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ilang DAYS bah lalabas ang result sa visa application after lodging?

goofygoofbotgoofygoofbot North RydePosts: 166Member
Kakasend lang ng message ng embassy saken that they have already received my additional documents and they are going further assess it nah.. Ilang days kaya lalabas ang result?


  • danyan2001usdanyan2001us Melbourne, Australia
    Posts: 2,536Member, Moderator
    Joined: Nov 14, 2012
    if you lodged onshore, and you're svp, it can come out in 3 days

    primary applicant- wife
    arrived melbourne- July 28, 2010

  • Xiaomau82Xiaomau82 Singapore
    Posts: 1,877Member
    Joined: Mar 08, 2014
    Kakasend lang ng message ng embassy saken that they have already received my additional documents and they are going further assess it nah.. Ilang days kaya lalabas ang result?
    whcih visa subclass po ba?
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