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Master bedroom for rent

JhoyJhoy SydneyPosts: 42Member
This master bedroom is available anytime . Preferable for female, sharing for 4 persons $ 75/week and sharing of electricity bills and water bills once in every 3 months .

If you're interested email me [email protected]
Or inbox me or viber 61468479353


  • JhoyJhoy Sydney
    Posts: 42Member
    Joined: Jul 01, 2013
    As of now this master bedroom is available it is furnished with 1x queen sized bed, 1 single bed and 1sofa bed + cabinet + wardrobe+ study table.

    The place is located husrtville nsw, very close sa kingsgrove train station and hurstville train station.

    Couples: 260/ week ( 130 / person ) Internet free. Electricity bills and water bills sharing.

    Or you can ask your friend for sharing of 4 person for only $75/person/week.

    Filipino house mates.

    No bond needed.

    4 months minimum stay.

    Contact me on viber, or send me email for further enquiries.
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