QLD | 75, 75+10 | 221111 | 02 July 2018
4. @Pandabelle0405 | 189, 190 NSW ,VIC, 489 | 65, 65+5, 70+5 | 233211| 02 March 2018, 09 April 2018, 09 July 2018
5. @Hendro |190 NSW, SA| 65+5|311411| 01 July 2018 , 08 July 2018
6. @Drickster | 489 SA | 65+10 | 311213 | 05 July 2018, 06 July 2018 (paid)
7. @barbedwire | 189, 190 VIC | 75, 75+5 | 263111 | 10 July 2018
ANZSCO Code: 221111 Accountant (General)
August 2016 - IELTS-GT (Proficient)
May 2017 - Failed VETASSESS assessment
August 2017 - IELTS-Acad (Proficient)
November 2017 - Positive CPAA Skills Assessment
November 18, 2017 - 189/190 NSW EOI (70 pts)
March 2018 - PTE Acad (Superior), updated EOI w/ increased points without SS to 80
April 12, 2018 - Invitation for NSW SS (pre-invite)
May 2018 - Points decreased to 75 due to bday
July 11, 2018 - Approval of SS/ Received ITA for 190/Lodged Visa
November 23, 2018 - CO Contact (Form 80, Proof re Education and Employment)
November 27, 2018 - Submitted Requested docs
January 17, 2019 - VISA GRANT!
Always trust in His timing and faithfulness
Posts: 324Member
Joined: Oct 27, 2011
Posts: 165Member
Joined: Aug 29, 2017
Engineering Technologist -ANZSCO 233914
19.11.2016 - IELTS - competent
01.07.2017 - Submitted fast track EA assessment.
11.07.2017 - EA Asked for additional documents
31.07.2017 - Positive MSA
16.08.2017 - Submitted EOI to NSW 90 (60 pts)
09.01.2018 - PTE- proficient
11.01.2018 - Updated EOI 189 (65pts) /NSW190 (70pts)
09.02.2018 -Submitted nomination application to VIC (70 pts)
02.07.2018- Submitted EOI to QLD 489 (75 pts)
04.07.2018- Received ITA from QLD
01.09.2018 - Lodged Visa
07.11.2018 - CO contact
21.01.2019 - 2nd CO contact
01.04.2019 - Granted "Thank you Lord"
18.08.2019 - Big move
11.11.2019 - Got a job
09.09.2021 - Lodged visa 887
21.12.2022 -CO contact
09.01.2023 -Submitted requested documents
Patience is not simply the ability to wait - it's how we behave while we're waiting.... Joyce Meyer
Posts: 283Member
Joined: Apr 08, 2018
The flower that blooms in adversity, is the most rare and beautiful.
Posts: 131Member
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Posts: 351Member
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Posts: 309Member
Joined: May 25, 2018
Kelan po kaya ang medical? Pede po kaya gawin ito before payment?
Posts: 44Member
Joined: Jan 21, 2018
Meron sir. Usually tuesday 10pm Philippine time ang release ng invitations.
233211 - Civil Engineer
SC189: 80
03-03-2018: IELTS (Proficient)
28-03-2018: EA MSA/RSEA (fast track)
15-05-2018: EA comments
17-05-2018: Reply to EA comments
18-05-2018: EA MSA Positive Assessment
24-05-2018: PTE-A (Superior)
25-05-2018: EOI
06-06-2018: ITA (189)
07-06-2018: Visa Lodged (partner & 1 dependent)
13-06-2018: SG COC uploaded
23-06-2018: All Health examinations provided
27-06-2018: NBI Clearance uploaded
15-09-2018: Visa Grant
Posts: 283Member
Joined: Apr 08, 2018
The flower that blooms in adversity, is the most rare and beautiful.
Posts: 226Member
Joined: May 02, 2018
I had been a lurker here for quite some time.
