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reach us at [email protected].
Major update has been completed. Please help to report any abnormality that you are facing (in case there is any) to [email protected] . Thank you for your continued support guys!

Engineers Australia Skills Assessment



  • OZwaldCobblepotOZwaldCobblepot Melbourne
    Posts: 583Member
    Joined: Oct 09, 2015
    @IslanderndCity thanks! yep it was worth it. kainis lang nagkaron ng issue sa nov20 invite. hehe. need to wait for 2 more days. hehe

    Mechanical Engineer || ANZSCO 233512 ||Age: 30pts || Educ: 15pts || Work Exp: 5pts || English: 20pts || TOTAL: 70pts
    08.29.2015 - IELTS Schedule
    09.11.2015 - Received IELTS Result - FAILED [L8|R7.5|S6|W6.5]
    09.14.2015 - submitted requirements to EA for assessment
    10.19.2015 - PTE-A Schedule // Received PTE Result - PASSED! [L79|R83|S79|W89]
    11.03.2015 - NBI schedule
    11.18.2015 - Received EA Positive Result // Submitted EOI - Visa 189
    11.22.2015 - Received ITA
    11.26.2015 - Lodged Visa 189 application
    11.27.2015 - Uploaded Documents, frontloaded NBI [Me and Wife]
    12.04.2015 - Medical Exam @ SLEC
    12.07.2015 - CO Allocated (GSM Adelaide) -- Requesting Medical Exam Result
    12.14.2015 - Medical (Primary) uploaded
    07.28.2016 - Medical (Spouse) uploaded
    08.01.2016 - Medical (Spouse) cleared
    08.09.2016 - Visa Grant finally

    IED: October 28, 2016

    A river cuts through a rock not because of its POWER but its PERSISTENCE.

  • se29mse29m Perth
    Posts: 2,144Member, Moderator
    Joined: Sep 14, 2015
    @jrgongon hello u need to read the MSA booklet po muna kasi andun ung reqts ng EA for Skill Assessment. I suggest u review your profession and match it correctly sa profession na i-a-apply sa EA. I can give u the link ng MSA. Meron fast track service ang EA, addl 275aud for that. It will take 5-10 days sa assessment. :)
    I was supposed to apply for EA as well, pero wala pa fast track non. so, i decided to go for vetassess instead.. lazy pathway hehe :)>-

    233211 Civil Engineer
    30/09/15 - VETASSESS Lodged - 133112 Project Builder
    09/10/15 - IELTS Results: L-7.5, R-7.0, W-6.0, S-7.5 OBS-7.0
    19/10/15 - PTE A Results: L-82, R-74, S-90, W-76 OAS-79
    26/11/15 - Obtained NBI Clearance
    09/12/15 - VETASSESS Results - NEGATIVE!!!
    12/01/16 - Submitted CDR to Engineers Australia
    22/01/16 - EA Positive Results - Bachelor's Degree with 4 years 8 months skilled employment
    22/01/16 - Lodged EOI 189 (60pts)
    03/02/16 - Received 189 ITA
    11/02/16 - Health Clearance Provided - No Action Required
    18/02/16 - Obtained SG CoC
    26/02/16 - Lodged 189 Visa
    15/03/16 - Direct Grant - IED 11/02/2017
    25/05/16 - Big Move Perth!
    16/06/16 - Started Casual Work
    11/07/16 - Permanent Full-time Work

    Now for the Citizenship Journey

    26/08/2019 - Applied and acknowledgement letter received
    27/09/2019 - Test Email Invite for 19/12/2019
    01/10/2019 - Actual Test/Interview Date
    01/10/2019 - Approval Date (received the approval letter from the post 11/10/2019)
    05/02/2020 - Ceremony Date (received the email 10/01/2020)

  • IslanderndCityIslanderndCity Adelaide
    Posts: 2,274Member, Moderator
    Joined: Mar 30, 2013
    @IslanderndCity thanks! yep it was worth it. kainis lang nagkaron ng issue sa nov20 invite. hehe. need to wait for 2 more days. hehe
    hehe. exciting talaga ang waiting.

    Assessed Occupation: Industrial Engineer (IE 233511)
    Achieved Goal: Australia PR (Permanent Resident). Thanks God!

    ...sharpening my core gifts now...
    ...working on new, better goals...

    Bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. ~Luke 6:28~

  • jkk32wjkk32w Melbourne
    Posts: 682Member
    Joined: Mar 14, 2015
    @jkk32w salamat po! Ask ko lang ilang months ang validity ng medical results? Baka kasi mapaaga eh matagalan sa invitation hehe :) thanks!
    One year nmam dw ung medical valid. Mkakahabol nman cguro hindi nman tau pro rated na profession :)

    ANZSCO CODE: 233511 || Industrial Engineer
    02.28.2015 || IELTS Test-University of Wollongong Dubai
    03.15.2015 || IELTS Result -L8/R7.5/W7.5/S7.5
    10.04.2015 || Submitted CDR to EA via Fast Track
    10.19.2015 || EA Positive Assessment - Thank Heavens!
    10.19.2015 || Submitted EOI Visa 189 (60 pts)
    11.23.2015 || EOI Auto Updated to 65 pts (8yrs at work)
    11.23.2015 || Received ITA - All Glory to God!
    12.04.2015 || Medical Examination- Nationwide
    12.12.2015 || Lodged Visa 189 / Medical Results Completed
    12.15.2015 || Uploaded all Docs including Form 80s/CVs/PCCs
    01.13.2016 || Direct Grant - All Praises to God.Viva Pit Senyor!
    03.01.2016 || Initial Entry (MEL) for me/baby & Hubby's Big Move
    03.23.2016 || Hubby's First Day of Work! Yipee! :D
    04.15.2016 || Second Visit to AU - MEL & SYD
    07.20.2016 || Hired for AU- Via Online Exams/Skype Interviews
    07.25.2016 || Third Visit to AU
    09.19.2016 || BIG MOVE!
    09.20.2016 || Employed-First Day High.Thank You Good Lord for Everything!

