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Looking for a room or share accommodation for family of 3

zoe_girlzoe_girl Davao CityPosts: 164Member
I will be in SA by 3rd week of March and my partner and 5 yr old daughter will follow on May. Bka pwede po makishare ng house sa mga bagong lipat din. :)

10/10/13 - Submitted ACS Assessment application
01/31/14 - received suitable result for job code 263212 ICT Support Engineer
04/03/14 - IELTS registration
04/24/14 - IELTS exam date.
04/24/14 - IELTS Result: L7.5 R7 W6.5 S7.0
07/02/14 - submitted EOI
07/12/14 - submitted application for nomination for visa 489 SA
08/25/14 - received the invitation to lodge 489 visa
09/19/14 - planning to lodge 489 visa
10/10/14 - lodge 489 visa
12/10/14 - CO Allocated
01/14/14 - medical exam
02/03/14 - VISA 489 GRANTED!!! yey!


  • JhoyJhoy Sydney
    Posts: 42Member
    Joined: Jul 01, 2013
    Hi we have available room call me in viber 0468479353 .
    3 person is fit in the master bedroom
  • zoe_girlzoe_girl Davao City
    Posts: 164Member
    Joined: Jan 05, 2012
    Hello po. Sent u pm. Thank u soooo much po sa invite...

    10/10/13 - Submitted ACS Assessment application
    01/31/14 - received suitable result for job code 263212 ICT Support Engineer
    04/03/14 - IELTS registration
    04/24/14 - IELTS exam date.
    04/24/14 - IELTS Result: L7.5 R7 W6.5 S7.0
    07/02/14 - submitted EOI
    07/12/14 - submitted application for nomination for visa 489 SA
    08/25/14 - received the invitation to lodge 489 visa
    09/19/14 - planning to lodge 489 visa
    10/10/14 - lodge 489 visa
    12/10/14 - CO Allocated
    01/14/14 - medical exam
    02/03/14 - VISA 489 GRANTED!!! yey!

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