This is my first post
******VISA LODGE******
Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office
1. @Julio2017 | 190 VIC | 09 July 2018 |
2. @snmgil |190NSW|11 July 2018|221111
***Invitation Received***
Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | ITA Date Received
1. @irenesky l 489 QLD l 65+10 l 233914 l 04 July 2018
2. @adamwarlock | 189 | 75 | 263311 | 10 July 2018
3. @Pixiepie 189 | 75 | 233513 | 10 July 2018
*******EOI LODGE*******
Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | EOI Lodge Date
1. @fromSGtoAU | 489 qld | 55+10 | 133111 | 03 July 2018
2. @happymissus | 189, 190 NSW | 65, 65+5 | 254499 | 30 Oct 2017, 10 Feb 2018
3. @JohndAU | 189, 489 NSW, QLD | 75, 75+10 | 221111 | 02 July 2018
4. @Pandabelle0405 | 189, 190 NSW ,VIC, 489 | 65, 65+5, 70+5 | 233211| 02 March 2018, 09 April 2018, 09 July 2018
5. @Hendro |190 NSW, SA| 65+5|311411| 01 July 2018 , 08 July 2018
6. @Drickster | 489 SA | 65+10 | 311213 | 05 July 2018, 06 July 2018 (paid)
7. @barbedwire | 189, 190 VIC | 75, 75+5 | 263111 | 10 July 2018
8. @zirko | 189 | 75 | 233915 | 11 July 2018
233915 Environmental Engineer | 189 | Age: 25 pts | Education: 15 pts | Experience: 15 pts | English: 20 pts | Total: 75 pts
11|04|18 - PTE-A L|R|S|W (77|90|90|79)
18|04|18 - Started CDR
23|04|18 - PTE-A L|R|S|W (87|90|90|90)
01|05|18 - Registered with pinoyau
07|06|18 - Lodged CDR + RSEA + Fast Track
06|07|18 - EA assessor contact for further evidences
10|07|18 - Received positive EA results + all years claimed
11|07|18 - Lodged EOI 189
10|10|18 - Invited
10|12|18 - Invitation expired
10|12|18 - Re-Invited
03|02|19 - Lodge Visa 189
16|03|19 - Medicals started
26|03|19 - Medicals concluded
29|03|19 - Medicals forwarded by clinic
31|03|19 - Medicals cleared
13|04|19 - CO contact for a frontloaded form
13|04|19 - Requested form attached again
13|04|19 - Left feedback
23|04|19 - Visa grant
22|08|19 - Initial Entry
12|08|20 - BIG MOVE
Joined: Mar 27, 2018
Posts: 80Member
Joined: Nov 03, 2017
ANZSCO Code: 221111 Accountant (General)
August 2016 - IELTS-GT (Proficient)
May 2017 - Failed VETASSESS assessment
August 2017 - IELTS-Acad (Proficient)
November 2017 - Positive CPAA Skills Assessment
November 18, 2017 - 189/190 NSW EOI (70 pts)
March 2018 - PTE Acad (Superior), updated EOI w/ increased points without SS to 80
April 12, 2018 - Invitation for NSW SS (pre-invite)
May 2018 - Points decreased to 75 due to bday
July 11, 2018 - Approval of SS/ Received ITA for 190/Lodged Visa
November 23, 2018 - CO Contact (Form 80, Proof re Education and Employment)
November 27, 2018 - Submitted Requested docs
January 17, 2019 - VISA GRANT!
Always trust in His timing and faithfulness
Posts: 324Member
Joined: Oct 27, 2011
Posts: 112Member
Joined: May 10, 2018
263311 Telecommunications Engineer : 189 - 75pts, 190 - 80 pts (NSW)
(IELTS-GT: L9/R9/S7.5/W7, PTE-A: L90/R90/S90/W90)
13/11/2017 - MSA CDR Submitted to EA
01/12/2017 - MSA outcome letter received
01/12/2017 - EOI Lodged: 65/70 pts (based on previous IELTS result, competent - 10 pts)
12/06/2018 - PTE-A: L90/R90/S90/W90
13/06/2018 - Update EOI: 75/80 pts
10/07/2018 - ITA received
17/07/2018 - Medical Exams (SATA Bedok, Singapore)
- TB screening for our 2yr old @ Quest Labs, Paragon (est. result, 2 weeks)
18/07/2018 - Health Clearance provided for wife
19/07/2018 - Health Clearance provided for me
21/07/2018 - Lodged Visa Application, uploaded all documents
23/07/2018 - Health Clearance provided for our 2yr old
27/07/2018 - Singapore Police COC appointment, uploaded COC to ImmiAccount
And so it begins.
12/12/2018 - Direct Grant!
Thank you Lord for the new beginning
Posts: 327Member
Joined: Nov 11, 2016
Good Luck ^_^
| IE 233511 | A:30 (until Dec31)| ELA:10 | Q:15 | OWE:15 | = 70
Posts: 318Member
Joined: Oct 19, 2016
ANZSCO 233513 | Production or Plant Engineer | Age :25, Education: 15, Employment: 15, PTE: 20| Total points = 75
10.01.2016 | Interest in OZ migration ignited!
03.03.2018 | Started PTE review through CEVAS (10 sessions).
05.15.2018 | PTE A Test : LRSW|79/86/83/86
06.06.2018 | Lodged EA Assessment.
08.28.2018 | Received positive results from EA (wew)! All experiences credited.