    “Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.” ~Marcus Aurelius

    "Fate loves the fearless." ~James Russell Lowell

  • EAPEAP Sydney
    Posts: 227Member
    Joined: Oct 13, 2015
    Ah 1 yr naman pala. So oks lng talaga na magpa medical na din. Thank you!!! :)

    @jkk32w salamat po! Ask ko lang ilang months ang validity ng medical results? Baka kasi mapaaga eh matagalan sa invitation hehe :) thanks!
    One year nmam dw ung medical valid. Mkakahabol nman cguro hindi nman tau pro rated na profession :)

    10/08/2015 Decided to migrate to OZ
    11/21/2015 Took IELTS Exam
    12/05/2015 IELTS Result Released - L:7.0, R:7.0, W:6.5; S:7.5
    12/10/2015 EA Submitted
    12/18/2015 EA Positive (ANZSCO Code: 263312 - Telecoms Network Engineer)
    01/19/2016 Scheduled PTE-A Exam
    01/19/2016 PTE-A Released L:77, R:77, W:76; S:88
    01/19/2016 EOI Submitted @ 65PTS, Visa 189
    01/21/2016 (Jan22 Au Time) ITA received (Thank u Lord!)
    01/30/2016 Medical @ Nationwide
    02/02/2016 PPD Test Result Negative
    02/03/2016 Husband (main applicant) and Daughter's Medical Submitted - no action required
    02/09/2016 My medicals submitted - no action required (late urine submission due to monthly period)
    02/11/2016 - VISA 189 Lodged, front loaded all docs except form 80
    02/13/2016 - Form 80 Uploaded
    02/23/2016 - Direct Grant! (Praise God!)

    Thank you Lord! :)

  • EAPEAP Sydney
    Posts: 227Member
    Joined: Oct 13, 2015
    @se29m hehe. Oks oks! Check nalang the link :)

    10/08/2015 Decided to migrate to OZ
    11/21/2015 Took IELTS Exam
    12/05/2015 IELTS Result Released - L:7.0, R:7.0, W:6.5; S:7.5
    12/10/2015 EA Submitted
    12/18/2015 EA Positive (ANZSCO Code: 263312 - Telecoms Network Engineer)
    01/19/2016 Scheduled PTE-A Exam
    01/19/2016 PTE-A Released L:77, R:77, W:76; S:88
    01/19/2016 EOI Submitted @ 65PTS, Visa 189
    01/21/2016 (Jan22 Au Time) ITA received (Thank u Lord!)
    01/30/2016 Medical @ Nationwide
    02/02/2016 PPD Test Result Negative
    02/03/2016 Husband (main applicant) and Daughter's Medical Submitted - no action required
    02/09/2016 My medicals submitted - no action required (late urine submission due to monthly period)
    02/11/2016 - VISA 189 Lodged, front loaded all docs except form 80
    02/13/2016 - Form 80 Uploaded
    02/23/2016 - Direct Grant! (Praise God!)

    Thank you Lord! :)

  • jrgongonjrgongon Sydney
    Posts: 735Member
    Joined: Jun 19, 2015 much po ang fee and usually po ilang points ang binibigay ng EA?same ba sya ng Vetassess kung ilang years ang icrecredit versus sa years of tenure sa employment?paki enlighten naman po ako...medyo nagagahol kasi ako dahil natatakot ako baka kasi magsara na ng border ang australia dahil sa mga ISIS na yan...hehehe


    Age - 25pts
    Experience - 5pts
    Education - 15pts
    PTE - 10pts
    SS - 5pts
    TOTAL = 60 POINTS (VISA 190)

    November 2014 = Decided to pursue family migration to Australia
    January 2015 = Took the IELTS @ British Council (S:7.5,W:6.5,L:7.5,R:7.5)
    February - July 2015 = Gather Necessary Documents For Assessment
    August 3, 2015 = Submitted documents to Vetassess
    October 15, 2015 = Vetassess called our landline to verify my submitted documents
    October 21, 2015 = Positive and Negative Result from Vetassess.....out of 10 years of employment 2.7 years lang ang credited sa akin....
    October 23, 2015 = Scheduled for PTE-A on November 6...aiming to get 20 points..wish me luck
    November 7, 2015 = I took the PTE-A Exam
    November 8, 2015 = Results of PTE-A (Listening:80;Reading:63;Speaking:84;Writing:75) 2 Points na lang hindi pa ako pinagbigyan....huhuhu
    November 13, 2015 = Baba ng 5 points at the same time schedule din ng PTE-A exam ko
    November 13, 2015 = Result of PTE Take 2 (Listening:69; Reading:63; Speaking:79;Writing:78) Sablay na naman
    December 2, 2015 = PTE 3rd Retake (sana pumasa na)
    December 4, 2015 = PTE Result (Listening:65; Reading: 67; Speaking:68; Writing: 67) Sa wakas
    December 4, 2015 = Submitted EOI Visa 190
    December 11, 2015 = Received ITA
    December 12, 2015 = Lodged NSW Nomination
    January 11, 2015 = NSW Approved
    January 25, 2016 = Medical @ Nationwide Makati
    February 15, 2016 = Lodged Visa (Waiting Game)
    March 15, 2016 = CO reuqested for PTE results

    *****Sana maging okay ang lahat****

  • jrgongonjrgongon Sydney
    Posts: 735Member
    Joined: Jun 19, 2015
    pero kung 10 points lang din ang mabibigay sa akin ni EA parang hindi worth it kasi need ko talagang maka 10 points sa PTE or more..ano po ba magandang gawin sa case ko...tulong mga kapwa i need to go for another assessment with reservations or not?hehehe...o mag pills na lang ako?hjhhehhehe


    Age - 25pts
    Experience - 5pts
    Education - 15pts
    PTE - 10pts
    SS - 5pts
    TOTAL = 60 POINTS (VISA 190)

