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Visa Point System Amendment - Nov. 16, 2019

czianczia28czianczia28 Pampanga PhilippinesPosts: 84Member
I need some clarification po regarding the proposed point system amendment. What if po ma invite for visa application before November 16 applicable parin po ba yung changes sa mga ma-invite?


  • RheaMARN1171933RheaMARN1171933 Posts: 2,777Member, Administrator, Moderator
    Joined: Mar 10, 2016
    Most likely the points will apply to those still wai to be invited so if you’ve got invited prior 16 November, it won’t the new points won’t apply yet. At this point - when you are invited, doesn’t really matter how much points you have anyway since next step is Visa application lodgement. Hope that helps
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