08.28.2018 | Lodged EOI for visa 189.
09.10.2018 | Invitation to Apply (ITA) received.
09.27.2018 | Lodged visa.
10.08.2018 | Medical for dependents (no action required).
10.22.2018 | Medical for main applicant (no action required).
12.17.2018 | IMMI Assessment Commence Letter Received.
12.19.2018 | Grant finally! ^_^
Posts: 112Member
Joined: May 10, 2018
thanks din @gibo43
263311 Telecommunications Engineer : 189 - 75pts, 190 - 80 pts (NSW)
(IELTS-GT: L9/R9/S7.5/W7, PTE-A: L90/R90/S90/W90)
13/11/2017 - MSA CDR Submitted to EA
01/12/2017 - MSA outcome letter received
01/12/2017 - EOI Lodged: 65/70 pts (based on previous IELTS result, competent - 10 pts)
12/06/2018 - PTE-A: L90/R90/S90/W90
13/06/2018 - Update EOI: 75/80 pts
10/07/2018 - ITA received
17/07/2018 - Medical Exams (SATA Bedok, Singapore)
- TB screening for our 2yr old @ Quest Labs, Paragon (est. result, 2 weeks)
18/07/2018 - Health Clearance provided for wife
19/07/2018 - Health Clearance provided for me
21/07/2018 - Lodged Visa Application, uploaded all documents
23/07/2018 - Health Clearance provided for our 2yr old
27/07/2018 - Singapore Police COC appointment, uploaded COC to ImmiAccount
And so it begins.
12/12/2018 - Direct Grant!
Thank you Lord for the new beginning
Posts: 124Member
Joined: Oct 02, 2016
Nominated - Developer Programmer Programmer
07/27/2016 - Submitted ACS Assessment
08/05/2016 - ACS Suitable - 261312 ANZSCO Code (AQF Diploma)
09/10/2016 - IELTS Examination
09/22/2016 - IELTS Results (L:5 R:7 W:6 S:6.5 OBS:6 )
10/07/2016 - IELTS Speaking Test
10/08/2016 - IELTS Writing Test
10/21/2016 - IELTS Results (L:6.5 R:5.5 W:5.5 S:6.5 OBS:6 )
10/22/2016 - PTE A Exam
10/24/2016 - PTE Results (L:68 R:62 W:63 S:90 OS:66 )
12/30/2016 - PTE A Exam
12/31/2016 - PTE Results (L:74 R:62 W:67 S:90 OS:68)
03/04/2017 - PTE Exam
03/05/2017 _ PTE Results (L:68 R:63 W:61 S:90 OS:67)
08/07/2017 - PTE Exam
08/08/2017 - PTE Exam Results (L:74 R:69 W:68 S:82 OS:72)
08/10/2017 - EOI Lodge Visa 190 both for NSW and VIC (60
07/10/2018 - EOI Lodge Visa 489 for VIC (55+10)
8/11/2018 - PTE Exam
8/14/2018 - PTE Results (L:69 R:69 W:60 S:86 OS: 69)
9/8/2018 - PTE Exam
Posts: 351Member
Joined: Jun 10, 2017
Posts: 294Member
Joined: Jun 26, 2018
Posts: 165Member
Joined: Aug 29, 2017
@milktea13 ito po yung mga results ng previous invitations
Engineering Technologist -ANZSCO 233914
19.11.2016 - IELTS - competent
01.07.2017 - Submitted fast track EA assessment.