    November 2014 = Decided to pursue family migration to Australia
    January 2015 = Took the IELTS @ British Council (S:7.5,W:6.5,L:7.5,R:7.5)
    February - July 2015 = Gather Necessary Documents For Assessment
    August 3, 2015 = Submitted documents to Vetassess
    October 15, 2015 = Vetassess called our landline to verify my submitted documents
    October 21, 2015 = Positive and Negative Result from Vetassess.....out of 10 years of employment 2.7 years lang ang credited sa akin....
    October 23, 2015 = Scheduled for PTE-A on November 6...aiming to get 20 points..wish me luck
    November 7, 2015 = I took the PTE-A Exam
    November 8, 2015 = Results of PTE-A (Listening:80;Reading:63;Speaking:84;Writing:75) 2 Points na lang hindi pa ako pinagbigyan....huhuhu
    November 13, 2015 = Baba ng 5 points at the same time schedule din ng PTE-A exam ko
    November 13, 2015 = Result of PTE Take 2 (Listening:69; Reading:63; Speaking:79;Writing:78) Sablay na naman
    December 2, 2015 = PTE 3rd Retake (sana pumasa na)
    December 4, 2015 = PTE Result (Listening:65; Reading: 67; Speaking:68; Writing: 67) Sa wakas
    December 4, 2015 = Submitted EOI Visa 190
    December 11, 2015 = Received ITA
    December 12, 2015 = Lodged NSW Nomination
    January 11, 2015 = NSW Approved
    January 25, 2016 = Medical @ Nationwide Makati
    February 15, 2016 = Lodged Visa (Waiting Game)
    March 15, 2016 = CO reuqested for PTE results

    *****Sana maging okay ang lahat****

  • jkk32wjkk32w Melbourne
    Posts: 682Member
    Joined: Mar 14, 2015
    pero kung 10 points lang din ang mabibigay sa akin ni EA parang hindi worth it kasi need ko talagang maka 10 points sa PTE or more..ano po ba magandang gawin sa case ko...tulong mga kapwa i need to go for another assessment with reservations or not?hehehe...o mag pills na lang ako?hjhhehhehe
    nag submit napo kau ng application sa EA? did u 'max out' n detailing po all ur experiences? baka kc may ma credit pa more than what u expect na 5pts..i sugest take time muna to review sa PTE if u wana aim for 20pts talaga..or u may wana check other english exams..if u can at least have 10pts sa PTE then aim for state sponsorship nlng po :) or whilst u wana try again and do review submit EOI for state sponsorship while u review for an english exam again.. ganun po tlaga try and try until u succeed :) meron nga ako nabasa bfore 6times sia nag IELTS..wla kc PTE hang n there lang :)

    ANZSCO CODE: 233511 || Industrial Engineer
    02.28.2015 || IELTS Test-University of Wollongong Dubai
    03.15.2015 || IELTS Result -L8/R7.5/W7.5/S7.5
    10.04.2015 || Submitted CDR to EA via Fast Track
    10.19.2015 || EA Positive Assessment - Thank Heavens!
    10.19.2015 || Submitted EOI Visa 189 (60 pts)
    11.23.2015 || EOI Auto Updated to 65 pts (8yrs at work)
    11.23.2015 || Received ITA - All Glory to God!
    12.04.2015 || Medical Examination- Nationwide
    12.12.2015 || Lodged Visa 189 / Medical Results Completed
    12.15.2015 || Uploaded all Docs including Form 80s/CVs/PCCs
    01.13.2016 || Direct Grant - All Praises to God.Viva Pit Senyor!
    03.01.2016 || Initial Entry (MEL) for me/baby & Hubby's Big Move
    03.23.2016 || Hubby's First Day of Work! Yipee! :D
    04.15.2016 || Second Visit to AU - MEL & SYD
    07.20.2016 || Hired for AU- Via Online Exams/Skype Interviews
    07.25.2016 || Third Visit to AU
    09.19.2016 || BIG MOVE!
    09.20.2016 || Employed-First Day High.Thank You Good Lord for Everything!

    “Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.” ~Marcus Aurelius

    "Fate loves the fearless." ~James Russell Lowell

  • OZwaldCobblepotOZwaldCobblepot Melbourne
    Posts: 583Member
    Joined: Oct 09, 2015
    edited November 2015
    @jrgongon actually, depende yan sa assessment result kung ilan isasama ng EA which I think same sa lahat ng assessing body.

    As for work experience, based pa din talaga sa quality of CDR mo and how you can prove na related sa nominated occupation ung work experience mo. Best thing to do first talaga is read and understand the MSA booklet. Ano ba occupation code inonominate mo?

    Mechanical Engineer || ANZSCO 233512 ||Age: 30pts || Educ: 15pts || Work Exp: 5pts || English: 20pts || TOTAL: 70pts
    08.29.2015 - IELTS Schedule
    09.11.2015 - Received IELTS Result - FAILED [L8|R7.5|S6|W6.5]
    09.14.2015 - submitted requirements to EA for assessment
    10.19.2015 - PTE-A Schedule // Received PTE Result - PASSED! [L79|R83|S79|W89]
    11.03.2015 - NBI schedule
    11.18.2015 - Received EA Positive Result // Submitted EOI - Visa 189
    11.22.2015 - Received ITA
    11.26.2015 - Lodged Visa 189 application
    11.27.2015 - Uploaded Documents, frontloaded NBI [Me and Wife]
    12.04.2015 - Medical Exam @ SLEC
    12.07.2015 - CO Allocated (GSM Adelaide) -- Requesting Medical Exam Result
    12.14.2015 - Medical (Primary) uploaded
    07.28.2016 - Medical (Spouse) uploaded
    08.01.2016 - Medical (Spouse) cleared
    08.09.2016 - Visa Grant finally

    IED: October 28, 2016

    A river cuts through a rock not because of its POWER but its PERSISTENCE.

