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Prospective Marriage Visa NOIM questions


  1. Does anyone know how the prioritisation works for visa processing?
    Is it first lodged first processed, or do they prioritise complete applications first?
  2. What is the significance of the intended date of marriage? Will putting an earlier date make processing faster?
  3. Is the NOIM required as part of the visa application or just optional? i.e. if we don't have a concrete date set yet due to covid complications.
  4. What if the intended date of marriage stated in the NOIM lapses before visa is granted? Can the date of marriage be rescheduled without fee? Can the validity of the NOIM be extended beyond 18 months or do we have to get another NOIM again?
  5. Is CENOMAR (for filo citizen)/CNI (for oz citizen) a requirement for the NOIM?



  • chamarkchamark Posts: 107Member
    Joined: Aug 17, 2019

    Your on qeue once u lodge ur visa. Ph processing gets really slow so dont expect to get a grant after 3 months.
    For 300 app. NOIM is part of the requirements thus you must comply. Check the homeaffairs website as it is stated there. The validity of the noim is up to 18 months.Before signing perhaps ask your celebrant with regards to changing the dates if it lapses on the intended date and if they will allow any changes due to uncertainty. Also the requirements that was asked by our celebrant was my passport and my signature but since im still in ph our celebrant allowed us to have my signature once im back in Au and for my fiancee /aussie was his passport . Again it differs per celebrant.
    I didnt uploaded my Noim after lodgement I uploaded it after 3 months.

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