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RNs who will be finishing their 2-year Bachelor Course in Straya dito tayo!

janinleejaninlee SydneyPosts: 289Member
Hello guys!
I will be finishing my Bachelor of Nursing course in December 2015. Who's in the same boat with me? I have only 1 semester left and I'm gathering information on how to get my PR after I finished my course and passed either IELTS or OET. I have less than a year nursing experience back from the Philippines. However, I am currently working as a carer in a nursing home. I hope someone could help and inform me about the process.. Thank you..

SVP Subclass 573 with dependent
January 2014- arrived Australia
March 2014- Classes start
December 2015- finished uni.
December 2015- Lodged subclass 485 visa, Medical exams cleared.
February 2016- 485 Visa Granted
March 2016- skills assessment application submitted
May 4 2016- positive skills assessment
May 16 2016- Lodged EOI (60 points)
May 24 2016- ITA subclass 189
June 4 2016- lodged subclass 189
June 14 2016- CO allocation (team Adelaide)
***********waiting for the golden GRANT*********

To God be the glory!!

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