  • se29mse29m Perth
    Posts: 2,144Member, Moderator
    Joined: Sep 14, 2015
    @jrgongon I started doing my career episodes last month pero got swamped with work stuff and hindi ko natapos, so now I am just waiting for vetassess instead.. sa nominated occupation na project builder/cpm, it can be related to a civil engineer under ea which may qualify as technologist or professional.. which has a higher chance of getting experience points kasi yung cpm is focusing on very high qualification and skills training.. kaya binawasan ni vetassess yung 10 years work experience mo as skilled.. this is my view only, i could be wrong.. :)>-

    233211 Civil Engineer
    30/09/15 - VETASSESS Lodged - 133112 Project Builder
    09/10/15 - IELTS Results: L-7.5, R-7.0, W-6.0, S-7.5 OBS-7.0
    19/10/15 - PTE A Results: L-82, R-74, S-90, W-76 OAS-79
    26/11/15 - Obtained NBI Clearance
    09/12/15 - VETASSESS Results - NEGATIVE!!!
    12/01/16 - Submitted CDR to Engineers Australia
    22/01/16 - EA Positive Results - Bachelor's Degree with 4 years 8 months skilled employment
    22/01/16 - Lodged EOI 189 (60pts)
    03/02/16 - Received 189 ITA
    11/02/16 - Health Clearance Provided - No Action Required
    18/02/16 - Obtained SG CoC
    26/02/16 - Lodged 189 Visa
    15/03/16 - Direct Grant - IED 11/02/2017
    25/05/16 - Big Move Perth!
    16/06/16 - Started Casual Work
    11/07/16 - Permanent Full-time Work

    Now for the Citizenship Journey

    26/08/2019 - Applied and acknowledgement letter received
    27/09/2019 - Test Email Invite for 19/12/2019
    01/10/2019 - Actual Test/Interview Date
    01/10/2019 - Approval Date (received the approval letter from the post 11/10/2019)
    05/02/2020 - Ceremony Date (received the email 10/01/2020)

  • se29mse29m Perth
    Posts: 2,144Member, Moderator
    Joined: Sep 14, 2015
    @jrgongon this will help you, took me 2 weeks na aralin yung process last August.. naging factor din sa akin na hindi ko tinuloy sa EA dahil wala pa ako IELTS that time.. Since 6.0 lang required na EA, pasok na sa banga yan.. as per costs, it will costs you more than 1k including the fast track service, better yet, read the schedule of rates on EA website to be more precise..
    Here's the link... Us/Migration Skills Assessment/msa_booklet_-_5august2015.pdf
    @jrgongon hello u need to read the MSA booklet po muna kasi andun ung reqts ng EA for Skill Assessment. I suggest u review your profession and match it correctly sa profession na i-a-apply sa EA. I can give u the link ng MSA. Meron fast track service ang EA, addl 275aud for that. It will take 5-10 days sa assessment. :)

    233211 Civil Engineer
    30/09/15 - VETASSESS Lodged - 133112 Project Builder
    09/10/15 - IELTS Results: L-7.5, R-7.0, W-6.0, S-7.5 OBS-7.0
    19/10/15 - PTE A Results: L-82, R-74, S-90, W-76 OAS-79
    26/11/15 - Obtained NBI Clearance
    09/12/15 - VETASSESS Results - NEGATIVE!!!
    12/01/16 - Submitted CDR to Engineers Australia
    22/01/16 - EA Positive Results - Bachelor's Degree with 4 years 8 months skilled employment
    22/01/16 - Lodged EOI 189 (60pts)
    03/02/16 - Received 189 ITA
    11/02/16 - Health Clearance Provided - No Action Required
    18/02/16 - Obtained SG CoC
    26/02/16 - Lodged 189 Visa
    15/03/16 - Direct Grant - IED 11/02/2017
    25/05/16 - Big Move Perth!
    16/06/16 - Started Casual Work
    11/07/16 - Permanent Full-time Work

    Now for the Citizenship Journey

    26/08/2019 - Applied and acknowledgement letter received
    27/09/2019 - Test Email Invite for 19/12/2019
    01/10/2019 - Actual Test/Interview Date
    01/10/2019 - Approval Date (received the approval letter from the post 11/10/2019)
    05/02/2020 - Ceremony Date (received the email 10/01/2020)

  • EAPEAP Sydney
    Posts: 227Member
    Joined: Oct 13, 2015
    Di ko marecall saan thread ko na post, post ko din dito, ask ko lang po sa IELTS, writing task 2, dapat ba exactly 250 words? Tinignan ko sa website how they grade, wala naman directly sinabi na 250. Sa mga nla 7 and above sa writing, talagang 250 words po kau? Maraming Salamat po :)

    10/08/2015 Decided to migrate to OZ
    11/21/2015 Took IELTS Exam
    12/05/2015 IELTS Result Released - L:7.0, R:7.0, W:6.5; S:7.5
    12/10/2015 EA Submitted
    12/18/2015 EA Positive (ANZSCO Code: 263312 - Telecoms Network Engineer)
    01/19/2016 Scheduled PTE-A Exam
    01/19/2016 PTE-A Released L:77, R:77, W:76; S:88
    01/19/2016 EOI Submitted @ 65PTS, Visa 189
    01/21/2016 (Jan22 Au Time) ITA received (Thank u Lord!)
    01/30/2016 Medical @ Nationwide
    02/02/2016 PPD Test Result Negative
    02/03/2016 Husband (main applicant) and Daughter's Medical Submitted - no action required
    02/09/2016 My medicals submitted - no action required (late urine submission due to monthly period)
    02/11/2016 - VISA 189 Lodged, front loaded all docs except form 80
    02/13/2016 - Form 80 Uploaded
    02/23/2016 - Direct Grant! (Praise God!)

    Thank you Lord! :)

  • EAPEAP Sydney
    Posts: 227Member
    Joined: Oct 13, 2015
    Isa pang question po, sa mga docs for uploading sa EA, scanned original po ba or xerox then CTC then upload? Salamat po :)

    10/08/2015 Decided to migrate to OZ
    11/21/2015 Took IELTS Exam
    12/05/2015 IELTS Result Released - L:7.0, R:7.0, W:6.5; S:7.5
    12/10/2015 EA Submitted
    12/18/2015 EA Positive (ANZSCO Code: 263312 - Telecoms Network Engineer)
    01/19/2016 Scheduled PTE-A Exam
    01/19/2016 PTE-A Released L:77, R:77, W:76; S:88
    01/19/2016 EOI Submitted @ 65PTS, Visa 189
    01/21/2016 (Jan22 Au Time) ITA received (Thank u Lord!)
    01/30/2016 Medical @ Nationwide
    02/02/2016 PPD Test Result Negative
    02/03/2016 Husband (main applicant) and Daughter's Medical Submitted - no action required
    02/09/2016 My medicals submitted - no action required (late urine submission due to monthly period)
    02/11/2016 - VISA 189 Lodged, front loaded all docs except form 80
    02/13/2016 - Form 80 Uploaded
    02/23/2016 - Direct Grant! (Praise God!)

