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How many weeks before a 457 visa is released after lodging?



  • apcapc Brisbane
    Posts: 147Member
    Joined: Nov 15, 2011
    kumusta na timeline ng 457 ngayon 2012? may bago ba naglodge at na approved. Share naman kayo timeline:

    Here's my timeline:
    11 April 2012 nomination lodged
    26 April 2012 nomination approved
    30 April 2012 e457 lodged
    now waiting...hoping to get visa by the end of May
  • nikks19nikks19 Mandaluyong
    Posts: 1Member
    Joined: Sep 25, 2014
    Hi, may I ask lang po.

    Kakareceive ko lang po kasi ng 457 visa and OEC. kulang na lang ng plane ticket. part po kasi ng compliance form ng poea is for the employer to shoulder the plane ticket. they signed it naman. I read po sa immi na yung i-shoulder ng employer ang pabalik. I asked about the plane ticket sa employer ko ngayon lang pero nagulat po xa. sabi nya irereview pa nya. did anyone have the same experience?

    I hope everything will be ok. : )
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