11.07.2017 - EA Asked for additional documents
31.07.2017 - Positive MSA
16.08.2017 - Submitted EOI to NSW 90 (60 pts)
09.01.2018 - PTE- proficient
11.01.2018 - Updated EOI 189 (65pts) /NSW190 (70pts)
09.02.2018 -Submitted nomination application to VIC (70 pts)
02.07.2018- Submitted EOI to QLD 489 (75 pts)
04.07.2018- Received ITA from QLD
01.09.2018 - Lodged Visa
07.11.2018 - CO contact
21.01.2019 - 2nd CO contact
01.04.2019 - Granted "Thank you Lord"
18.08.2019 - Big move
11.11.2019 - Got a job
09.09.2021 - Lodged visa 887
21.12.2022 -CO contact
09.01.2023 -Submitted requested documents
Patience is not simply the ability to wait - it's how we behave while we're waiting.... Joyce Meyer
Posts: 105Member
Joined: Oct 23, 2016
Posts: 226Member
Joined: May 02, 2018
233915 Environmental Engineer | 189 | Age: 25 pts | Education: 15 pts | Experience: 15 pts | English: 20 pts | Total: 75 pts
11|04|18 - PTE-A L|R|S|W (77|90|90|79)
18|04|18 - Started CDR
23|04|18 - PTE-A L|R|S|W (87|90|90|90)
01|05|18 - Registered with pinoyau
07|06|18 - Lodged CDR + RSEA + Fast Track
06|07|18 - EA assessor contact for further evidences
10|07|18 - Received positive EA results + all years claimed
11|07|18 - Lodged EOI 189
10|10|18 - Invited
10|12|18 - Invitation expired
10|12|18 - Re-Invited
03|02|19 - Lodge Visa 189
16|03|19 - Medicals started
26|03|19 - Medicals concluded
29|03|19 - Medicals forwarded by clinic
31|03|19 - Medicals cleared
13|04|19 - CO contact for a frontloaded form
13|04|19 - Requested form attached again
13|04|19 - Left feedback
23|04|19 - Visa grant
22|08|19 - Initial Entry
12|08|20 - BIG MOVE
Joined: Oct 19, 2016
Hi Seniors,
With 65 points as Software Engineer (ANZSCO :261313), EOI logged on 06/Nov/2017 for 189, do you think I have any chance to get an invite in the second round of August 2018?
No chances at all, even if they ramp up invites massively it will take a while.
As far as I'm aware the backlog of 65 pointers goes back to April 2017, so there's 7 months worth of 65 pointers to be cleared before you. That's not counting the 9 months backlog of 70 pointers and the 3 months backlog of 75 pointers that will have to also be invited before you - that's in total 19 months worth of EOIs to be cleared before you stand a chance.
Alternately, naglabas na po si iscah ng estimates nila for invitation, pwd nyo dn po check dun.
Konting tiis pa po... All the best!
Joined: Jan 12, 2018
Nominated Occupation : Chemical Engineer 233111, 189 (75 points)
11-Nov-2017 IELTS, L8.5 | R9.0 | S7.0 | W7.0
27-Nov-2017 EOI Lodged 189 (65 points)
22-Aug-2018 PTE Academic
23-Aug-2018 PTE Academic, L90 | R78 | S90 | W82
30-Aug-2018 PTE Academic
31-Aug-2018 PTE Academic, L90 | R79 | S90 | W82
31-Aug-2018 EOI Updated 189 (75 points)
10-Sept-2018 ITA Received 189 Praise the Lord!
24-Sept-2018 Visa Lodged 189 Praying...
29-Sept-2018 Health Assessment at Nationwide Health Systems
02-Oct-2018 Health clearance provided – no action required
01-Dec-2018 Visa Grant (Direct Grant) God iba ka talaga!!!
“My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness...for when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians: 9-10
Posts: 80Member
Joined: Nov 03, 2017
ANZSCO Code: 221111 Accountant (General)
August 2016 - IELTS-GT (Proficient)
May 2017 - Failed VETASSESS assessment
August 2017 - IELTS-Acad (Proficient)
November 2017 - Positive CPAA Skills Assessment
November 18, 2017 - 189/190 NSW EOI (70 pts)
March 2018 - PTE Acad (Superior), updated EOI w/ increased points without SS to 80
April 12, 2018 - Invitation for NSW SS (pre-invite)
May 2018 - Points decreased to 75 due to bday
July 11, 2018 - Approval of SS/ Received ITA for 190/Lodged Visa
November 23, 2018 - CO Contact (Form 80, Proof re Education and Employment)
November 27, 2018 - Submitted Requested docs
January 17, 2019 - VISA GRANT!
Always trust in His timing and faithfulness
Posts: 691Member
Joined: Aug 16, 2017
Posts: 691Member
Joined: Aug 16, 2017
Joined: Jan 12, 2018
Nominated Occupation : Chemical Engineer 233111, 189 (75 points)
11-Nov-2017 IELTS, L8.5 | R9.0 | S7.0 | W7.0
27-Nov-2017 EOI Lodged 189 (65 points)
22-Aug-2018 PTE Academic
23-Aug-2018 PTE Academic, L90 | R78 | S90 | W82
30-Aug-2018 PTE Academic
31-Aug-2018 PTE Academic, L90 | R79 | S90 | W82
31-Aug-2018 EOI Updated 189 (75 points)
10-Sept-2018 ITA Received 189 Praise the Lord!
24-Sept-2018 Visa Lodged 189 Praying...
29-Sept-2018 Health Assessment at Nationwide Health Systems
02-Oct-2018 Health clearance provided – no action required
01-Dec-2018 Visa Grant (Direct Grant) God iba ka talaga!!!
“My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness...for when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians: 9-10