    Thank you Lord! :)

  • OZwaldCobblepotOZwaldCobblepot Melbourne
    Posts: 583Member
    Joined: Oct 09, 2015
    @EAP yung sa kin scanned copies (colored) ng mga docs. wala ako pina-ctc.

    Mechanical Engineer || ANZSCO 233512 ||Age: 30pts || Educ: 15pts || Work Exp: 5pts || English: 20pts || TOTAL: 70pts
    08.29.2015 - IELTS Schedule
    09.11.2015 - Received IELTS Result - FAILED [L8|R7.5|S6|W6.5]
    09.14.2015 - submitted requirements to EA for assessment
    10.19.2015 - PTE-A Schedule // Received PTE Result - PASSED! [L79|R83|S79|W89]
    11.03.2015 - NBI schedule
    11.18.2015 - Received EA Positive Result // Submitted EOI - Visa 189
    11.22.2015 - Received ITA
    11.26.2015 - Lodged Visa 189 application
    11.27.2015 - Uploaded Documents, frontloaded NBI [Me and Wife]
    12.04.2015 - Medical Exam @ SLEC
    12.07.2015 - CO Allocated (GSM Adelaide) -- Requesting Medical Exam Result
    12.14.2015 - Medical (Primary) uploaded
    07.28.2016 - Medical (Spouse) uploaded
    08.01.2016 - Medical (Spouse) cleared
    08.09.2016 - Visa Grant finally

    IED: October 28, 2016

    A river cuts through a rock not because of its POWER but its PERSISTENCE.

  • cidcid Sydney
    Posts: 2Member
    Joined: Nov 22, 2015
    Inquiry po bang engg qualification nten s Pinas eh indi pa po ba qualified sa Washington/Sydney/Dublin accord? Lahat po ba eh dadaan sa process (CDR,etc).
    Salamats po!
  • EAPEAP Sydney
    Posts: 227Member
    Joined: Oct 13, 2015
    kamusta po? Ok naman po with EA ang mga docs? Naka mobile ako today di ko po maview profile nyo, kaya ask ko, done na po kau sa EA, visa lodge na po ba kau? Ang question ko kasi is pagdating ng visa lodging and uploading, same docs dapat diba po? Pag lodging na, papa CTC na? Thank u...
    @EAP yung sa kin scanned copies (colored) ng mga docs. wala ako pina-ctc.

    10/08/2015 Decided to migrate to OZ
    11/21/2015 Took IELTS Exam
    12/05/2015 IELTS Result Released - L:7.0, R:7.0, W:6.5; S:7.5
    12/10/2015 EA Submitted
    12/18/2015 EA Positive (ANZSCO Code: 263312 - Telecoms Network Engineer)
    01/19/2016 Scheduled PTE-A Exam
    01/19/2016 PTE-A Released L:77, R:77, W:76; S:88
    01/19/2016 EOI Submitted @ 65PTS, Visa 189
    01/21/2016 (Jan22 Au Time) ITA received (Thank u Lord!)
    01/30/2016 Medical @ Nationwide
    02/02/2016 PPD Test Result Negative
    02/03/2016 Husband (main applicant) and Daughter's Medical Submitted - no action required
    02/09/2016 My medicals submitted - no action required (late urine submission due to monthly period)
    02/11/2016 - VISA 189 Lodged, front loaded all docs except form 80
    02/13/2016 - Form 80 Uploaded
    02/23/2016 - Direct Grant! (Praise God!)

    Thank you Lord! :)

  • EAPEAP Sydney
    Posts: 227Member
    Joined: Oct 13, 2015
    di po, need talaga mag CDR if EA ang assessing body na napili mo, and based sa profession na ia-apply mo. :)
    Inquiry po bang engg qualification nten s Pinas eh indi pa po ba qualified sa Washington/Sydney/Dublin accord? Lahat po ba eh dadaan sa process (CDR,etc).
    Salamats po!

    10/08/2015 Decided to migrate to OZ
    11/21/2015 Took IELTS Exam
    12/05/2015 IELTS Result Released - L:7.0, R:7.0, W:6.5; S:7.5
    12/10/2015 EA Submitted
    12/18/2015 EA Positive (ANZSCO Code: 263312 - Telecoms Network Engineer)
    01/19/2016 Scheduled PTE-A Exam
    01/19/2016 PTE-A Released L:77, R:77, W:76; S:88
    01/19/2016 EOI Submitted @ 65PTS, Visa 189
    01/21/2016 (Jan22 Au Time) ITA received (Thank u Lord!)
    01/30/2016 Medical @ Nationwide
    02/02/2016 PPD Test Result Negative
    02/03/2016 Husband (main applicant) and Daughter's Medical Submitted - no action required
    02/09/2016 My medicals submitted - no action required (late urine submission due to monthly period)
    02/11/2016 - VISA 189 Lodged, front loaded all docs except form 80
    02/13/2016 - Form 80 Uploaded
    02/23/2016 - Direct Grant! (Praise God!)

    Thank you Lord! :)

  • OZwaldCobblepotOZwaldCobblepot Melbourne
    Posts: 583Member
    Joined: Oct 09, 2015
    @EAP nakuha ko na po positive result ko last week. wala naman nirequest na additional docs or requirements

    Mechanical Engineer || ANZSCO 233512 ||Age: 30pts || Educ: 15pts || Work Exp: 5pts || English: 20pts || TOTAL: 70pts
    08.29.2015 - IELTS Schedule
    09.11.2015 - Received IELTS Result - FAILED [L8|R7.5|S6|W6.5]
    09.14.2015 - submitted requirements to EA for assessment
    10.19.2015 - PTE-A Schedule // Received PTE Result - PASSED! [L79|R83|S79|W89]
    11.03.2015 - NBI schedule
    11.18.2015 - Received EA Positive Result // Submitted EOI - Visa 189
    11.22.2015 - Received ITA
    11.26.2015 - Lodged Visa 189 application
    11.27.2015 - Uploaded Documents, frontloaded NBI [Me and Wife]
    12.04.2015 - Medical Exam @ SLEC
    12.07.2015 - CO Allocated (GSM Adelaide) -- Requesting Medical Exam Result
    12.14.2015 - Medical (Primary) uploaded
    07.28.2016 - Medical (Spouse) uploaded
    08.01.2016 - Medical (Spouse) cleared
    08.09.2016 - Visa Grant finally

    IED: October 28, 2016

    A river cuts through a rock not because of its POWER but its PERSISTENCE.

