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Certifying Documents

sunflowersunflower BrisbanePosts: 438Member
Hi, all!

I'm in the process of collecting all the documents I need for my Early Childhood (Pre-Primary Teacher) Skills Assessment. According to AITSL, only certified copies of original documents are required for the process. And so, I need to get all my original documents certified in a Notary Public.

But here's the thing... I've been reading up about Notary Publics here in the Philippines and I've read some horror stories about fake ones scattered around.

Baka naman mayroon kayong mai-susuggest na legit Notary Public na nasa Quezon City? :)

Thanks in advance!


11/Apr/15: IELTS-IDP AU (L: 8.5, R: 8.5, W: 7.5, S: 8.0)
14/May/15: Lodged AITSL Application
14/Jul/15: Positive Assessment from AITSL
24/Jul/15: Submitted EOI (60 pts.)
6/Sep/15: Received ITA
19/Sep/15: Lodged Visa 189
16/Oct/15: Lodged documents for Teacher Registration
27/Oct/15: CO Allocated (Team Adelaide)
10/Dec/15: Visa Grant :)
12/Feb/16: Became a Registered Teacher in QLD
5/Jun/16: Big Move to Oz!
11/Jun/16: Hired as a Kindergarten Teacher

"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows. It's what the sunflowers do." -Helen Keller


  • FuturesFutures Melbourne
    Posts: 140Member
    Joined: Apr 11, 2015
    Online application ba gagawin mo? Sa amin kasi (EA), scan colored copy lang ng originals OK na.

    06Dec14 : IELTS (R7 L7 W7 S6.5)
    12Feb15 : Queued for EA Assessment (BSEE)
    18Apr15 : IELTS Retake (R8.5 L7 W7.5 S7 +10!)
    05May15 : EA positive
    05May15 : Lodge EOI 65 points
    08May15 : Invited for 189
    23June15 : Submitted and paid by BPI Mastercard CC
    17Aug15 : CO assigned (Day 55)
    16Nov15 : Wife's early but successful delivery
    21Nov15 : Applied for baby's passport (RD: December 7)
    08Dec15 : Sent passport to CO
    05Jan16 : Received acknowledgement of additional dependent
    07Jan16 : Received HAP ID for baby's medicals
    09Jan16 : Medicals completed
    25Jan16 : All medical clearance provided
    23Feb16 : Thanks God!

    Preparing for April Big Move!

  • sunflowersunflower Brisbane
    Posts: 438Member
    Joined: May 10, 2015
    @Futures Awwww buti pa sa inyo convenient! Walang online application sa AITSL eh, kailangan hardcopy talaga. Oh well.

    Anyway, nakahanap na rin ako ng legit na Notary Public. Meron palang nasa loob mismo ng UP. :)


    11/Apr/15: IELTS-IDP AU (L: 8.5, R: 8.5, W: 7.5, S: 8.0)
    14/May/15: Lodged AITSL Application
    14/Jul/15: Positive Assessment from AITSL
    24/Jul/15: Submitted EOI (60 pts.)
    6/Sep/15: Received ITA
    19/Sep/15: Lodged Visa 189
    16/Oct/15: Lodged documents for Teacher Registration
    27/Oct/15: CO Allocated (Team Adelaide)
    10/Dec/15: Visa Grant :)
    12/Feb/16: Became a Registered Teacher in QLD
    5/Jun/16: Big Move to Oz!
    11/Jun/16: Hired as a Kindergarten Teacher

    "Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows. It's what the sunflowers do." -Helen Keller

  • MiaMia NZ
    Posts: 324Member
    Joined: Oct 27, 2011
    @sunflower was that in the Alumni Centre? That's where I had my documents certified years ago.
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