  • EAPEAP Sydney
    Posts: 227Member
    Joined: Oct 13, 2015
    Thanks po. Got that. Ready to upload most of the docs, waiting nalang sa IELTS result. :)
    @EAP nakuha ko na po positive result ko last week. wala naman nirequest na additional docs or requirements

    10/08/2015 Decided to migrate to OZ
    11/21/2015 Took IELTS Exam
    12/05/2015 IELTS Result Released - L:7.0, R:7.0, W:6.5; S:7.5
    12/10/2015 EA Submitted
    12/18/2015 EA Positive (ANZSCO Code: 263312 - Telecoms Network Engineer)
    01/19/2016 Scheduled PTE-A Exam
    01/19/2016 PTE-A Released L:77, R:77, W:76; S:88
    01/19/2016 EOI Submitted @ 65PTS, Visa 189
    01/21/2016 (Jan22 Au Time) ITA received (Thank u Lord!)
    01/30/2016 Medical @ Nationwide
    02/02/2016 PPD Test Result Negative
    02/03/2016 Husband (main applicant) and Daughter's Medical Submitted - no action required
    02/09/2016 My medicals submitted - no action required (late urine submission due to monthly period)
    02/11/2016 - VISA 189 Lodged, front loaded all docs except form 80
    02/13/2016 - Form 80 Uploaded
    02/23/2016 - Direct Grant! (Praise God!)

    Thank you Lord! :)

  • se29mse29m Perth
    Posts: 2,144Member, Moderator
    Joined: Sep 14, 2015
    @cid i remember UPD and TIP QC ay kasama sa Washington Accord pero on certain engineering courses lang.. check the EA website, may list silat duon.. :)>-

    233211 Civil Engineer
    30/09/15 - VETASSESS Lodged - 133112 Project Builder
    09/10/15 - IELTS Results: L-7.5, R-7.0, W-6.0, S-7.5 OBS-7.0
    19/10/15 - PTE A Results: L-82, R-74, S-90, W-76 OAS-79
    26/11/15 - Obtained NBI Clearance
    09/12/15 - VETASSESS Results - NEGATIVE!!!
    12/01/16 - Submitted CDR to Engineers Australia
    22/01/16 - EA Positive Results - Bachelor's Degree with 4 years 8 months skilled employment
    22/01/16 - Lodged EOI 189 (60pts)
    03/02/16 - Received 189 ITA
    11/02/16 - Health Clearance Provided - No Action Required
    18/02/16 - Obtained SG CoC
    26/02/16 - Lodged 189 Visa
    15/03/16 - Direct Grant - IED 11/02/2017
    25/05/16 - Big Move Perth!
    16/06/16 - Started Casual Work
    11/07/16 - Permanent Full-time Work

    Now for the Citizenship Journey

    26/08/2019 - Applied and acknowledgement letter received
    27/09/2019 - Test Email Invite for 19/12/2019
    01/10/2019 - Actual Test/Interview Date
    01/10/2019 - Approval Date (received the approval letter from the post 11/10/2019)
    05/02/2020 - Ceremony Date (received the email 10/01/2020)

  • jkk32wjkk32w Melbourne
    Posts: 682Member
    Joined: Mar 14, 2015
    Di ko marecall saan thread ko na post, post ko din dito, ask ko lang po sa IELTS, writing task 2, dapat ba exactly 250 words? Tinignan ko sa website how they grade, wala naman directly sinabi na 250. Sa mga nla 7 and above sa writing, talagang 250 words po kau? Maraming Salamat po :)
    Bsta ako naalala ko almost 300ung sakin lagpas 250 hehe. Indi nko nag spend mahabang time mag bilang kc aksaya sa time hehe. Concentrate lg ako sa concepts na d discuss bale nag bullet pts muna ako per pragraph as as per d format i studied then sunod2 nlg mga sentences. Usually pag nag practice ka nman around 4 or 5 essays masasanai kana magsulat and mkaka estimate ka mga ilang words na nsulat mo bsta ako once lg ako nag count ..mahirap maubos time mo sa kaka count hehe

    ANZSCO CODE: 233511 || Industrial Engineer
    02.28.2015 || IELTS Test-University of Wollongong Dubai
    03.15.2015 || IELTS Result -L8/R7.5/W7.5/S7.5
    10.04.2015 || Submitted CDR to EA via Fast Track
    10.19.2015 || EA Positive Assessment - Thank Heavens!
    10.19.2015 || Submitted EOI Visa 189 (60 pts)
    11.23.2015 || EOI Auto Updated to 65 pts (8yrs at work)
    11.23.2015 || Received ITA - All Glory to God!
    12.04.2015 || Medical Examination- Nationwide
    12.12.2015 || Lodged Visa 189 / Medical Results Completed
    12.15.2015 || Uploaded all Docs including Form 80s/CVs/PCCs
    01.13.2016 || Direct Grant - All Praises to God.Viva Pit Senyor!
    03.01.2016 || Initial Entry (MEL) for me/baby & Hubby's Big Move
    03.23.2016 || Hubby's First Day of Work! Yipee! :D
    04.15.2016 || Second Visit to AU - MEL & SYD
    07.20.2016 || Hired for AU- Via Online Exams/Skype Interviews
    07.25.2016 || Third Visit to AU
    09.19.2016 || BIG MOVE!
    09.20.2016 || Employed-First Day High.Thank You Good Lord for Everything!

    “Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.” ~Marcus Aurelius

    "Fate loves the fearless." ~James Russell Lowell

  • EAPEAP Sydney
    Posts: 227Member
    Joined: Oct 13, 2015
    @jkk32w hehe. Kasi nag take na si hubby last saturday and ang worry nya is di ata sya naka 250 :) sakto lang sya sa time nung natapos sya magsulat. Thanks!

    10/08/2015 Decided to migrate to OZ
    11/21/2015 Took IELTS Exam
    12/05/2015 IELTS Result Released - L:7.0, R:7.0, W:6.5; S:7.5
    12/10/2015 EA Submitted
    12/18/2015 EA Positive (ANZSCO Code: 263312 - Telecoms Network Engineer)
    01/19/2016 Scheduled PTE-A Exam
    01/19/2016 PTE-A Released L:77, R:77, W:76; S:88
    01/19/2016 EOI Submitted @ 65PTS, Visa 189
    01/21/2016 (Jan22 Au Time) ITA received (Thank u Lord!)
    01/30/2016 Medical @ Nationwide
    02/02/2016 PPD Test Result Negative
    02/03/2016 Husband (main applicant) and Daughter's Medical Submitted - no action required
    02/09/2016 My medicals submitted - no action required (late urine submission due to monthly period)
    02/11/2016 - VISA 189 Lodged, front loaded all docs except form 80
    02/13/2016 - Form 80 Uploaded
    02/23/2016 - Direct Grant! (Praise God!)

    Thank you Lord! :)

  • jkk32wjkk32w Melbourne
    Posts: 682Member
    Joined: Mar 14, 2015
    @jkk32w hehe. Kasi nag take na si hubby last saturday and ang worry nya is di ata sya naka 250 :) sakto lang sya sa time nung natapos sya magsulat. Thanks!
    Aha..nabilang ba nia? Abot cguro un. Ganun lg tlaga after ng exam while waiting for d result nkakaparanoid heheh. Relax lg and pray for d best results :)

    ANZSCO CODE: 233511 || Industrial Engineer
    02.28.2015 || IELTS Test-University of Wollongong Dubai
    03.15.2015 || IELTS Result -L8/R7.5/W7.5/S7.5
    10.04.2015 || Submitted CDR to EA via Fast Track
    10.19.2015 || EA Positive Assessment - Thank Heavens!
    10.19.2015 || Submitted EOI Visa 189 (60 pts)
    11.23.2015 || EOI Auto Updated to 65 pts (8yrs at work)
    11.23.2015 || Received ITA - All Glory to God!
    12.04.2015 || Medical Examination- Nationwide
    12.12.2015 || Lodged Visa 189 / Medical Results Completed
    12.15.2015 || Uploaded all Docs including Form 80s/CVs/PCCs
    01.13.2016 || Direct Grant - All Praises to God.Viva Pit Senyor!
    03.01.2016 || Initial Entry (MEL) for me/baby & Hubby's Big Move
    03.23.2016 || Hubby's First Day of Work! Yipee! :D
    04.15.2016 || Second Visit to AU - MEL & SYD
    07.20.2016 || Hired for AU- Via Online Exams/Skype Interviews
    07.25.2016 || Third Visit to AU
    09.19.2016 || BIG MOVE!
    09.20.2016 || Employed-First Day High.Thank You Good Lord for Everything!

    “Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.” ~Marcus Aurelius

    "Fate loves the fearless." ~James Russell Lowell

  • fi0na03fi0na03 WA
    Posts: 175Member
    Joined: Jul 25, 2014
    @jkk32w sorry just read your reply...cge di ko na isama ang MBA thanks! i plan to submit my EA next week, may hinihintay lang na COE. noticed the update on your timeline, congrats! :-)

    ANZSCO CODE: 233511 Industrial Engineer
    05.30.2015-IELTS Test-British Council
    06.15.2015-IELTS Result -L8/R9/W6.5/S8
    07.10.2015-Applied for Remarking BC
    10.03.2015-Received Successful Remarking Result: Writing Module changed to Band 7
    01.15.2016-Submitted Requirements to EA for assessment via Fast Track
    02.02.2016-Received Positive EA Assessment
    02.02.2016-Submitted EOI 65pts
    02.03.2016-Received ITA
    02.06.2016-Medicals at Nationwide
    02.11.2016-NBI-HIt! Wait for 15 days
    02.15.2016-Medicals Result-No actions required
    02.24.2016-NBI-Released Clearance
    02.26.2016-Lodged VISA 189
    03.19.2016-Direct Grant Team Brisbane IED 02.15.2017
    07.22.2016-Big Move!
    09.23.2016-Husband got a job
    12.02.2016-I got a job! Finally!
    "When God leads you to it, He will lead you through it" Thank You Lord!

  • EAPEAP Sydney
    Posts: 227Member
    Joined: Oct 13, 2015
    oo nga, mejo kinakabahan habang waiting sa result. praying na maging ok lahat para diresto EA na :) Salamat!
    @jkk32w hehe. Kasi nag take na si hubby last saturday and ang worry nya is di ata sya naka 250 :) sakto lang sya sa time nung natapos sya magsulat. Thanks!
    Aha..nabilang ba nia? Abot cguro un. Ganun lg tlaga after ng exam while waiting for d result nkakaparanoid heheh. Relax lg and pray for d best results :)

    10/08/2015 Decided to migrate to OZ
    11/21/2015 Took IELTS Exam
    12/05/2015 IELTS Result Released - L:7.0, R:7.0, W:6.5; S:7.5
    12/10/2015 EA Submitted
    12/18/2015 EA Positive (ANZSCO Code: 263312 - Telecoms Network Engineer)
    01/19/2016 Scheduled PTE-A Exam
    01/19/2016 PTE-A Released L:77, R:77, W:76; S:88
    01/19/2016 EOI Submitted @ 65PTS, Visa 189
    01/21/2016 (Jan22 Au Time) ITA received (Thank u Lord!)
    01/30/2016 Medical @ Nationwide
    02/02/2016 PPD Test Result Negative
    02/03/2016 Husband (main applicant) and Daughter's Medical Submitted - no action required
    02/09/2016 My medicals submitted - no action required (late urine submission due to monthly period)
    02/11/2016 - VISA 189 Lodged, front loaded all docs except form 80
    02/13/2016 - Form 80 Uploaded
    02/23/2016 - Direct Grant! (Praise God!)

    Thank you Lord! :)

  • EAPEAP Sydney
    Posts: 227Member
    Joined: Oct 13, 2015
    Good Morning! Need your inputs po, meron po ba dito na di na nag-avail ng Relevant Skilled Employment Assessment from EA? Hubby kasi is 15 yrs in a Telco Company, have different groups pero all related (we think) ang naging Job Function nya sa Telco Engineer.

    1.If di po kami papa assess ng relevant skilled employment, tama ba na di na need ng CoE? 2.Sa mga nag avail ng ganito, wala po ba naging problem pagdating sa DIBP?

    Ang iniisip kasi namin, baka di na need ang relevant skilled employment kasi nga 1 company (Telco) na and same as i-aapply na prof din sa EA. Sayang din po kasi ang money, pero kung need talaga, willing naman po kami magbayad, we will also avail fast track.

    Maraming Salamat po sa sasagot :)

    10/08/2015 Decided to migrate to OZ
    11/21/2015 Took IELTS Exam
    12/05/2015 IELTS Result Released - L:7.0, R:7.0, W:6.5; S:7.5
    12/10/2015 EA Submitted
    12/18/2015 EA Positive (ANZSCO Code: 263312 - Telecoms Network Engineer)
    01/19/2016 Scheduled PTE-A Exam
    01/19/2016 PTE-A Released L:77, R:77, W:76; S:88
    01/19/2016 EOI Submitted @ 65PTS, Visa 189
    01/21/2016 (Jan22 Au Time) ITA received (Thank u Lord!)
    01/30/2016 Medical @ Nationwide
    02/02/2016 PPD Test Result Negative
    02/03/2016 Husband (main applicant) and Daughter's Medical Submitted - no action required
    02/09/2016 My medicals submitted - no action required (late urine submission due to monthly period)
    02/11/2016 - VISA 189 Lodged, front loaded all docs except form 80
    02/13/2016 - Form 80 Uploaded
    02/23/2016 - Direct Grant! (Praise God!)

    Thank you Lord! :)

  • EAPEAP Sydney
    Posts: 227Member
    Joined: Oct 13, 2015
    JD instead of CoE (malalaman na kasi ng boss ang plan if magpapaJD kami)
    Good Morning! Need your inputs po, meron po ba dito na di na nag-avail ng Relevant Skilled Employment Assessment from EA? Hubby kasi is 15 yrs in a Telco Company, have different groups pero all related (we think) ang naging Job Function nya sa Telco Engineer.

    1.If di po kami papa assess ng relevant skilled employment, tama ba na di na need ng JD? 2.Sa mga nag avail ng ganito, wala po ba naging problem pagdating sa DIBP?

    Ang iniisip kasi namin, baka di na need ang relevant skilled employment kasi nga 1 company (Telco) na and same as i-aapply na prof din sa EA. Sayang din po kasi ang money, pero kung need talaga, willing naman po kami magbayad, we will also avail fast track.

    Maraming Salamat po sa sasagot :)

    10/08/2015 Decided to migrate to OZ
    11/21/2015 Took IELTS Exam
    12/05/2015 IELTS Result Released - L:7.0, R:7.0, W:6.5; S:7.5
    12/10/2015 EA Submitted
    12/18/2015 EA Positive (ANZSCO Code: 263312 - Telecoms Network Engineer)
    01/19/2016 Scheduled PTE-A Exam
    01/19/2016 PTE-A Released L:77, R:77, W:76; S:88
    01/19/2016 EOI Submitted @ 65PTS, Visa 189
    01/21/2016 (Jan22 Au Time) ITA received (Thank u Lord!)
    01/30/2016 Medical @ Nationwide
    02/02/2016 PPD Test Result Negative
    02/03/2016 Husband (main applicant) and Daughter's Medical Submitted - no action required
    02/09/2016 My medicals submitted - no action required (late urine submission due to monthly period)
    02/11/2016 - VISA 189 Lodged, front loaded all docs except form 80
    02/13/2016 - Form 80 Uploaded
    02/23/2016 - Direct Grant! (Praise God!)

    Thank you Lord! :)

  • chu_sechu_se Melbourne
    Posts: 433Member
    Joined: Jun 06, 2013
    Good Morning! Need your inputs po, meron po ba dito na di na nag-avail ng Relevant Skilled Employment Assessment from EA? Hubby kasi is 15 yrs in a Telco Company, have different groups pero all related (we think) ang naging Job Function nya sa Telco Engineer.

    1.If di po kami papa assess ng relevant skilled employment, tama ba na di na need ng CoE? 2.Sa mga nag avail ng ganito, wala po ba naging problem pagdating sa DIBP?

    Ang iniisip kasi namin, baka di na need ang relevant skilled employment kasi nga 1 company (Telco) na and same as i-aapply na prof din sa EA. Sayang din po kasi ang money, pero kung need talaga, willing naman po kami magbayad, we will also avail fast track.

    Maraming Salamat po sa sasagot :)
    In my case mam,nag avail pa rin po ako at nagpa assess.kahit na yung 9 years of work experience ko is all related to my nominated occupation.As per advice by many here,mas mabuti ng cgurado.
  • EAPEAP Sydney
    Posts: 227Member
    Joined: Oct 13, 2015
    @chu_se salamat po :) naiisip din namin na better safe nga :)

    10/08/2015 Decided to migrate to OZ
    11/21/2015 Took IELTS Exam
    12/05/2015 IELTS Result Released - L:7.0, R:7.0, W:6.5; S:7.5
    12/10/2015 EA Submitted
    12/18/2015 EA Positive (ANZSCO Code: 263312 - Telecoms Network Engineer)
    01/19/2016 Scheduled PTE-A Exam
    01/19/2016 PTE-A Released L:77, R:77, W:76; S:88
    01/19/2016 EOI Submitted @ 65PTS, Visa 189
    01/21/2016 (Jan22 Au Time) ITA received (Thank u Lord!)
    01/30/2016 Medical @ Nationwide
    02/02/2016 PPD Test Result Negative
    02/03/2016 Husband (main applicant) and Daughter's Medical Submitted - no action required
    02/09/2016 My medicals submitted - no action required (late urine submission due to monthly period)
    02/11/2016 - VISA 189 Lodged, front loaded all docs except form 80
    02/13/2016 - Form 80 Uploaded
    02/23/2016 - Direct Grant! (Praise God!)

    Thank you Lord! :)

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